I don't like the new weapons
Other urls found in this thread:
More like Deep COCK Galactic haha
awards and updoots brothas!
Rival presence missions suck nuts
>Neuro Payload + Volatile Bulldog + Firebomb Gunner
>Burning hell with Fire Bullets + Hellfire Gunner
>Leadstorm + Six Shooter Gunner
>Micro Flechettes with Turret whip + Fat Boy Engineer
>Magnetic Pellet Alignment + Inferno Engineer
>Cycle Overload with Miner Adjustments + Hyperpropellant Engineer
>Sticky Fuel + Gamma contamination Driller
>Tuned Cooler + Heavy Hitter with Plasma Burn + Combat Drills Driller
>Sticky Fuel + Energy Rerouting Driller
>Hipster + Special Powder + Cryo nades Scout
>Overtuned Particle Accelerator + Embedded Detonators + IFG Scout
>AI Stability Engine + Special Powder + Cryo nades Scout
Yup. Its gaming time.
Newfag-kun... Besides last month theres been a DRG thread up pretty much constantly.
also user you were right, the robot asshole is referencing the first blade runner movie
nigga, the game is not popular at all. If you don't put drg in the subject people sometimes don't even notice a thread.
ive been playin with engis laser cannon and its just not the breach cutter
you're right, it's the shart diffractor
thats because they all suck just like last seasons half hearted attempt at creating good new primaries
Correct, but thats irrelevant cuz neither of them are PGL with RJ250 + Inc, Hyperprop or Fatboy
People put the name of the game in the title to make it easier to find the threads for other anons. People are also discussing this game because it recently got a major update, and also it's fairly fun. Take your meds and stop seeing every video game thread that's not porn as a paid advertisement (especially since the developers of this game have such a reddit wholesome 100 mentality that they would rather add black queer gay elves to the game than pay anyone to post here)
engis my main and was looking forward to it
but the cutter is so much better
i do use the loki, its amazing
Correct. Nothing beats the spinning death breach cutter.
>its amazing
Yeah in haz4 maybe
Loki with explosive and electro chem rounds has been my main weapon since it came out.
I love deleting swarms without having to even aim.
I use it on Haz 5 and EDDs all the time and do just fine.
fuck off scunt
did a solo edd with just the warthog and breach cutter, went completely fine with 0 deaths
It's not about the breach cutter retard kun
How does Pheromone bolts sound with Hipster M1000? Just use the Pheromones as CC whilst popping the heads of the bugs.
>people playing on hazard 5 are now problematic and have to be mocked
You DO play on the most accepting and reddit-approved difficulty of hazard 4, right???
thumbnail looked lewd
anything works on hz5 if you're good enough, boy.
What’s the original post it’s parodying?
I know this is satire but it's distilled autism this is supposed to parody like that which causes me to be afraid to play shit online
What builds are you guys running? I can't think of any new weapon combos that fit better than what I'm already running other than maybe Sticky + Subata into Sticky + thermal shock Microwave
you've got problems user
Leadstorm + magic bullets is still my general go-to.
Keep in mind this is like 1 post out of a lot of circlejerking the devs for the update, the parody guy got insecure because 1 (one) post dared to critique from a higher difficulty perspective
if the new weapons could replace both primary or secondary that would be awesome.
>Playing a haz 3 mission because it was a 3/4 lobby and I want to finish the assignments asap
>Host getting pissy on mic and threatening to kick some level 10 guy because he called a second resupply outside a dread cocoon even though we have 200 reserve
>It's a germ
The bad interactions are rare in this game so when they do happen it particularly sticks out
What's a solid overclock and mod set up for this thing?
Spinning death just feels like overkill. I just like the clean OC with more ammo and damage.
post got deleted because i pointed out the shilling, ok cool, fuck your game
stop ban evading
11222 Overtuned Feed Mechanism
Fuck off fromshill, elden ring sucks ass
I slap on the direct damage OC and build it for that. It was decent when I went for headshots (unless they nerfed it)
I'm already getting bored of the microwave shit bros, I feel like it uses ammo too fast for what it does.
why be like this user, if you don't like it just filter these threads? why come here to insult and be an asshole?
>Rival Presence On-site refine
>drop pod lands in the middle of 15 sentries and a nemesis
>we lose
>Try again
>Mactera swarm
>lose again
You'd think after fucking up that many times you'd learn to take Heightened Senses and keep your distance
what's with bulk detonators showing up like 4 times each mission now? did they change something about them? I've seen more bulks since the last update than the previous 3 months before it.
>see nemesis
>just stand the fuck away because it's only a danger in close range
The beam kicks ass. Best addition to the game, especially with Volatile Impact. Making magma everywhere is great, and sits well with the engie's defensive kit.
Boltshark is fun, and flaming arrows are a blast
Haven't found a good setup for microwave yet, but it cooks swarmers and naedocytes with amazing efficiency, as if driller needed help doing that.
Coil, no idea.
That was over 2 missions. the nemesis wouldn't be a problem without all the sentries, cramped cave generation, and the constant swarms.
Cry about it
Oh wait you were gonna do that anyway
i'm tired sorry
Like a typical teenager, he thinks he is the only one who can see through the veil, and that everyone who likes thing is on a payroll.
I really like Minelayer, no one uses it and it's broken as fuck, obliterates whole waves of grunts with ease and I almost always end with top kills.
Stop shilling this reddit game, you fucking faggots.
I've only tried the microwave gun and the crossbow, but I'm very unimpressed by both of them.
Microwave feels just like a shittier version of your primary for your secondary slot that does fuck all damage, and the crossbow doesn't really seem to have a niche other than killing grunts on haz 3 and below due to being both bad at single target damage and bad at multi target damage.
I love breach cutter, but there's definitely a time and place for this beam. Kills sniper turrets at max range, and other robots easily because it's an all-ranges heat ray.
>afraid to play shit online
I've been griefed one time in like 1000 games
Worst that happens is sometimes people suck and we all die
it's also a laser pointer so no spread or recoil fuckery which is comfy
Elden Ring is way more reddit, go back.
Maybe it's a Solo modifier thing / interaction with Bosco's electrify effect but I did a Haz 4 elimination mission with the crossbow's electric arrow + perks (no OC) and it both CC'd them tremendously and absolutely shredded on its own
is that a heckin mod with 5 whole updoots???
oh no no no the state of drg
You gonna put on a tripcode and collect those cool points or no?
rate dorf
+50 social credit score
>user posts this
>point out this is a fanmade mod and doesn't affect the base game
>user has no comeback and retreats
>nobody is convinced to drop the game
See you in the next thread
Colgate wave cooker is insane with the flamethrower, you can unironically out-DPS a Lead Storm OC minigun by repeatedly temperature shocking stuff and you barely use any ammo doing it, even oppressors die super fast from the front.
I've never joined a lobby of 4 engineers or 4 gunners and not had a great time.
>team of three gunners
>hacking event on a tiny ledge
>we just stand there obliterating everything
>pod never goes down because of almost non-stop shielding
Next update introduces melee weapons in the primary slot, what would you give each class Yea Forums?
I haven't played enough Haz 5 yet this season to confirm but all of that sounds reasonable.
His problem is MOSTLY that
1) he's a driller main, their heat weapons are inferior to cryo
2) robots are immune to cryo, but literally get one-shot by fire making it a very binary thing
3) repulsion turrets are OP when masses and the new event thing can mass them