You can never go back
You can never go back
i wasn't born
most fags on here werent born in 1996. this is a zoomer board
Nah in 1996 my dad was still depressed my brother died
Zoomer generation is soulless garbage
>TFW saw my friend at blockbuster and went over his house
>We rented Halo and a B grade horror movie and played it co op
>Then we played WoW and beat the Scarlet monastery, and then got ganked in Stranglethorne Vale
I have a desire to return
can’t relate. 97 baby here
zooom zoom
Thank god. I can watch movies for free now. Life is good.
i wasn't even a sperm in 1996
cope and seethe
i don't want to.
nostalgia is a mental illness.
well then obviously it doesn't apply to you idiot
Do you even watch these movies ?
old man from the 80s here. I miss video stores.
God damn I need to go back...
2001 zoomer here, i experienced this except it was my granddad, even replaced a game disk because the one i owned was scratched to shit
Good, that was your first mistake.
Woah, that actually happened.
My experience with the 90s kinda sucked because I was raises a single mom who was severely mentally ill, but there was something special about them. Less was more, the iPhone killed culture
>tfw 96 was like 40 years ago
time really flies when you hit 20-25
Why the fuck would I want to watch some garbage film for the whole family on fucking VHS
This is idiotic nostalgia for fools, I bet you liked the newest Spiderman film
For me it was playing the Blockbuster DKC demo with the minecart level with my mom so often that she decided to buy an SNES and the game to play co-op with me. I was so little that she'd always get past the hard parts while I watched until it was safe to join again. Can't go back, but the good news is we'll all eventually die.
I born in 2002. Dad wouldn't let me play video games, instead he would take me to the park with other kids.
Yes. These ironic boomers here seem to forget the conveniences we have today we dreamed about
I sure as hell wanted to have a pocket ICQ, good internet speed, not haul my fucking computer to somebody's house and on demand shows instead of programming my vcr to record it
Imagine being born after 1996 and missing peak Simpsons, Seinfeld, Pokemon, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Blink-182 etc etc
Anastasia was a really comfy movie.
Yet here you are.
You can still do this, just pick a movie to watch on your streaming services? you don't have to go out and drive anywhere, and now you can get the food delivered to you for half the price it use to be, sometimes even free.
I just went to the store with my sister to buy popcorn for microwave and watched the aliens movies through the pirate's bay just the other day
Stop reminiscing about the past, every time you do some asshole 'reboots' a thing and makes that thing become utter shit.
>You need to be 18 to po....
>People born in 1997 are already 25 years old
Don't play any game until age 11.
Guess, Mario Party 4
Blockbuster and game/video renting was so, so, so, so bad. It was an absurd fee for a single night or weekend here, something like 20-30 bucks? Completely retarded. Video rental stores were awful and their disappearance is a positive.
93' chad reporting in
gonna be dirty 30 soon
how we all doing?
Doing shit man, absolutely 10/10 awful
>You can still do this, just pick a movie to watch on your streaming services?
when things lack effort, they lose their satisfaction. going with your parents or your SO to blockbuster and you both pick out a movie to watch that night had a great feel to it
Had my birthday a few days ago and my present was a pack of cigarettes, a beer, and a king sized Reeces cup.
I went back by having kids and seeing the world through them
Hauling a backpack full of shit to your friends house was good. Going to different specific websites instead of the entire internet being 5 websites was good. Catching shows at their air time was good. Actively seeking out and engaging with the things you wanted instead of just being passively fed it all the time was good. Even if you emulated all the 90s shit now for the sake of the ritual and nostalgia, it doesn't have the same effect because nobody else is doing it. I don't really blame them either, if a videogame started you with a chaingun that had infinite ammo and fired exploding rounds as your starting weapon and let you find a pistol later, you'd stick with the chaingun even if it trivializes the game
I was born in 1991 and I've never been to a Blockbuster.
I grew up very rural and very poor.
Then you and your friend stayed up til' 3 in the morning so you could per chance catch one of the softcore porn movies on late night HBO. You and your friend would then compare boners. His was always bigger and thicker.
I rented Dragon Age 2 and Dead Space in 2011, it was still comfy.
>they say as they put the latest Funko Pop!(TM) into their Amazon(TM) Shopping Cart
just bee yourself
I didn't really watch movies with my parents when I was a child, I just went outside and got bullied by the neighbourhood kids
Based. Did any of them bully you into sucking their cock?
Why would anyone EVER want to go back? Think about it. You're going back to a time where you're told when to eat, when to go to the toilet, when to go to bed, how long you can play games, watch movies, TV, where you can go out.
People like that are fucking losers. How bad do you have to be to want to go back to a time like that?
I would also like to know the answer to this.
i was pretty much free anything i wanted to do
You could take a roadtrip with friends? go to bars? go travelling alone?
Sitting around and wishing for "good times" is just toxic shit and a waste of time. It's never going to happen, make someing of your situation now.
it should be obvious this thread isn't about life in uganda
I miss having structure in my life and I'm too hedonistic to have the discipline to build that structure on my own
That's fucking FINE
Jesus Christ that's fine
If you miss childhood something is wrong with you and you need to dramatically improve your adulthood.
I owned nothing and was happy.
Yes you've confirmed that everyone who wants to return to childhood is a failure
Mental breakdown every day due to regrets in wasted career opportunities
>when to go to the toilet
You know what is the best thing about living? At some point, it stops
school user
Not everybody loves in America
>I was 5
>running around the store with my 6yo brother
>he likely rented Ferngully and Aladdin
damn i hit hit with nostalgia
zoomers are having the spice of life brainwashed out of them
It's the smell that I remember, a smell of plastic and popcorn.
I personally don't want to be a kid again. I'd prefer being my current age, but it's just 1998. Having said that, your childhood might not have been normal if someone was telling you when to pee, and if you don't understand the appeal of constant free homecooked meals without any forethought or effort involved you're beyond me
97 here
I'm going into a career in healthcare sales, I'm working at a blood diagnostic company right now and they seem really confident I've got what it takes
I've been reading up on it a lot and the median income (Salary plus commission) for the job they want me to have is like $150,000
I'm really excited, that's more than I need to have a fulfilling life so I'm gonna use the extra to try to make my own video games and collect a lot of old ones. I'm also moving into my first owned home this year, I'm really pleased about that.
Things are going good
Maybe should have lived in America then, hm?
The good old days before Twitter, and authoritarian progressives trying to stop everyone from having fun with their "diversity, and faggotry".
>OMG the things I CONSOOMED as a child were much better than the things I CONSOOM now!!!!
>You can never go back
what if I have a time machine?