Holy fucking shit, this is scary

holy fucking shit, this is scary.

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once you figure out how the alien ai works the game is ruined forever

It's not very scary but it does nail atmosphere. Trust me once you get the flamethrower all tension goes out the window. I found the Joe's more spooky.

My boomer dad got this game and wanted me to try it and was getting angry I was just running/sprinting section to section bypassing the alien and was getting mad I “wasn’t playing the right way” and insisted I spend my time ducking under desks and hiding in closets instead of actually playing the game. Haha

Will it ever be topped?

you were playing it the right way, hiding in cupboards is only a temporary solution but never 'the' solution, the game wants you to keep pushing forward

>but never 'the' solution
then why does the game encourage it?

It doesn't. The alien learns from your actions and if you hide in lockers too much it will literally immediately bolt to lockers and fuck your shit up.

mission 17 is pretty tense

If you didn't beat it on nightmare mode, you didn't experience the real game.

Seriously, nightmare mode is incredibly satisfying once you finish it.

Anyone try it with VR?

I remember fearing for my fucking life during that medical section or whatever the fuck that was.

Only for a small portion of that mission. I guess the hive was tense too. But there's large sections after the first false ending where you're just encountering Joe's over and over and it's not very tense.

Once you get the flamethrower all the fear goes out the window. It also overstays its welcome by a good 5 hours. That said its a good ass game and I loved it.

it's a bait and switch
the alien ai learns whenever you use a resource to distract it or avoid it like with lockers and those tools become less effective
however it doesn't learn anything if you just avoid it out in the open

>they don't know about the diminishing returns

You now realize the alien can kill you at the very beginning of the game before you even go through the vent

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>trapped the ayy in that one room with no vents and a remote door
>he just disappears in a way where you'd expect a cartoony pop sound effect
>reappears in a nearby vent 5 seconds later
I shouldn't be surprised but they should've accounted that someone out there is autistic enough to try this. That being said this IS Creative Assembly we're talking about, they take feedback like I take women.

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there's multiple aliens


whats with the skin above the breasts

even with the diminishing returns, the flamethrower is still effective just takes more fuel
it's interesting though that molotovs and the flamethrower are treated separately instead of just being fire

>stars a woman
Shit is babby tier.

Alright then what happened to the trapped ayy?
I was staring right at him. Did he pic related and get thanos'd by some otherworldly force? I'd even be willing to accept it and go "Oh hey they did think of this" if it was like pic related and he crumbled to dust but no he fucking pops away like I opened up the console in a Bethesda game and typed "disable".

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I remember literally walking around a column opposite the alien until it fucked off. I didn't use flares, noisemakers, etc at all until fairly late in the game and the alien just ignored them. At times the alien is scripted to be an absolute nuisance instead of a stealth challenge - Medical is THE example with chokepoint corridors and the alien routinely departing only to pop back in ten seconds later, always staying unreasonably near you.

It can kill you in a lot of seemingly safe areas if you stay there really long and make fuckloads of noise.

So what's the consensus of Yea Forums? Worth playing?

Yes it's the best modern horror game. Literally no game released since has surpassed it. It's extra good if you're a fan of the original movie since it's very faithful to the source material.

Worth a single playthrough, yeah, just understand it gets really cutscene-heavy and more dull towards the end except for one surprise sequence I won't spoil


Hell yeah the Alien series is awesome, if the game really lives up to it that's fantastic
3 anons saying yes in quick succession means a lot on this board, thanks bros
What's the deal with all those dlc's on steam? The entire package is 12 bucks currently so the price is nothing, just wondering if any of the extra content is noteworthy

the only two that were noteworthy were the ones that let you re-enact parts of the first film, and yes you can play as Ripley
I never tried them but you might get a kick out of it.
>Hell yeah the Alien series is awesome, if the game really lives up to it that's fantastic
Be aware the game's called Alien, not Aliens, it is WAY more heavily influenced by the first film than the second.


premature aging from sun damage
white roasties are retarded

Don't listen to this guy. Play it on hard.

Nightmare mode was added after launch as sort of DLC for people who already beat the game. It makes the game way harder and makes some items like your motion scanner unusable.

No map
No scanner
Very scarce ammo and items drops
Enemies are extremely aggressive
Alien is constantly on your ass

I beat my first ever playthrough on nightmare mode without looking shit up
I tell you, it was incredibly fun.

Jurassic Park: Isolation fucking when?
Imagine hiding from raptors inside a ruined genetics lab

that's Dino Crisis

Oh yeah let's fucking go, two days of escape from the world into a fresh vidya
I'm a casual so gotta go with hard mode first but I'll be sure to play through on nightmare as well
Got all the dlcs so I'll do the ripley parts too
wish me luck bros

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have fun user-kun

It's boring. Terrible level design and pacing, you play the first 3 hours you played all of it. It's the same 3 missions repeated for like 20 hours. If you want a good Sci-Fi horror game, try Dead Space.

Yes. World scale is off, you feel like a 7ft tall person in it even after configuring everything properly. It'll never be fixed either since the dev behind it works for 343 now, which also means that Halo:MCC VR mod is never happening now.

>No good game based off of Alien*S*
Lame as fuck but I'll take this game I guess

Ah, I see you didn't play nightmare mode. Friggin normies. Summertime really is almost here.

The graphics and setting are great
Too fucking bad they decided to make it a boring hide and seek game. Who the fuck finds that fun?

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It’s not a hide and seek game

"I cant look at the graphics so the game is boring and bad" shut the fuck up nigger, the whole point of Alien Isolation is to feel helpless to the Xenomorph

Name 1 horror game that is still scary when you understand how all the enemies work

how about you shove a dildo up your ass


yas so scary it's just like FNAF and AMOOMOOGUS

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>be white
>get directly under the sun
>immediately start mutating and getting cancer
how? how have whites survived to this day?
what a useless, dead race.

On harder difficulties the Alien will learn how to bait your flamethrower. It will charge you, feign retreat when you fire, then immediately charge you when you let go of the trigger. Isolation's AI does cheat a bit but it's genuinely one of the greatest AI characters I've ever seen.

>I found the Joes more spooky
come on man. The human enemies and the Joes are nice extra flavor to complement the Alien, but they can't carry the game by themselves. The 3-4 hour stretch where there's no alien at ALL is the low point of the game

thank god i´m not too autist to figure it out

it's a ten hour game that lasts twenty hours.
that said, yeah its pretty good otherwise

i'd recommend against nightmare difficulty because it ruins the atmosphere because the alien is always right on top of you and clarivoyant and it just becomes frustrating rather than scary and you start pushing back and abusing gameplay mechanics rather than naturally progressing

if you liked how the alien in the hit scifi film alien hunted its prey by avoiding open spaces and opportunistically picking them off through animal cleverness and stealth because it can be shot clean through with a fucking pneumatic grapple gun, you might be bothered that this game has the alien hunt via walking around in the open in corridors while being bulletproof. i guess game mechanics required some leniency but it's kinda lame.

You played it on EZ, didn't you? I can smell your weakness of my monitor.

Why don't they make a horror game where the AI gets better the more people play it? Kinda like how Forza has Drivatars that get better the more you drive. Eventually the AI would be so good at scaring people no one would play it


The loss of the map was too much of a frustration wall.

You're not allowed to just casually drop truth bombs like that user.

>bunch of people talking and making noise
>I try to sneak around them
>the alien hears me and only comes for me
>get killed
>try again
>throw a sound grenade then alien attacks the people already making noise

Its the little ways the ai cheats that is so annoying

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Playing it for the first time, going Nightmare mode, I like to suffer

True, those random sound effects are scaaary