Yea Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread: >All vidya art is welcome, feel free to share your work
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>Have fun! (archive) (new)

NSFW Deliveries:

Drawing Books and drawing programs:
/ic/ sticky:

Attached: Draw Thread.png (978x1171, 1.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anchor Post

Attached: SF Anchor.png (700x750, 318.53K)

Requesting Grimm smashed by the Deep Sea Knight's anchor looking cartoonishly flat stuck to the anchor like as if it's a cartoon.

Attached: 1649040278876.png (941x537, 661.93K)

I would like to request a drawing of Frostlord Rozalin acting as a cheerleader, please. Feel free to alter her default outfit to match a cheerleader's.

Attached: Frostlord Rozalin Wants To Be A Cheerleader.png (1472x958, 1.32M)

What's this from?

Requestan double assjob

Attached: 2.png (1138x1312, 1.2M)

I request a drawing of two moogles going through a heated divorce

Requesting the right pic with Maya (Dragon Quest) getting her belly button licked by her sister Meena.

Attached: B19A9537-86A1-4D35-AE8D-9E1C0E3B0392.png (3661x1920, 3.55M)

Requesting Rivet and user preparing to have sex for the first time with her using a breeding compatibility device testing their DNA to see if they have to worry about needing condoms but it gives her a 100% compatibility result to her displeasure hoping they wouldn't need protection so she lies to user saying they don't have to worry about needing a condom.

Attached: 645243265235.png (535x523, 622.28K)

Requesting Jas and the Farmer dancing together at the Flower Dance festival.

Attached: 129482957235.png (1086x812, 1005.79K)


Requesting Katy & Lammy scuba diving / snorkeling underwater together, either in bikinis or nude.
Or choose one if you don't wanna draw two characters.

Attached: lamkat.png (830x434, 562.65K)

Requesting Beastmaster Raha in a playboy bunny suit.

Attached: beast-master-raha.jpg (1000x1159, 176.62K)

It's from a game called the long drive

Requesting any of these with Reina Nanami from Mahjong Soul

Attached: reina es mi reina.jpg (2120x1968, 1.07M)

reminder that you're a pedophile and deserve death

Requesting this lewd ASCII of Estelle Bright be drawn to how the artist interprets it. If this general pose isn't to your liking dont worry I could dig up a few more

Attached: estelle.png (1837x2275, 1.64M)

Shouldn't you be looking for a Stardew Valley thread to seethe about Jasfags in?

Anons i still need your help!
My money is still draining fast and the loansharks are threatening to cut off my balls if i dont cough up the money soon

The plan is still unchanged, i need more gamer iconography to wring that sweaty gamercash out of these gullible nerds. And thats where you come in! I need you to help make billboards and signs for my park to lure those grubby gamers into giving me their money.
Artistic experience is not required, anyone can participate as they please. The more the merrier. And if you need an extra incentive, if you post a request with your delivery i will try to give you a doodle in return.

Heres more info for those interested

Attached: BooAdIngame.png (945x612, 708.7K)

Are you an artist? Do you want to draw a specific character but think most replies are uninspired? Do you have way too much time on your hands and want a full blown lewd autism idea that would probably take too much time and effort to actually do? Im your guy!

Requesting Koakuma from Touhou getting her ass slapped as she's shaking it like in this gif or alternatively just shaking her bare ass.

Attached: Koakuma butt shake.gif (498x498, 604.42K)


Then give me a character user, if it isn't something I dont know entirely I got your back

your just gonna laugh at me and say no...

Not really. I will only say no if I dont know who they are or obviously cant think of a good context

Posting some fanart I made.

Attached: moviesonicconcept.png (1056x1477, 2.13M)

>I'm unironically not a furry
I dont believe you

Its ok, no one does. Its tru tho.

You sound like one of those insufferable furry in denial types.

Draw female furries being romantic with human men.

Call it what you want. People have said im in denial for the past 3 years. 10 years will pass and Ill get the same shit.

i just did this drawing, what do you guys think?

Attached: sonicfinal.png (689x861, 1.03M)

Requesting Lucas, Duster and Kumatora from Mother 3 striking the same pose as the Barrier Trio

Attached: Mother 3 req.jpg (4500x7719, 3.32M)

Requesting Momo from Rival Schools as a mahou shoujo with a magical-racket-wand

Attached: Momo Karuizawa.jpg (794x1045, 271.67K)

Attached: shitpost.jpg (800x650, 351.22K)

I like it but...
>two right hands

>blue arms
cwc's gonna freak

Requesting the middle picture with Scorn Guy and Dark Samus.

Attached: v drawthread request.jpg (2935x2400, 2.12M)

Both of these are really good.

It could benefit from some sharper contour lines here and there but overall nice.

Requesting Bayonetta wearing a Kamui from Kill la Kill
It could be either Ryuko's Senketsu or Satsuki's Junketsu, or something original based on Bayo's design combining elements from both series, feel free to do what you want with the idea

Attached: Bayo KLK request.png (2440x720, 1.81M)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing an alternate version of her Long Maid Outfit, either a more cyber-like appearance with neon lights or circuits/headphones, a steampunk version with cogs as decoration or maybe a bodice, or an armored version of the maid outfit with metal plates/greaves/gauntlets, must keep the long dress and sleeves.

Non in-game reference:

Nothing lewd please.

Attached: MarielMaidOutfit.png (1268x788, 924.88K)

>Sonicfags ruin yet another thread

Requesting the pic on the right but with Cave Johnson from Portal

Attached: Cave Johnson ref.png (1218x700, 872.1K)

Requesting Kirby fighting Goku

Attached: Masthead_Kirby.17345b1513ac044897cfc243542899dce541e8dc.9afde10b.png (800x779, 40.07K)

>noooo they're drawing what they want instead of my eggman and knuckles spam!

Alright bro show me what you got, gay or straight are both a-ok. If it tickles me the right way i'll doodle it
I really like the way you did the grass, and the lightning/electricity is cool. very nice job user

Attached: ThoughtsOfDigDug.png (647x1117, 83.48K)

Kek, that's great user

Unironically yes

Requesting Ashley ENF.

Attached: images.jpg (211x239, 8.61K)

>eggman and knuckles spam!

Well don't just sit there gimme someone!

Two months since KOFXV release and still no good Dolores porn, so requesting exactly that.
No Kukri or rape please.

Attached: character_dolores.png (932x1624, 1.03M)

Attached: shp.jpg (2750x2400, 1.84M)

I wish to have a doodle of 2B

Attached: 2bride.png (1792x988, 1.03M)

Requesting a sexy pin-up of Laevatein from Fire Emblem: Heroes in just these undies.

Attached: laev2.jpg (525x907, 87.75K)


Requesting her eating some apple pie

Attached: A Cultured Lady of Class.png (478x494, 335.93K)

When botfag makes Sonic requests he'll either request something with Eggman or Knuckles.

Requesting wadanohara getting dunked

Attached: Wadano.jpg (3686x2082, 1.92M)

mad man

Requesting Colette Brunel pissing herself and wetting her tights

Attached: tumblr_p2rzn6aFfn1u2lyiwo1_1280.png (1278x1283, 812.03K)

>Hey you know these two popular characters from this incredibly well known series?
>Turns out every single request for them is just one guy, can you believe it?
I can only hope that one of these days you realize how crazy you sound
There's a difference between one guy asking for art of one very specific alternate costume of a minor character from a crash bandicoot racing game, and multiple people requesting characters everyone knows in multiple occasions