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>queen Marika got mating pressed by this absolute unit

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This was the cringiest fucking boss fight in souls history

Why the FUCK wasn’t the fight him and his lion cat 2v1? Instead its some cringe shit on his back that didn’t even matter

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Is this achievable natty?

>Why the FUCK wasn’t the fight him and his lion cat
because the cat was only there to feed off his test
removing it meant he went full test
the cat was never full test in the first place, it would have been cringe to fight that pussy

He is a warrior. His Narnia Lion is more about lore than anything else.

Is You against the Man, the Warrior.

Is serosh taking a bite of the 1st elden lord??

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>fight him with claymore in first phase
>switch to caestus and remove my chest piece in second phase

>queen Marika got mating pressed by this

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How do you fight this guy in phase 2? It seems like you're supposed to run away from him because he's spamming 10 hit jazz hands combos that come out faster than you can keep dodging. It's jazz hands and grabs that you can't interrupt because they've all got hyper armor and/or huge AoE shockwaves that you need to escape.

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Haven’t played through the game yet. Is he immortal/undead like the other tarnished guys are? He seems like he is in pretty good shape, like he’s just sitting there while everyone else has been falling apart, going crazy and aging physically.

>supposed to be strong and scary
>got wrecked by my bloody katana

My mimic tear fought him for me.

Serosh is restraint him.
that's how civilization is founded.

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>best and most fun boss fight that From clearly put most effort into is fucking optional
There was more effort put into this guy and his stage overall than any joke/garbage that the game throws at you as mandatory. Even mere animation of your character picking the sword in this stage has far more effort put into it than anything in this game in general. It's a joke.

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Rykard was indeed KINO

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Has any of those dataminers done a video showing what this grab attack looks like from a 3rd party POV? The timing on this shit is so fucking weird. I swear it actually fucking freezes in midair just to fuck with your intuitive understanding of how things like "momentum" and "physics" work.

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best voice actor

I love it. Real anime shit.

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>only giant boss fight in which you can fully see the said enemy properly
I wish devs utilized that shit on other giant enemies as well.

just threw some purple rocks at him from a safe distance and then he died

I would love it more if it didn't do 4/5ths of my HP bar. Now I just him to obey the same laws of physics I'm compelled to obey when leaping through the air.

You have no room to talk, Elden Ring is at least 4 times the size of any other from game lul

Rykard ending when? I want to be TOGETHAAA!

>he's spamming 10 hit jazz hands combos that come out faster than you can keep dodging
roll to his side instead of backwards

It's just that if you roll through the giga combo, and then attack, you won't have enough green bar to roll through the NEXT combo he'll do to punish you attack him.

Hmmm, very well, let us devauour da gods TOGETHAAH.. AS FAMILY

He is pretty much an Apostle from Berserk. I love his arena, it's so fucking chaotic.

>Morgott was supposedly hated by his parents
>Still had Marika's grace when she had disowned all his siblings
>Godfrey mourns his body
I'm thinking that guy was correct, who said the OG Japanese was talking more about how he never crazed love instead of that his family didn't love him


You guys think Marika is physically broken because of the whole "Shattering the Elden Ring that she was host of" thing or was it really because Godfrey went all Hoarah Loux on the bed? Motherfucker probably caused earthquakes on the whole of Leyndell and Altus Plateau while fucking.

That was my point, fag! The game is massive and it is easy to miss shit on multiple of your playthroughs unless you are following a guide that spoils you everything.
Putting so much effort into this boss and making him optional is beyond retard. Especially when you look at some of mandatory bosses like Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Elden Beast, etc. You get the idea. Meanwhile, the boss that devs clearly put their effort and care into so he feels special is something you can fucking miss in the game and it sucks because this guy is fun as fuck.

Level up endurance?? Hello.

>delays attack for 3 seconds
>bring down his hands in 0.1seconds which you literally can't react to it thanks to roll lag
>get one-shotted
Remember when fromsoft bosses weren't this trial and error bullshit?

And Marika was still stronger.

you can summon a humanoid spirit for the fight and watch his grab attacks, they do have weird timing and I have no idea how actually dodging them goes, I regret summoning my mimic tear for this fight because other than my mimic getting suplexed the second phase was over too quickly.

To be fair, Godskin Duo was based as fuck.

I feel the same when it comes to Mohg as well.
Melania on another hand was a huge overhyped let down. Her whole "difficulty" stems from her spamming Waterfowl Dance and have cheap gimmick in which she restores health with each hit. That ain't challenging. That is merely cheap. However, I'm not surprised that the thing that gets most overhyped ends up being huge pile of trash.

Put together the pieces user. The Elden ring is physically inside Marika. It was not Marika who did the shattering. It was Godfrey that shattered it with his dick by pummeling it away inside Marika's womb.

This boss would have been perfect if he didn't start spamming like 100 red skulls that tracks you in the second phase.

>spamming gauss cannon while rykard can’t do shit
Don’t get me wrong visually it was a cool fight but it wasn’t engaging or fun

Mohg pissed me off because he just nonstop vomits lingering bloodfire everywhere in phase 2 so I have no clue when it's safe to get in and hit him

Serosh keeps his bloodlust in check so Godfrey doesn't rip off his shirt and start suplexing people.

I literally beat him in one try lol. 'Delayed for three seconds' mother fucker just watch

He's dead in the intro, who could have killed this absolute unit besides the tarnished?

You attack him from the door
t. comet azur

Physics insofar as falling and lunging make no fucking sense in Elden Ring. Sometimes guys take a step and attack. Sometimes guys take a step, fly 20 feet forward somehow, then attack.

>Use mimic tear +rivers of blood
>Boast in Yea Forums how i beat it in one try

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Rykard is a fun fight except for that shockwave attack he can do in phase 1 that is literally and unironically fucking undodgeable

He led the tarnished out of the lands between, to wage war in some ass-end of the world. Dude probably just kept putting ridiculous restrictions on himself until he got beat in a fight.

Marika was a freak on God. She basically took what is akin to full sized horsecock balls deep.

Say what you want about my mimic bro but watching two of me fuck Malinia against a wall was hilarious.