Its all downhill from here

Its all downhill from here

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Other urls found in this thread:â„¢-4-1-2014

Blizzard was going downhill long before that moment

Word on the street is that his account was banned afterwards. Anyone can confirm?

Dragonflight is ticking all the right boxes.

Blizzard mind controlled him and now he is an apologist.

A hero....

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Where were you when you realized that there will never be another Blizzcon?

Why'd he do it?

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Not even Jesus could save you if you genuinely think it was not already crashing and burning long before that point in history.

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This. Red shirt guy was just the final nail in the coffin.

Reminder about Blizzard's actual April Fools Day announcement for a Diablo mobile game called Happy Reaper in 2014:â„¢-4-1-2014

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I'm 35, I started disliking Blizzard when I was around 19? (I think).That's a long time to be considered terrible. I guess I just have good taste.

Or you're just a hipster.

one of the two

>Not liking Blizzard games in 2006


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All my friends quit everquest and galaxies. I was angry, young, frustrated, etc. Eventually just became indifferent.

I don't remember hearing this

>from here

Reminder the reason gaming is in it's current bad state is because devs and pubs listen to these whiners and are completely out of touch with the people they try to sell their games to.

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I honestly don't it. I get the argument that businesses are pragmatic and will sell what sells... but there has to be diminishing returns on the woke thing?
>most Americans are laissez faire about vanilla LGBT these days
>hollywood/gaming goes HEADLONG to get every inch of that representation into EVERY aspect of their product alienating centrists (who collectively have way more money than a few woke twitter warriors)
I'm not even trying to make a point or dismiss LGBTs, I'm just confused.

I'm not reading all that.

Boxes of shit.

BC was a stinking pile of shit. People remember it fondly because it was babbies first expansion. It removed everything great about WoW and condensed it into a tiny fucking god awful area.

All Blizzard had to do was announce Diablo 4 before announcing a fucking Diablo mobile game and nobody would've cared, but Blizzard doesn't give a fuck and is so out of touch with reality.

What was the exact moment Blizzard started going downhill?

Starcraft 2

Burning Crusade was the start. People want to say Wrath or Cata, but Blizzard realized they could shit out anything and people will slop it up and beg for more.

not even wrong

remember when everyone thought Shadowlands would be good. lmao.

I seem to take months long breaks but then keep crawling back to WoW to get my fix. Help me. No other video games interest me like WoW does, even though WoW is shit. Is suicide the only option?

You're gonna swallow the pill and accept the fact that WoW will never be good again.

Does anyone else find themselves in a constant state of being surprised that blizzard still exists? The company is so embarrassing at this point that it just feels natural to assume they've shut down years ago. Every time I'm like "oh wow blizzard is seriously still around? weird"

>Shaved head
His opinion is invalid


stockholm syndrome + sunk cost fallacy is a deadly combo


>Used to play WoW on private servers
>The community has dried up with WoW classic
>thinking of coming back for Wrath

I miss it.

They're gross

So you're what... a left wing MtF transsexual with a greasy unkempt mess of long hair on your head? Or a regular cis male who copes with his own hair loss with a wispy combover? Or just a kid? Or, Allah forbid, an actual bio-cis female?

In any case, your opinion is incorrect and disregardable.

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Shut up egg head. Being bald is the beginning of the end

Honestly it was Wotlk.
I liked the expac but it was the precipice before the plunge. I didnt even hate cata immediately outside of the talent tree rehaul though.
Ever since Wotlk
>real ID(back when people didnt fucking plaster their personal info all over the internet)
>merged with activision
>first cash shop item
>cata having first ever sub drops
>starcraft 2 split into 3 games over several years
>diablo 3 with the auction house and general shittiness
>years late to the moba fad with HotS(which I actually enjoyed quite a bit until they axed it)
>hearthstone printing money for no good reason
>WC3 reforged travesty
>Dost thou not have cellular devices
>the tidal wave of lawsuits and laughable shit like the cosby room being a real thing and the breast milk bandits
But hey overwatch porn is a thing

Wasn't realID at the very end of it? I remember quitting after killing LK and then coming back in Cata and getting confused by it.

yeah I think it was during that like 6 month period where all they added was bug fixes, real ID and ruby sanctum prior to cata(ICC launched a full year before cata released)

Warcraft 2 and StarCraft were the only two good Blizzard PC games

WC3 was OK the first time, but it accidentally killed the entire RTS genre by putting the tools to make DOTA in the hands of their community, and I'll never forgive them for this.

Starcraft is one of the best games of all time.

good. RTS has been stagnant for 20 years. better to let it die

Nah, it doesn't even matter to real men. Only women, feminine men, and homosexuals lose sleep over cosmetic things.

I still have my full mane goin into my 30's and expect to not see a bald spot until my 50's or 60's thanks to good genes, sunlight, good food, etc. I doubt you can say the same, my dear MtF trans zoomie, what with all the xenoestrogen and plastic in your body.

Remember, you're basically just a watered down gayer version of us millennials. Your replacements are already on the way, and you won't be the ones "with it" VERY soon. This is the actual 'beginning of the end'. And considering the trans craze has already peaked, this point has possibly already passed for you. Now you have to accept growing old and eventually dying (if you don't join the 41% early, that is)
Then you must also hate Starcraft and its powerful map editor and customs scene as well. Without Starcraft mappers inventing the ASSFAGGOTS genre in the first place, there would be no DotA

In reality, dota's effect on killing a genre that was already dying and remains "dying" to this day is greatly exaggerated. RTS and 4x were never realistically going to beat out something like FPS, and the average consumer got less interested every passing year. If anything, dota helped keep it going by being the sole reason anyone was still buying Frozen Throne decades after its release, instead of pirating it for singleplayer. Dota was always niche, elitist, and had to be watered down in the form of LoL to succeed in the mainstream western market.

Blizzard butchering the re-release of WC3 and shutting down the old client for it, was the actual final nail in RTS's coffin.

Not trans and I've full head in my 30s, try harder LARPer

Why would I listen to someone bald lmao

They did him a favor if true.

Basically, devs are ten thousand times more likely to listen to what game journos tell them than to what their own fans do, in an industry where the journalists are considered an even bigger joke than they usually are.

So you just take what I said about myself and repeat it about yourself almost verbatim, have nothing original to say... but *i'm* the LARPer? Do you even know what that acronym stands for without looking it up, zoom zoom?

Make a recognizable enough brand name and you can power through years of bad decisions without losing steam.

Salt the earth Elon
Mars requires no Twitter

Two years ago twitter and reddit couldn't stop sucking his dick, even if their life depended on it.
What happened?

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kino cinematography here. what a shot

>Gacha trashlol no

this nigga overdosed on incel infographics

The moment they stopped hiring nerds and started hiring niggers and women.

I'm 34 and my hair is half gone any tips?

The science(read political landscape) changed.
If twitter becomes a private company then Elon will no one to answer to but himself which freaks the leftists out to no one since he's made no secret of despising what the left has become.
Get him to watch a few hours of Crowder and Razorfist and he'll go full scorched earth on their asses.

Hearthstone i think

>Ace Racer
>Harry Potter Magic Awakened
>Diablo Immortal
>Fading City

NetEase is unstoppable..

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odd, because despite Hearthstone having the most obnoxious monetization of all digital card games atm, its still truer to its Warcraft roots than WoW is

>red shirt fan in the light
>blue shirt Blizzard employee in the dark
>this was the last time they spoke as friends

look into transplants user, there are some products that work, but you won't be getting the same lushness that you would with a transplant.

Well i never played a lot of wow
But i think Hearthstone was the moment where they got that Chinese audience and money flowed
Then they made hots, start changing wow, made Diablo etc. etc.