Sonic Heroes was a fucking piece of shit game...

>Sonic Heroes was a fucking piece of shit game, I would rather die than live on a planet where people enjoy playing as Team Rose.
Was he right?

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he shot himself because he didn't want to admit that Heroes is actually not that bad


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>hearing that stupid fucking song again

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absolutely correct, although team dark had a banger soundtrack, so it evens out and game becomes decent


brainlets: welp nacho's story's done now lol
me: hector's gonna go after nacho's dad

Mike slipped Papi's Manitoba ID out of the safe without anyone knowing, he's gonna get him to Winnipeg

nacho tried to get his dad to run away multiple times in earlier seasons and he said no every time, no way mike's gonna be able to convince him

I'd rather play as Team Rose than Team Chaotix

Maybe his son's death will convince him to.

He's not ever going to learn about his son's death.

I'm thinking Mike is able to make it clear Nacho sacrificed himself to give his dad a chance and he will listen

Once he finds out what happened I reckon he'll get out of there, or go for revenge himself.

papi's not going to run, doesn't fit the character
he's always been too righteous, he was willing to die than work with the cartel, never ran away with nacho and always told him to turn himself in to the police
he always held his ideals above everything else and he won't stop now

I don't care what you're thinking as you turn to me

He got what he deserved. In one of his conversations with his dad, he implies that this is the second time he's worked with the Salamancas, meaning he somehow got out once before. He had a second chance, and he squandered it. The last scene makes it seem like he redeemed himself, but at the last second he reveals what he did to Hector in order to satisfy his ego and get the last laugh, possibly endangering his father knowing how vengeful and spiteful the Salamancas are. If Hector is vindictive enough to desecrate his corpse by riddling his face with bullet holes, then he's certainly vindictive enough to go after papi. It's weird that this show treats him as righteous, you can even read Jesus imagery into his last episode.

>endangering his father knowing how vengeful and spiteful the Salamancas are. If Hector is vindictive enough to desecrate his corpse by riddling his face with bullet holes, then he's certainly vindictive enough to go after papi.
100% agreed. i was in the bcs generals on Yea Forums and said this but most anons disagreed. weird to see greater media literacy on Yea Forums than Yea Forums but the meme proves true again, Yea Forums is good for everything but vidya

>It's weird that this show treats him as righteous, you can even read Jesus imagery into his last episode.
imo the show is just illustrating his intentions, he's nobly trying to sacrifice himself for papi but i don't think it'll be that simple for all the reasons you mentioned

I dunno, I got annoyed when I went through the BCS twitter feed and found art that they posted where he was drawn in the style of a saint.

i think they're just showcasing fan art, i think the episode is definitely sympathetic to him and his sacrifice with the christ allusions but i don't think they're canonizing him, especially when we see how hector retaliates and what happens to papi in the coming episodes

The stupid thing is that he basically spat in Mike's face too. He only agreed to be the fall guy in exchange for his father's security, but by doing what he did to Hector, he intentionally likely made Mike's job a whole lot harder.

But Mike said "do it" he was honestly hoping Nacho shot at them

i agree except he didn't do it intentionally, obviously he wants his dad to live but he got carried away at the end and now that'll likely have consequences

Stop spoiling it aasholes. I was waiting for the full season to drop so that I could binge watch it

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sorry i was spoiler tagging my posts but then i got lazy when another user didnt, it's still kinda your fault for opening the thread though, or maybe you didnt open the thread and just read OP which would suck a lot, well either way sorry about the spoils

>let me open the thread with a pic of nacho while the newest season is airing
>noooooo why are you spoiling meee???
Even if the OP pic is enough to spoil you, that's on you for not going on a total internet blackout. But since a five month long blackout is unreasonable, you just have to accept that the risk of getting spoiled is always there. No way of getting around it, unless you just watch week to week like everybody else.

>Oh and you know what else Hector? I’m the one who designed Shadow the hedgehog. Oh yeah your SA2 gameplay? I switched em for Chaotix missions. Shadow was dead and buried and I had to watch these assholes bring him back.
>So when your sitting there in your shitty hallway levels killing disgusting black creature after creature YOU THINK OF ME. You twisted FUCK

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Video games?

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why didnt he just shoot Hector? it would have been the perfect situation for Gus too, and he already pissed off Hector by saying he tried to kill him once.

Gus would have been infuriated if he shot Hector, the whole reason he got leashed by Gus in the first place was because he tried to kill Hector and Gus was both not happy and went through a lot of effort to keep Hector alive. Nacho had already accepted his death and was just there to protect his dad, he really didn't have any reason to do anything but what Gus wanted him to, he really shouldn't have even killed himself in my opinion seeing as we know the actual plan was for him to be shot as he tries to run, but I suppose that was a minor enough change in plan that he didn't expect it to upset Gus, and it would be a preferable way to go.

Because then Gus would kill his father himself
Gus is already suspicious as fuck to the cartel

Gus doesn't want anyone but himself to kill Hector. And he doesn't want a quick death either. He wants his death to be slow and torturous.



Some of you anons are cool, don't go on AMC's social media during the season.

All sonic games are bad.

Because Gus fucked him over once down in Mexico, why the fuck would you think Gus wouldn't fuck him over again? At least him going out and having Mike promise him his dad will be protected means if Gus fucks up there, he loses Mike (which doesn't happen due to BB) which is his right-hand-man nearly for dirty work.

Hi, Mr Journalist

He should have shot Hector as a final fuck you to Gus.

>but at the last second he reveals what he did to Hector in order to satisfy his ego and get the last laugh
Reminder that the whole thing was to make Gus Fring seem innocent.

Better Call Saul? More like Better watch Mike do something mundane for 40 minutes

He didn't want to say fuck you to Gus, he wanted to protect his dad.

You do realize he said that because Hector Salamanca was on Gus' ass up to that point right? Only by taking advantage of his anger was Nacho able to clear Gus of any suspicions.

This show could have been funny Bob Odenkirk getting scummy clients out of trouble every week. Instead it turned into boring nothingness that was both unrealistic and uninteresting at the same time.

I'd honestly wait for the rest of the episodes before theorizing, just sayin

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It's more exciting to discuss where the story is going before the entire story is revealed.

This time 1 billion.
You win the internets today good sir!

>wheres papi?
>heeeeeeeres paaaapi

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Last I checked this is Yea Forums not Yea Forums so you don't have an excuse other than being a dick.


People are going to talk about spoilers whenever and wherever they want, including me. That's what I mean by accepting the risk. You don't demand the sky to not rain on you, you either get a raincoat or accept getting drenched.


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I want to die of malnutrition subsisting solely upon her tit milk.

I come here on the daily and not once I was spoiled on TV show other than GoT. Stop giving yourself a pass and just stop spoiling people, I swear your dick won't fall off.

>tfw it will go full circle with nacho's dad and mike's son, he tries to convince him, tells him of nacho's death, finally relents, breaks then dies

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You're both faggots who need to go back to Yea Forums.

He's right though. This was going to happen to you sooner or later whether it's on here, Yea Forums, in some discord server you frequent.

One of my friends had Episode VII spoiled to them thanks to Super Smash Bros Wii U.
You know that Miiverse stage? Someone wrote Han Solo dies and it popped up while we were playing on it. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

So if there is something, anything, that you absolutely want to see the conclusion of without being spoiled you go full blackout until you see it. Just let this be a lesson.

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>Jimmy! Have you thought more about the Xbox Series X?

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If I were really concerned about spoilers, I would stay the fuck off this website, because I don't expect the average user to be cautious about spoilers on my account. You shouldn't visit a place as chaotic as this and expect people to respect your wishes regarding spoilers. Maybe reddit is more your speed.

If there's a popular show/movie, especially one that a lot of people on Yea Forums like, expect spoilers posted on this board within a day. Just stay off the site until you watch it, it's not hard.

>Yea Forums is good for everything but vidya
Yeah it's interesting, I've had 100 times more interesting conversations about Berserk on Yea Forums than on Yea Forums.

>nooooo i'm a binge watcher and everyone on the internet should be courteous for my retarded needs
ok i will never talk about something after its release ever again, are you happy now???

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