ITT games that only Zoomers think are good


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league of legends
that car game where u kick a ball
elden ring

Pokemon B/W/B2/W2


Dwarf Fortress

Deus ex

why are millenials obsessed with zoomers?
we don't obsess over you to nearly this extent.
we just call you cringe or old and move on.

super mario 64 ds
sonic adventure 2



Elden ring
Zelda games
Dark souls
Deus ex

Pretty much everything this board has been talking about and spamming for the last 5 years. Its literally reddjt.

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ALL the earthbound inspired RPGs that came out in the last 10 years

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Smash Ultimate, not exactly shit but you'll definitely find it amazing if is the first in the series you played but awfully stale if you been playing Smash since 64, let alone brawl since we pretty much had different version of Brawl ever since

They're too busy beating off to tiktoks of underage girls to play vidya.

They are afraid of finally growing old and withering away, pure cope.

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apex legends

is not a generational thing retard, zoomers refer to "anyone younger than me" all the time regardless of generation likewise with boomers not literally someone of the baby boomer generation

They're fighting against time and the reality they're no longer young.
Either that or they're just maladjusted people.

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zoomer here ama

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Mid-life crisis as they realize how soon their impending demise is approaching

Minecraft is fine and Fortnite is better now that they removed the faggy building spam shit

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Not with those sideburns or cigarette. At least have a vape pen

kino artwork

anything that came out after the PS2/GameCube/Dreamcast generation ended

>why are millenials SO HECKIN CHEUGY
Zoomers did make an entire word to try and make fun of millenials for being out of touch so that's kind of obsessive

I like minecraft - 31

is there a single mortal who has escaped this curse?

we're not young enough to be "young", but also not old enough for boomers to start shitting on you instead.
No one gives a shit about Gen X'ers.

Only zoomers and literal boomers like Plutonia Experiment. Millenials think it's too hard and get filtered by it

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me and Outkast

elden ring

>is there a single mortal who has escaped this curse?
Bernie Sanders

lol no

Among Us

Fortnite was a good game and one of the only modern shooting games in a long time that wasn't a shitty cod derivative.
Zoomers seem to hate it though because it got popular with their younger siblings.
an afpsfag

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>boomers not literally someone of the baby boomer generation
Pisses me off man. 30 year old boomer was the original meme highlighting how young niggas were getting old. Then normies appropriated it into "fuck old people" because they thought it literally meant baby boomers.

I never cared for "it" I just try everything and stick with what makes me happy.

Zoomen will never experience true bliss

Not even though.
Part of the reason people even vote for him is because he panders that he's some "out-of-touch" grandpa who is so far away from you but just happened to always have had really progressive views that only now aren't radical.

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What is the most underrated game of all time?

me but as the zoomer getting filtered by it
i haven't given up yet but i haven't gone back after clearing the map with the inescapable death pit with mancubi and revenants shooting at you from a ledge (i'm autistic and want to beat the levels without savescumming)

Dumb fucking underage


Except then everyone jumped to making a For nite derivative, which in my opinion is worse.

dead rising 2

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No shame in savescumming to learn the level as long as you replay it saveless after knowing what to do

3D Sonic
Elden Ring

Holy based zoomers

yeah, noobs/newfags/normie always ruined memes since the dawn of time by doing it wrong, memes get ruined but the memories when they peaked are with us forever ayup

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Actually ITT:

Old, whiny, self-loathing, hate-filled, bitter, joyless, cuck-faced, söylent-grinning, millennial manbabbys.

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That's a fucking lie and you know it. Everybody knows what a zoomer is when they hear the word.



These games are peak Zoom Zoom

>we just call you cringe or old and move on.
that is obsessing you dumb zoomer, you will always live in our shadow

Can’t even name Rocket League, what a sad aging boomer

can't believe nobody mentioned Valorant

And what word was that exactly?

yeah a npc of todays trend, someone could be 28 and still mentally a zoomer

I can't believe it took them this long to mention Undertale and Omori

>but the memories when they peaked are with us forever ayup
tell ya what dude, thats hella tight

doki doki literature club


No that isn't. If namecalling/insulting counts as being obsessed than nearly everyone here is or has been obsessed at one point which I find hard to believe

>no doom eternal

Why was there a less divide between genxers and older millennials than genz and millennials? I feel bad for late millennials who had to deal with bs coming from aging boomers and now annoying zoomers.

Why do incels hate this hair style?

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I have yet to meet a zoomer that hates this game

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you make up retarded terms to divide each other then keep shifting the blame. The terms boomer and zoomer were only good(ish) when it was the 30 year old boomer mowing lawn and chugging monster at 7 am to annoy the zoomer, now it's just retards finding yet another way to classify themselves like they do to every damn thing

This is the gayest psyop going, we're all brothers

I just like to make fun of everyone because it's funny

is not that deep dude, is just memes

well yeah for most of us, like stated when normies caught on to the boomer memes they were doing it wrong and taking it as fuck old people

anyways the answer I guess is social media echo chambers with people being more and more out of touch with reality and more absorbed in self-image in other words "clout"


I win

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