77 years ago today, and good fucking riddance

77 years ago today, and good fucking riddance.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>77 years ago today
And still seething about it.

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>Implying he did not die of old age in Argentina

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Yet the west still supports Ukraine. From where I'm sitting it looks like he might have won this one.

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>take best guys and put them in positions to benefit yourself
>this is somehow the same as the Nazi's winning

tf u mean he's right here gaming with me

sent from my iPhone

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based hitler getting hundreds of millions of white people killed

>>this is somehow the same as the Nazi's winning
Kinda, America is German, even the Burger is German.
Are all video game players this thick and childish? You use Germany tech and leadership? Without Germany you would suck and yes, America suffered such heavy losses, looking at modern America and the last few white people getting hunted down by Negros, Id say America never won the war.

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t. jew

Just goes to show how effective the National Socialist meritocracy was. History really has proven that they were right about most things

Only whites differentiate, to everyone else on the planet you're all one and the same. Jew = white and white = jew.

>based hitler getting hundreds of millions of white people killed
Britain declared war, America fueled the war.
Without The Lend Lease, Hitler would have easily won the war and was for a good portion of said war.
No, Hitler didnt kill white people, White people killed Hitler because Hitler and the NSDAP went after a Jewish banker.
White people died to keep Jewish banks safe and sound.
White people die for Jews, WW2 was about banker Jews and Americans DID EVERYTHING they could to win the war against Hitler.
White people are their own worst enemy.

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>arabs = white
literally no one thinks this

holy cope

>Light skinned


>Britain declared war
Stopped reading there. Typical brainwashed neo-nazi faggot.


yah all look the same to me.

literally true tard

>77 years ago today
And kikes still won't shut the fuck up about it every day. "Holocaust remembrance" is a revenue stream

>Tfw you were psyopped into thinking this man and these people were the most evil to ever exist

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>Britain and France's declaration of war on Germany
why are leftoids so dishonest and ignorant

>those face pats

Hitler declared war on Poland in 1939. Hitler still declared war on the Soviet Union in 1941.

This overton window theory is getting to me. I see it more and more. Fuck you elon.

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Go back to Twitter you celebrity worshipping cuck

Fuck off nigger, I can acknowledge that a rock is a rock.

Leftists caused war with Russia and leftists pushed for vax. Leftists accepted millions of non whites into white countries and leftists push for racemixing

And yet you are the ones following his example.

Attached: tranny it's 47 now.jpg (866x688, 45.38K)

>dont do this or we'll declare war
>*do this*
>we declare war on Germany


but they still got BTFO

I never thought of it like that. It really do be like that.

As soon as you fuck off to your bunkertranny discord shithole.

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Studies have shown that Dems have barely gone to the left while Republicans have gone much further to the right

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How butthurt would everyone be if definitive proof came out that revealed that Hitler faked his death and escaped to South America?

What the fuck is this thread

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I saw that last night on Timcast. The other graph shows that the Dems actually have gone farther right and the Traditionalists have barely moved at all. Nice try with the gaslighting though. Next you're going to tell me biden isn't 1% away from becoming the most unpopular president in history.

Republicans are also much further right compared to the world's political parties, while Democrats are largely centrist

Attached: American parties compared to world parties.jpg (990x236, 30.51K)

God goy, retweet daddy Musk enough and he'll reinstate Trump

>the other graph
which is?

Good thing we aren't the rest of the world. Good thing we aren't a democracy.

why not the same with mao and stalin?

Mao and Stalin won their wars

Unironically the amount of villainization about him and the Nazi's in general is so god damn laughable, how the fuck do normies even take it seriously? When is this web of lies gonna finally be broken? I just want the truth to be out there.

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Here you go, direct from Pew.

The truth is out there and it overwhelmingly points to the Holocaust being real and the Nazis being a party of genocidal Mongols (except the Mongols actually won wars lmao)


Video games

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Fuck azov nazis and nazis

idk about mao but stalin didnt really win the cold war

see a nazi, beat his fucking ass on site.

You won't do shit leftcel

Video Games!

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Stalin had been dead for decades by the time the cold war ended

You can believe what you want about the holocaust and shit, the nazis still marched on Europe for literally no reason at all aside from delusions about living space.

All good things come to an end. Now we have to wait for a few centuries before another such time of glory and advance will occur following the current downward spiral.

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dosnt change the fact he died meaning he lost the war along with the ussr

Based. Fucking owned those faggots in Mariupol yesterday. Eat shit Ukraine.

What a retard tier take. Almost thought you were serious


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That's right, white ppl don't exist

Did the Holocaust happen? Probably, did it happen in the way they say it like with Auschwitz and the numbers in just three years while also fighting a two front war? Absolutely fucking not. Did they make jewish handsoap and rabbi lampshades while puttong jewish kids in masturbation machines? Absolutely fucking not.

None of this shows that Democrats have moved further to the "right" (lol)
It's tellling that you don't post a graph directly and tell other people to find your evidence for you, the GOP as it is is a personality cult centered around a strongman, straight out of Central America or Southeast Asia

It’s not like they had the resources or men to decisively win the war after Barbarossa failed

>You won’t do shit leftc-ACK!

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not video games.

but considering how often /pol/tards show up here just to shoehorn their unhinged rants into video game discussions, i'll allow it, but just this once.

t. kike

Video Games

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Looks like you didn't read it anything beyond the 7th page. Typical.

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>punching federal agent informant
Cool it with the anti-semitism there.

Census records show that roughtly 6 million Jews disappeared from Europe during WWII. Where did they all go?
Which reputable Holocaust scholars actually push the masturbation machine myth (which as far as I can tell were only described in a single book written by a literally-who)

cant we all agree that nazis,commies and fascists are all bad

Nice counter arguement faggot.
Germany was actually on a upswing that time, recovering from the depression that put Hitler in power in the first place.
You can spin it how you want, starting war was not justified.

Why are you so afraid of posting proof? Its not your opponents job to find your proof for you

leftists are one of the most coward group of people in the world.
The only ones they actually harass are lesser beings, like women and minorities.

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Why didn't Chiang join the Axis? Because Chinks hate Japan?

I mean, yeah. Easily, I want them all dead.

There were no 6 million jews in Europe, nice try. And after World War 2 zionists were enacting terrorist acts like firebombing public buses to gaslight european jews into thinking Europe wasn't safe and to migrate to Israel.

Almost as if invading the USSR was a retarded idea and the Nazis were doomed from the start
At least Hitler killed more Nazis than anyone else in history and killed Hitler, pretty based

I did post proof, you're just being obtuse and disingenuous because you don't want to discuss it.

I mean yeah. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out.

CIA still trying to turn gamers into Nazis lol

Goodnight sweet prince

maybe because japan was invading and razing china, retard?

>tfw you know more about jews dying across the ocean than you do about Hispanic/Black/Asian/Irish oppression in the US

Proof that jews control the media--holocaust was fake and Hitler improved German conditions tenfold.

Which is funny, considering all the CP they get caught with. Seeing politicians comment on the sheer amount of porn those dudes collect has been hilarious




Yea just like russia started war right?

No, you just posted a general article and told me to find your proof in it. Meanwhile I posted a graph that directly supports my point. Why can't you do the same?
Again, its not my job to find your argument for you

Yes faggot

>h-he was just a fed! no REAL nazi would ever get knocked the fuck out like that! cool it with the anti-semitism th-ACK!

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So the answer is "yes, you're right?" Thanks.
Sad how nationalism, innate to the human condition, is ultimately what destroyed nationalism.

And he's still living rent-free in your deformed ugly subhuman head.

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He seems to be alive and well in your head, living rent free.

Putting cp on your enemy drive is most effective way how to neutralizer them. This is why usa has such strict cp rules than anyone else on this world.

user, most of the German descent comes from the German mercenaries the British used during the revolution who decided to stay in the country

if you are into politics at all you are a tranny in training

>posting another fed informant
Fucking kek. There are no real nazi's anymore you retard. All of them are feds or false fagging leftoids.

>look how badass we are sucker punching people like the pathetic weak little bitches we are

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Francisco Franco did nothing wrong

Based offtopic politics poster

>In 1939, there were 16.6 million Jews worldwide, and a majority of them – 9.5 million, or 57% – lived in Europe, according to DellaPergola’s estimates. By the end of World War II, in 1945, the Jewish population of Europe had shrunk to 3.8 million, or 35% of the world’s 11 million Jews.

How about usa trying to put missle silos in Ukraine which was clear provocation and act of aggression. How about Ukrainian bombing civilians in donbass past 8 years while getting supplied by USA. Any comment in that?

Tell your parrot to stop misgendering you.

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Most causalities are from Poland Russia and China so nothing of value lost.

>in 1945, the Jewish population of Europe had shrunk to 3.8 million, or 35% of the world’s 11 million Jews.
Yeah, they moved to America.

holy obsessed. touch grass you hideous abomination

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yes, that's why ultranationalism is the most retarded ideology in existence. two ultranationalist countries cannot co-exist. ultranationalism leads to nothing but endless, meaningless war and destruction where there are no winners, only losers.

That isn't an 'article' user-kun. Which is why I posted it. You on the other hand have posted nothing but a partisan image. Learn to cite.

Living long enough to see the financial power of the world shift from London to Wall Street NY.

>partisan image
>literally from the same site that you posted your article from

Yea haul more niggers into your country you fucking retard

It isn't and lying about it won't save face you lunatic.

Which sucks because the nation state is the only decent template for peace, prosperity and socialism.

Almost as if Europe bankrupted itself in two consecutive world wars, fucking retard

If I were sitting anywhere in Russia I would probably be forced to agree with that.

Reminder that authoritarian right-wingers are the largest consumers of cuckold porn, bestiality porn, necrophilia porn, and child porn among any of the 4 groups on the political compass. Literally the only response they have to this data is “IT’S ALL A JEWISH CONSPIRACY TO MAKE US LOOK BAD!”


Try looking again retard

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you can scream "retard" and "nigger" into the void all you want. it will never change the fact that all ultranationalist countries turned out to be a miserable failure, just like your life.

kek, people still think that Hitler committed suicide in 1945?

First world sociopath white trash like you deserve nothing but the worst kind of death.

Doesn't change the fact that Jews fled the continent and started talking about persecution the moment a nationalist movement told them to stay out of finance and politics.

also cunny

I'm in North Carolina so I guess it's spreading.

You worship niggers and ruined western civilization

this is from 2017...

>All those allies deaths are mostly soviet commies
Doesn't really prove anything

there never was an ultranationalist nation in the entire history of humanity


>Multiple studies don't exist

Look at West. Rape murder crime rate skyrocketed. You pathetic leftist faggot.

Without nationalism the West is turning into a miserable failure, and not just individual countries.

Can you prove that the 6 million jews who disappeard from Europe all moved to America?
>started talking about persecution
yeah, having a huge chunk of your population genocided will do that

it’s not sucker punching if you are openly supporting genocide. you do that shit and you know damn well what peoples response will be. if you get knocked the fuck out because you weren’t ready for someone to do something about your bullshit, that’s on you.

Cope seethe & dilate in that order
When you reply keep in mind you are typing in my language little cuck boy

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no, it was hubris
it's always hubris

been to Sweden lately?

No thanks, I'll continue to let retards enlist in the military and die so I can continue to live.

Clean it up jannies.

>accuses my imagine of being a "partisan image"
>clams that I'm lying when i say that both my imagine and your 'study' are from the same site
>backtracks when proven wrong
I win

Go ahead and explain how you are right.

You are instigating agression

Video games?
Why is this thread still up but any threat criticizing Sony gets instantly taken down and the poster gets permabanned?
If this thread is still up in 5 minutes I start posting info on Yea Forums jannies

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Considering you’re the ones watching the most cuckold porn of anyone, I’d say you’re the ones who worship black people.