Elden Ring Lore

>Game: Radagon is Marika
>Yea Forums: AKSHUALLY

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muh five nights at freddys lore but it's japanese so its cool and for adults

>final boss to kill is a tranny
oh wow Miyazaki, very bas-
>Tranny is revealed to be the real hero and you have been following the instructions of the real villain, a conservative white biological female
why do people like this game, this storytelling is last of us 2 tier.

You lost Shazam trannies.

>A lot of the kids who played FNAF back in the day are full grown adults now.
Let that sink in.

Who is Copernicus and why did he do what he did?

>radagon is marika

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Radagon impregnated Rennala and Marika gave birth to several set of children.

What is the actual origin of this though?

Like was Radagon ever an individual person or was he always a "shard" of Marika?

He clearly had an independent will and was actually quite opposed to many of Marika's plans

Check the previous thread, it’s still up

>Like was Radagon ever an individual person
The story never actually says Radagon was originally born as a separate person. Some theories interpret Radagon simply as a persona Marika manifested within herself, that gradually became a seperate personality with conflicting goals from Marika.

*does nothing wrong in your path*

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I want to know who or what outside the Lands Between managed to kill Godfrey + Serosh and pin their corpses to a tree

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I thought Death Monarch was related to the Twinblade of Miquella and Malenia?
Unless it's related to the Black and White cut blades.

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it was marika

You’re entire post is wrong tho. Melina is not the villain. Radagon/marika Is not a tranny. It’s a god that split in two and can recombine whenever. Human logic/biology doesn’t apply to them

The dark moon is
>an outer god
>a source of magic
>a regular old moon
>symbolism for Ranni's questline
>capable of changing based on the person who uses it
>Ranni's great rune
I probably missed some. Anything else?

But why?

consider this
>in the ER universe beasts are considered the calm, intelligent race of the world despite their physical prowess
>meanwhile humans are so barbaric that binding a beast to one is the only way to calm them down
>so then they decided to send a neutered hoarah loux back to basically the wilderness

you were right in the first user. what smoothbrain convinced you the story isnt based?

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godfrey was abonded by the greater will so marika has no more use for him

user,Marika and radagon are the same person

Marika and Radagon were both separate beings that existed in separate bodies.

Radagon was just a warrior who fought the Carians and was obsessed with holy magic, then married Marika. The world of Elden Ring at the very least has some logic in it, so of course, there was a wedding ceremony or some public event where both parties were together at some point.

The fact Rennala and Godfrey are both biological women and man, which helps the case that both Radagon and Marika had different biological bodies, otherwise they wouldn't have had kids with them, that is till they "became one" as Marika once told stated.

In the final boss fight, you see Marika with breasts and then the body changes to Radagon with male chest pecs. At the very least they are two different people who joined together at some point.

He had everything he has in the bossfight when he left he's a giant among men and practically unstoppable he ripped a couple heads off Placidusax.

She told him he would receive grace and be allowed to return at some point.

>The fact Rennala and Godfrey are both biological women and man, which helps the case that both Radagon and Marika had different biological bodies, otherwise they wouldn't have had kids with them
It's like you haven't read any mythology at all. Marika has a big beast guy for a half-brother.

They (him and his warriors) just left The Lands Between in what they call "The Long March".

That image is a big plothole.

Fuck of Vaati

That's a mistranslation, he's considered her stepbrother like how Blaidd is with Ranni.



But actually, just a lot of niggas.

no, i remember reading in item saying the marika kick his ass and send him back

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Godfrey knew she was going to smash the ring. She literally told him and his warriors that she was going to take their grace and send him off so they can get stronger and come back later to fight.
And if you want to use cut dialogue, he flat out says to you that Marika was going to break the ring, so you needed to prepare to leave to the Lands Between.

DLC Speculation: Increase the number of candidates for Seluvis' potion to include Roderika, Irina, Fia, The Albinauric Woman, Millicent, Rya, Lady Tanith, Anastasia the Tarnished Eater, Black Knife Assassins, and Blaidd. Also let us find a secret ingredient that perfects the Ranni potion. I think this would add a lot to the game.

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That's how he got a great rune

Who the fuck is Anastasia anyway that bitch invades you 3 times

Shabriri was the sculptor

I don't care for black people

So are the scarseals actual eyeballs you think or stone?

She was a maiden before,like man eaters from last souls games,she disgusted herself to be a maiden and went to be carnivorous tarnished eater.

Haha it's Mildred again did jew rike it

Ok, but why is Marika/Radagon made of rock

Normal skin cant be a vessel for elden rune so skin turned to stone. Also marika has nice tits

>born as a host of an outer-god of weird rotting space-prawn gonorrhea
she didn't do anything wrong herself but her existence was a mistake

>Shabriri when he saw Radagon's dick go up his own pussy

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No wonder his eyes frenzied

Someone was contesting the notion that Marika had lots of demigod children earlier despite the mausoleums containing demigods. Also the game states all of Marika's children were demigods and there's this from the Bandai Namco Elden Ring site

>One grim night in the depths of winter, a flock of unknown assassins stole across the Lands Between.
In a coetaneous attack, this foul covenant snuffed out the lives of many of the God-Queen’s kin throughout the empire, too numerous and too scattered for her godly protection to save.

>Said to get their power from a dragon
>May have overthrown the Dragon Age as Godfrey is said to have fought the Storm Lord also Elden Beast is sorta kinda vaguely dragonish?

I'm not explicitly saying anything, just observations

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I'm gonna bang Marika's shattered corpse and birth a new lineage of demigods

Death Monarch is the Prince of Death, Godwyn.

Lovecraft's Yellow Sign looks like the Three Fingers. Further confirming that the Frenzied Flame thing is a reference to the King in Yellow. Likely, Yelough is the name of the god behind the Frenzied Flame.

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You do realize that Seluvis rapes all the women (and probable men) you send to him, right?

It is possible those were all descendants through Godwyn. We know the golden lineage continues to a point where Godrick is of the line by essentially the one drop rule, and it's doubtful that Mohg and Morgott were the ones to propagate it.

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I gave the potion to Gideon so he could give him a taste of his own medicine

The whole nameless demigods in the Mausoleums is kinda dumb though.
Its like they never had names, were never recorded, no one even knows when they were born.
How do we know Marika didn't just create walking strollers for all her abortions?

I doubt other demigods were all virgins.

Yeah I'd like another translation of this since it seems to indicate simply being of the Golden Lineage means you're a demigod in Elden Ring. At least in relation to Age of the Erdtree and Queen Marika. No idea if this holds true for the other Outer Gods and their Gods if that's how all Gods work or not...

Ahh, Great Runes are the stuff of demigods;
the children of the goddess, Queen Marika. She who is vessel of the Elden Ring.
Tainted by the strength of their runes, her children warred, but none could become Elden Lord.
And so grace was extended, to your kind, the Tarnished.
Listen, the Fingers speak.
"The Greater Will has long renounced the demigods."
"Tarnished, show no mercy. Have their heads. Take all they have left."
"The Fingers have willed it so."
...Indeed. But remember one thing.
The demigods are each and all the direct offspring of Queen Marika.
Godrick the Grafted was but a distant relation...
The runt of the litter, his divine blood sorely diluted.

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The lineage of the Golden started from Godfrey though.

Radagon hated his red hair he supposedly had from being a child of giants, what, did Marika just make her second body a redhead and get buyer's regret later?
>“O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou’rt yet to become me. Thou’rt yet to become a God.

The biggest problem with discussing this game's lore is we know nothing about Marika and Radagon. Most other things are pretty compehensive, but it's like if Dark Souls came out and said "Oh yeah Velka is actually Gwyn" and refused to explain.

The only DLC there should be is a past DLC in which the Tarnished can alter events from the shattering using some items from the base game such as giving a young Godrick the Golden Epitaph in order to inspire him to fight instead of running away, which in the base game makes him a friendly King

Let Me Rape Her

>"Tarnished, show no mercy. Have their heads. Take all they have left."
Maybe Vyke beheaded the other demigods and took their 2 runes and thus, their remaining bodies were laid in the Mausoleums.

What I don't understand is where Godefroy fits in to the picture
Dude looks completely idential to Godrick, but being trapped in the evergaol implies he predates him in the lineage

So some guy did the whole grafting thing, in the exact same way as Godrick, was imprisoned for it, and then generations later Godrick decides to copy the grafting technique for himself?

> the base game such as giving a young Godrick the Golden Epitaph
What? It's made to kill TWLID.

Ornamental Straight Sword
>Slender straight sword patterned after an antique ornament.
>Superior swordsmen prefer to wield one in each hand.
>After falling from grace, the dregs of the golden lineage sought power and purpose in the past.

Godwyn refered to as "the FIRST" of the dead demigods

>Beheading Demigods
>Had a dragon girlfriend
>Gets a buggy quest and doesn't spawn and gets locked in a jail forever after being driven insane

Vyke was on one hell of a rollercoaster

He's just a reskin boss.

The copy paste man was captured during the shattering, godrick was around then.

I actually love those swords, being able to dual attack with the heavy attack was a nice change too

And yeah they clearly imply Godwyn was but the first of the Demigods to die

I also like them because they let me have a greatsword on my back while also dual wielding, pure fashion. Speaking of which, why has nobody done a mod that makes all the weapons on your back visible...

Reskinning Godrick and Astel is so fucking lazy

That's bretty good but I still think Shabriri is the guy who got the 6 million merchants imprisoned under Leyndell.

Rogier says Godwyn was the first in recorded history. I'm pretty sure Melina is his twin and died first, since all of Marika's kids are cursed twins, so that fulfils both things for Godwyn - they're twins who share the split cursemark of death.


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>Every giant is red of hair, and Radagon was said to have despised his own red locks. Perhaps that was a curse of their kind
So perhaps he was cursed by giants, or perhaps he hated his hair simply because it resembled giants, and the "curse" thing was just a rumor people told. Either way, no mention is given in the Giant's Red Braid that he hated it since childhood. The Goldmask quest keeps having messages and dialogue that Radagon IS Marika, and if he is, that split fits perfectly with the story, as it perfectly justifies the idea of the "fickleness of the gods no better than men" Given that, the most likely scenario is that the phrase "Thou’rt yet to become me. Thou’rt yet to become a God." doesn't mean exactly what it sounds like.

>Milicent leaves a floppy flower if side against her in the haligtree
>Malenia leaves a floppy flower after you beat her
I think the flower before Malenia is just some bitch and the clothes are what she dropped

no you imbecile ranni got the other half of the cursemark of death

unless you're saying ranni is melina then you're correct