WH3 is getting abandoned

Volound won you know

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You’re clearly a bot so you will be blocked. Please be respectful and don’t harass the small countryside boarding school of 800 students who are doing the best they can. Please just another 6 months for a complete game is all we can do.

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Yep, looks like this is fucked beyond comprehension, roadmap & blog just confirmed their inability to finish this game (we are aware of some issues maybe we can fix them maybe not, who knows but remember we will allow you to be unpaid testers for IE al.. Beta dlc, chorfs early in 2023 we promise) . They even said that there is another Big title coming, so guys just forget about wh3, it never happened, move to another project.... Absolute state of gaming industry.

>3 kingdoms, an abandoned game, has a higher playercount than WH3
The funniest thing in this garbage dump

Why did they release it unironically? It plays like an expansion for TWH2 lol

Ways to make fans mad Creative Assburger.

Volound is that angry Scottish faggot right?
I saw him abusing his viewers in the comments of his shitty videos in like 2014
How the fuck is he still relevant in 2022
All he ever did was abuse shitty Total War AI to win fights with impossible odds that should never have been won
So interesting watching him use two units of matchlocks and one light cav to kill two full stacks of samurai...not

>vegan and a commie
>spent years whining about Warhammer when it was good, only to get cucked by everyone else using 3 for target practise
>got busted samefagging here
Nah, he’s still a fucking loser

How do you fuck up your flagship title so badly?

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I immediately lost any and all interest as soon as i saw the chinks and the fact that there were no chaos dorfs, looks like i was right

Prioritizing completely inane shit, coming up with the most unenjoyable campaign mechanics in existence and then rushing the game out for a financial quarter.

They had the perfect cashcow and they somehow managed to fuck it up

The game still has a chance of getting long support if they don't fuck up immortal empires. But unlike with Warhammer 2 release, the previous game is now actually good so people have no need to play 3.

Turns out diversity hires who are industry standards nowadays are shit at their jobs and have no vision and they choke the life out of studios

>release chaos dwarfs
>have their campaign completely ignore the chaos race
What if they made their campaign shit on purpose to make DLCs that ignore it sell better?

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Cool. whens the next history game?

What diversity hires? What are you babbling about?

never. They're making an FPS and then Lord of the Rings.

Kraka Drak is still in the game! we could still get norse dorfs added!


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He's talking about your fag boyfriend, fag.

It sucks that they shut 3K down only to declare the sequel-not-sequel will be based on the novel, rather than history.

>3 kingdoms, an abandoned game, has a higher playercount than WH3
Holy based

>WH1 still 60$
and this is the biggest crime

Esp since Troy got its romance version with all the fantasy and magic stuff in an expansion. I'm still waiting for CA to make Troy free on Steam before I play it because I will not touch EGS

>Blondie from Paradox was hired
>wh2 patches near the end was shit
>wh3 is complete shit
his work is done, based Swede dabbin on the angloids

>CA farts out WH3
>Gets forced to make a GAAS knockoff because the old kooks in Japan want that Fortnite money
>It flops
>Sega loses a ton of money
>CA shuts down
I'll spit on their grave.

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Because it's DLC for WH2

Did they rehire or something? What are you talking about

CreamAPI. buy the base game on a keyshop to reduce the money CA gets and then use CreamAPI to unlock all DLC. You can play online and have easy access to workshop mods. Not the good good loverslab lewdhammer stuff tho

I still wonder why Sega chose CA of all companies to make a shooter when the studio is best known for its strategy games.

the posts about them starting dev time a few months before the trailer in feb 2021 was true it seems
thats just sad

There is no point to relase the same fucking game 3 times.

Except they literally put out a roadmap yesterday?

the funny thing is, thats all they had to do with game 3 but they couldn't even do that.
some ego fuck wanted to put his own interpretation on it

>they literally put out a roadmap yesterday
That means fuck all in the current year how many unfinished games were promised updates and later on were just forgotten?

SEGA is a retarded company which knows fuck all about making games. Alien Isolation was widely successful, it was a first person game. Overwatch was all the rage, also a first person game. Salaryman on his 12th hour at work rubs two and two together.
Making a First Person Horror game based on suspense made, in the eyes of SEGA executives, the premiere choice for a multiplayer class-based FPS.
It's nothing new. Look at them taking Yakuza's (third person beatemup) chief designer on to make the new Sakura Wars (third person strategy 'ala Valkyria Chronicles) game.
And the list goes on and on.

>A glorified bugfix list

and its a fucking joke and clearly run by a skeleton crew.
q3 for the empires BETA. a fucking beta for sandbox mode.

Probably because of Alien Isolation and CA is the only company they have with the chops to make a decent FPS.

And it's pathetic. Nearly 6 months for Immortal Empires *beta* and blood DLC? Give me a break.

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and this other pymgy thing over in lustria

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Sorry guys, we can't provide the staff necessary to fix the latest installment in our most important IP that we plan to milk for the next years. Please understand, there's more important things to do.

If those cock suckers turn the campaign map of 1/2 into the style of 3 for Immortal Empires I'm gonna fucking lose it.

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IE won't be fully implemented until next year, and that's what everyone actually wants.
However even if they implemented it tomorrow, any infantry or cavalry based army would be utterly fucked because of how collision, infantry response and cavalry are currently fucked.

reminder angloid hourly wage in game dev land is lower than flipping burgers

>These fixes for known issues since launch will take another 6 months
>Immortal Empires will be released in a broken state, even by CA standards
The roadmap is why I have lost hope

>hype as the second coming of Christ
>"forget about it!"
>hype the next thing as the second coming of Christ
Why people keep falling for this? Stop preordering.

so dont make a shooter. fix the game you just released in a worse state than its predecessor. fuck sega and fuck ca. give me my money back if you still cant give me a completed game after 6 fucking months after release AFTER the game was delayed

>Alien Isolation was widely successful
It absolutely was not. It flopped hard.

only did it for ogres and under the impression that wh3 would get the same care after launch that 2 did.

Not even a fix, change or whatever

JUST A LIST of promised changes


he probably just means his favorite streamer played it for a week or 2 after launch. thats successful in the eyes of the modern market. nobody has an attention span longer than a month which is why companies feel safe putting out joke road maps like this one.

Nice. Glad this SJW company is failing.

>as of January 2015 Alien Isolation sold 2.15 millions units
That was 7 years ago. It sold well and it was critically well received.

>Abandon WH3
>Release 2GB patch for WH2 that bricks saves and mods, randomly disables DLC, adds EGS bloatware, removes ingame chat and shoves WH3 ad in the main menu

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>Fixing bugs that was already fixed in 2 is part of the roadmap.

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Please send us your cv.

Immortal Empires, whatever happened there?

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and then prompty forgotten about and never talked about again until this bery thread.

Holy fuck!
Guess I'll go back to getting fucked in the ass by Paradox from now on.
Shame, I was really exited for a WoC rework

Abandoned how? The game is out, it's complete. Why are zoomers so obsessed with 24/7 updates?

Early access game

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>it's complete
why did you even click on this thread? it clearly isnt. what the fuck do you think this "road map" with basic features and fixes is?

>it's complete
>immortal empires not implemented

How is it not complete? Are you deranged?

>decide to wait for immortal empires to buy because I don't care about the release factions
>see this trash fire
I'm glad I dodged a bullet.

Sure it is shill.

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>need months to adjust replenishment rates
Isn't that something an intern could do in an afternoon?


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Real programmers have long left the company. The current dev team is just a bunch of glorified modders.

>Replenishment rates
Excuse me?

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I fucking told you all this was getting the 3K treatment but none of you shit-eating consoomers believed me.

>>decide to wait for immortal empires
I find it bizarre more people didn't do this. Not only are CA releases (including DLC) consistently bad (at least over the last 5 years or so), Warhammer 2's stand alone campaign was dull as shit. The only draw for 3 is immortal empires. Why the fuck would you buy it before that releases?

wheres my blood and gore? i can see blood fountains in khornes realm but my literal blood demons cant even spill any, i have to wait 6 months if not longer to get that basic feature. sandbox mode and all the factions i bought for the last 2 games i was promised to be able to use, where is that? IN A PLANNED BETA ALSO 6 MONTHS AWAY? COMPLETED GAME BUDDY. do you work for ca or are you just "ironically retarded". the worst part is those are just the 2 glaring issues, there are many, many more.

its just a bug list fix, immortal empire will be declared open beta so that people can't complain so much about it.


Like other thousands of great stuff that are produced. What a stupid mentality.

>makes CA seethe
>makes forums seethe
>makes 4 tran seethe
>makes plebbit seethe
>makes jewtube seethe
>makes trannyhammer fans seethe
what more do you need to take the volound pill?

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I wonder if "regiments of renown" will remain free or is CA going full sims Mode and that is one of their promised surprises