Malenia cheats

>Elden Ring is hard but fai—

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if it comes down to this little bit of the fight, you never had chance.

not watching your vid but you can have a pity bump

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Melania is literally a bunch if/else conditionals in a computer program

I would say Malenia and Maliketh go too far. Theyre the ones where I felt that my character cannot keep up with them.

next you'll be trying to tell me it's all ones and zeroes

>boss doesn't play by the rules
Well I'll be damned

As opposed to all the other bosses who posses souls and make decisions with their brains?
bosses being able to hyperarmor through stance breaks is lame as fuck

Cheats? Your terminology is all fucked up and reveals the type of person you are. You are weak.

I never felt that moment. I started messing around with ashes early though.

i bet you consider yourself strong for taking a dragon dildo up the ass

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She breaks the fundamental rules of combat that every other enemy in the game obeys. I don't think that's a minor issue.

Malenia is Kaiser Knuckle General tier bullshit but because this is an RPG you can just create a level 300 gigachad build and stomp her.

>Malenia cheats
No shit, anyone who fought her knows this

It's not an issue at all.

stop advertising your gay channel here

Its a non-issue.

>every other enemy in the game obeys
About only half of them actually follow the "rules", the "rules" are more for the player

A lot of enemies break the fundamental rules of combat. Unlimited FP, stamina and some enemies can pivot their attacks while they swing where as the player cannot.

cry more, you can roll out of a knock-down animation too pussy

>Malenia cheats

in story she cheats too

Those rules are arbitrary you set in your mind, the game presents itself and those are its rules. You thought she couldn't do something she could, thats all.

the player can also cancel some of it's animations by rolling so it's still fair

I think its cool that she bends the rules like that, makes her boss fight just a bit more unique, something thats missing a lot in this game.

You gonna complain about knight enemies using shield bash next faggot?

this is what bugs me about elden ring. certain enemies and bosses can cancel their attacks or cooldowns and chain them into new combos or moves. but you the player can't cancel any of your dodges, heals, or attacks.

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>Enemy breaks the rules
>"that's not a problem"
Give me one good reason why she does any move other than Waterfowl. If the game thinks taking away the little victories you've earned like letting her roll out of a stagger is fine, then why does it give you any attack other than her best one? The fight is supposed to be hard, isn't it? A challenge to beat? Not doing Waterfowl on wakeup every time is a fundamental flaw for Malenia being a hard boss.
Bosses are supposed to be fun, first and foremost, and taking away things the player enjoys to make a fight harder, if only marginally so, takes away the fun.

Doesn't bother me, I'm already way overpowered by being a person against a machine. Most of the time I'm using the AI against itself.

Who the fuck decided to take bloodbornes enemies and give you demon souls combat?

Sounds like you just hit the limit in your skill. It happens.

>old days
boss hard wow cool everyone will be impressed with my victory!!

boss hard let me analyze and figure out just WHY I suck so much. they just made it too hard see? I'm not bad, they are just bad game makers.

You're overthinking it like most people that can't just beat the boss.

She cheats, but that just means you can bring your own cheat codes as well. Seriously if you see the shit this bitch does and still want to solo her, you're out of your mind. Bust out the mimic, or throw Tiche in there. Spam ashes of war at her that knock her down, use bleed weapons and the swarm of flies, use magic and hit her for free during her second phase.

If she is bullshit, you bring your own bullshit. You don't have to be the guy that uses a longsword and shield anymore who fights everything by himself. From Software changed their boss design and it's only gonna get harder from here on out. Fight bullshit with your own bullshit.

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Demons Souls had a boss who deleveled you.
Souls games are dead and you guys ruined it with your puritain bullshit. "oh souls isnt this it should be that" fuck you, what souls shouldnt be is formulaic, and unfortunately we are waaaay past beyond that point if people are mad about high level bosses breaking rules.
Its not like shes totally unbeatabale or anything.

very smart post

>why can't I just stun lock the boss for the entire fight

I'm pretty sure the giant crows having a false posture break and the bloodhounds being almost instadeath is intentional but they will get patched because of the crybaby shit.

>the dumb slopes that made ER are bad at balance / design and, in general, make really stupid decisions

Why would it take a 11 minute video for people to realize that?

its definitely not cheating if its within the games rules, only thing stopping them from using all of those options is a dumb sense of pride

I liked when the recent patch made Melania life leech too often, it felt right.

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>when are they gunna make these games hard!? >:)
>they do
>waaaah broken cheating shit!!!!!

>a boss who deleveled you
That sounds very useful for utility purposes desu

The only way From knows how to make a game "hard" is to make it cheat. What a bunch of hacks.

it also applies to pvp too
if you have to deal with the new rules, bring your own set of bullshit thats hard to deal with, team up with monsters and smash down the scrubs

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People weren't faggots about these games like weird speedrunner autists so it was just a normal punishment for dying.

I knew I wasn't crazy. I can't count the number of times she just outright didnt get staggered or just cancels a stagger to get away for some bullshit reason or activates hyper armor despite being staggered to kill me with waterfowl

but you can bring your own set of bullshit too

Yeah but that's the problem. The game turns into an arms race of who can be the cheapest motherfucker: the game or you.

Demon's Souls deleveling was kino, and it was from an easily telegraphed and avoidable attack. When you got hit by that attack the punishment properly fit the crime. Melania hardly has that. The punishment for getting hit by like 3 or 4 hits from the first volley of water fowl shouldn't kill you
>b-but you should stack armor+buffs to 60% resist and have 60 vigor + tip
For how hard it is to actually avoid and due to the nature of the move itself, the punishment does not fit the crime. Being a little too close to her or dodging in completely bullshit unintuitive ways shouldn't result in either death or her getting 1/4th of her health back for free

This isn't just Malenia. Someone posted a webm of a monster canceling a stager animation to block or to stab while someone was drinking.

I could go into NG+ and beat Malenia by beating her to death with just a greatshield. No matter what I use, I will never have fun doing it. Malenia is an awful boss. Radahn was a fun boss. One is a complete spectacle, a thrill every charge, the absurdity of it was too goofy to stop myself from grinning and I was doing all sorts of different things in the fight. The other my mind goes blank as I go into a zen state, refraining from attacking because she's going to do Waterfowl and I can't be in recovery frames when it starts because then I can't dodge it, with no interesting mechanics to be aware of or sincerely interesting moves. She died and I felt the same thing when I kill a gank squad. Nothing, because it was my fault I was even fighting them to begin with and nothing really changes now that I've killed them. I have wasted my time fighting. Give me three Radahns with friendly fire in the Capra Demon broom closet, it'll still be a better boss.

Beat it without issue and I’m a casual gamer. Only people who mad cuz bad prob got filtered because their cheap tactic didn’t work

She's an optional superboss, she's fine. You'll do better next time.

Didn't stop me from beating her. As usual, shitters just can't fucking cope and admit they are not good enough.

i'm not watching that faggot shit, but i rolled a caveman build and broke stance all the way through NG and NG+

I shitstomped her with Ogha while just keeping distance, but that doesn't make for a good fight nor good gimmick

I find it fun. I don't care about your dissertation on game design because a boss filtered you for a while. You surmounted the challenge after it rekting you but by then there was no fun to be had you had to do it like a flowchart or fail, I get it.
I didn't have to do that, but I get you.

Oh, that explains why stance breaking her felt completely fucking arbitrary. What a shit boss.

I liked the fight, the gimmick was clever. Different strokes I guess.

it can only sound like a problem if you make it, with these changes, it elevates the so called "powerfull beings" compared to the other souls games from being beaten by some shmuck with a club easily (even though these guys can still be beaten by some shmuck with a club with some difficulty)

I never knew Yea Forums had so many game designers until ER came out.

i'm not that dude, but get the fuck off your high horse. you sound like a complete faggot.

Failed ones, even in their delusions. But sit around on a discord with enough like minded folx of the same cloth and you start believing your bullshit.

and yet 29% of the player base has beaten her, while only 34% have finished the game.
So she's barely more unbalanced than the norm. Meanwhile 22% have beaten Plaucidexus.
She's one of the most defeated optional bosses.

Her moveset is bullshit, i wont defend that. Breaking the rules for a unique boss fight can be great.
I mean even Melania has the quirk of healing herself whe she hits you, and i didnt see anyone complaining.
I agree that if the boss is going to break the rules it is important to show the player that they are doing it, like the startup of False Kings delevel atack.

You shouldn't be able to stun bosses at all.

Some would even say she's easily defeatable.

>every other enemy in the game obeys
blatantly false, other bosses and even regular enemies are able to cancel out of stagger animations in elden ring
It's absolutely cancerous, but it's a conscious design choice that From soft made with elden ring

>more malenia seethe
Holy shit what a bunch of shitters, i suck at these games and i beat her without any help, unironically git gud

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Just imagine using the deleveling to your advantage. Go through the game with ease for getting your pvp twink build gear. Then purposefully delevel once you got the gear.

You can see the health she's draining off you when she hits you. Its the same lil animation the blasphemous blade gets.

>Meanwhile 22% have beaten Plaucidexus
First run I didn't even know flaccid dude sex was a thing, he's pretty hidden compared to Malenia

Like I said, people weren't retarded fags like that back in the day, it was just a punishment for fucking up.

>every other enemy in the game obeys.
Banished knights will also cancel out of stagger animations so I don't know what kind of retard crack you're smoking.

I honestly never felt that and was completely surprised by how many windows of opportunity I had compared to what Yea Forums said. I don't mean to brag but it was just a matter of inputting the pattern and intuitively taking advantage of windows. Once I figured out how to dodge most of the first phase of waterfowl up close Melania just became an exercise to that one golden run. (Dodge a bit towards her right when she starts coming down at you and do a second dodge after a moments delay, you should either escape or more likely get hit by the last 1-2 slashes which is negligible)

I'm just a dodge roll melee longsword build btw. No shields, it's the way I play these games every time for some reason

I think there is a skeleton of an amazing fight in Malenia which is why I hate it. I like the idea of trading blows with a trained warrior "who has never known defeat". The idea of her having hard to avoid attacks with tight windows that chip away at you is kino. Add in the rot with phase 2, and you end up with a nightmarish scenario where you are suddenly racing against the clock. The way the fight is designed makes these one off lighter blows a lot easier to avoid than her big fuckall attacks for some fucking reason, which is just nonsensical and doesn't feel proper at all. It should really be the opposite. Instead the hardest move to avoid is also just "her big super move that isn't Scarlet Aeonia"



Why do you think bosses have to play by the same rules? Does a goomba cheats because he kills you when you touch him and not the other way around?

No one cares sister.

I agree, but the problem I have is that Elden Ring has fights that become not compelling when shoved in either direction; When you bust out your own stuff, suddenly the fights like melania end up being trivial, The AI is inherently broken


yeah im saying people are ok with it because they can see whats happening

>you're not allowed to have combos
Then what I meant to do?

I still can't get over the fact she can steal life through a 100% stability shield
What the fuck was fromsoft thinking?

>this guy is still mad
how kek pal. admit that you're just not good enough to beat her. i 've done it three times, two different builds. dex/int and str/end in NG and NG+

You don't need to be a chef to know good cooking. You can smell it.
Honestly, Malenia's fight was generally fine. The first time I approached her, I really liked the idea of a somewhat vulnerable boss healing by hurting you, making a boss that would technically be easy explicitly harder if you make mechanical mistakes and rewarding smart play and knowledge of what moves you have will interrupt her attacks and when they will. It was a neat idea, but what soured it all was Waterfowl and how hard it was to visually see what she was doing in Phase 2. I had trouble identifying her from the background and I felt like her wings were obscuring her actions somehow. The colors were really washed out, like I was playing DaS3.

Probably realized if she didn’t then a mouse macro could beat her using a spear and shield thats set to just poke every 10 seconds

I'm okay with the stagger cancel because I see it happen.

>even Melania has the quirk of healing herself whe she hits you, and i didnt see anyone complaining.
That's literally the most bullshit part about her, everything else is reasonable, but healing every time they hit you, even if you block it? What the fuck were they thinking?

>t. pussy whining about the rules
unironically git gud, I bet you’re one of those bitches that got stuck at the barrel of doom in sonic 3. “she breaks the rules wahhhh” adapt