
Will this game BTFO Yea Forums?

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I'm surprised they put in a white dude

Just like their previous game did. I genuinely can't remember the name lmao.

This is the one where everyone wears clown shoes, right?

Here's the leaks, you can judge what type of game this will be

Attached: redfall-leak-6.jpg (1200x675, 118.45K)

The name is mentioned twice in OP nigger



Devs have said it’s a lot like Prey.

>Just like their previous game did
Reading comprehension, dumb fuck.
Their previous game was Wolfenstein Youngblood btw

Deathloop unironically buckbroke Yea Forums lmao.

Is that why it flopped?

by flopping lmao

No, being an ImSim is why. Doesn’t stop Yea Forums from making daily “lol this game is forgotten” threads full of rabbid /pol/fags.

>item shop on the right corner
>digital currency
Into the trash it goes.

>being an ImSim is why
Meanwhile Dishonored did well enough to warrant a sequel.

If it looks that blurry it will be a shit game.

HAHAHA so this is gonna BTFO Yea Forums?

Nobody knew dishonored was an ImSim until it was too late. It’s also the most bare bones ImSim arkane has made other than deathloop.

No, the finished and heavily modified from this version build of the game will.

I hope not. I hope nobody wants this. Otherwise I'm truly out of touch and that would suck to have to re-evaluate.

Why do you say that?

By that logic Deathloop should've been even more successful.

I don't understand. People talk about this game like it's going to be an Immersive Sim but every leak has made it out to be a 4 player co-op looter shooter. What kind of game is this? Why is Arkane so bad at letting people know what their games are?

Literally nobody knew what the fuck that game was about before it was released. The studio had to make like 10 videos explaining it and people were still confused as hell.
I still don't know what it's about but I'll never play it because it was made by Dinga Bakaba, a subhuman rat.

This and forspoken are already considered flops lmao

honestly I still have no idea what it is supposed to be
not that I care

Always sucks to re-evaluate how low the general populace's standards are.
But I'm not worry. Whack live-service looter-shooter with br"ish leads and trademark shit Arkane combat? Doubt it'll catch on.


>C'mon guys buy this game to trigger the Yea Forumstards!!!!
Seeing this more and more now
Nice red flag to show the game has literally no value

two sales worldwide
one of which being dev's mom

>yes we will put strong women and blacks in our game as a core tenet of ours here at arkane is inclusion and diversity an-
>w-what do you mean it sold 4 copies? The fuck?

It's literally just Fortnite Back 4 Blood. Absolute dogshit.

Nobody thinks it is an "immersive sim" (not a genre btw), except one literally retarded schizo here. They have already shown and talked about it enough to know that it is a bad Left 4 Dead clone with Overwatch and looter shooter mechanics.

>Shitty UI
>Item Shop
>View Friends
>Weapon level system
>Scrap value
>Multiple currencies
>Character looks like a troglodyte
This will bomb, hard.

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I've really been in the mood for a game like this. Me and some friends are looking forward to. Don't care if Yea Forums seethes since most people here are total normalfags anyway

Devs literally said it sold good enough to be success, retard

nah kys loser

only because of snoys

>>View Friends
>>Scrap Value
>>Weapon level system
Are you just naming random shit you saw on your screen and putting them in greentext to fit in?

>Item shop
>Two types of currency
>Looter shooter stats
>Soulless UI
Prey was such a fucking anomaly holy fuck

>devs doing damage control

It didn't sell. Did you seriously expect any of these developers to make something like that under Microsoft? Arkane is going to be shut down after this bombs.

>Did you seriously expect any of these developers to make something like that under Microsoft?
No, but at least I didn't expect B4B vampire edition

Then you've got a lot to learn. Microsoft is the death of game developers and creativity.

>Microsoft is the death of game developers and creativity
Oh I know that... I know that...

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>Arkane Borderlands
Might be okay

Good lord. So this is what Arkane has been up to since Colantio left? This and Deathloop. Real question is what the fuck is Harvey Smith doing?

Attached: arkane-founder-and-prey-director-raphael-colantonio-departs-studio-149859891364.jpg (800x1199, 130.12K)

problem was bethesda had no idea how to market prey. people in the know at best perceived it as "bioshock in space" while most expected a sf shooter. just like with dishonored it was disheartening as fuck to see how most streamers played it at launch.

>games built around organically exploring levels and finding shit
>they just rush from objective marker to objective marker

Attached: rabbit-dead-face.png (520x423, 233.02K)

I don't care either because I don't intend to play some economic migrants self insert game.

>Color tiered weapons
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped

n-no it will be good m$ft will be the rebirth of all of these IPs they're buying up! They bought these studios to make good games and game pass isn't to drive people into normalizing rent seeking behavior in games, it's cheap and will remain cheap forever out of the goodness of their hearts!

Weird West sucked Colantonio should stick to first person games

Deathloop had that shit too, for some reason. Even though it made no actual difference in the gameplay.

A studio wasting money would never lie about wasting money, would they?

So they're going to delay it, right? It's supposed to launch this summer, and they haven't released anything about it aside from that initial trailer. The most we've got about it is from this leak

>view frieds
Means it's multiplayer oriented.
>scrap value
Either means items you acquire become currency for purchasing stuff or materials for upgrading something.
>weapon level system.
Means looter shooter.
It's a Gaas. It will not succeed.

I'm going to go full conspiracy theorist and say that one of two things will happen
>They cancel it after seeing how B4B flopped
>They rework everything to at least play somewhat similar to Arkhane's other titles

Deathloop is probably the best example of an entirely manufactured dick sucking from would-be critics for, to me at least, absolutely no discernable reason whatsoever. If you look at and the response it received only logical answer appears to be "because it has black people".

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Definitely delayed into next year they’ll probably show it at their not-E3 event


At this point I think I would take the endless waves of corridor shooters that AAA used to pump out other these constant borderlands clones

is this another fucking looter shooter?