Comfy XboX Thread

What are ya playan fellow Xbros? I finally downloaded Guardians of the Galaxy from Game Pass and to my surprise it's actually fun.

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My Series X is showing up tomorrow.
I'm planning on playing Red Dead Redemption and Breakdown.
I'll probably download and play Bugsnax, too.

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>My Series X is showing up tomorrow.
congrats, user! I hope you got it for retail price. You must be really excited I know I was when mine arrived.

I have Max Payne 1, Time Splitters Future Perfect, and Strangers of Paradise in my Quick Resume bar.

I got a bundle with the blue controller off MS' website yesterday. Hate to be unoriginal but I'm really excited to play RDR1 at 4K and a few Sonic games.

Been playing Rage and Metro Exodus lately. Fun games, even if I'm not really into the whole open-world thing. I'm planning on playing Stranger of Paradise next.

Yeah, it's surprising how steady the stock is now after the last year and a half.
Like said you can just order them straight from Microsoft's site.

Just resubbed to Gaypass, playing The Show 22
Any games added in the past 4-5 months I should play?

kino game

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but RDR1 is still 30fps. Rockstar are cunts and won't allow FPS boost in any of their old games.

It's ok, I'm aware. The fact I can play it at 4K makes me happy enough after going through the terrible PS3 version years ago.

imo it really needs a UI upgrade. it still uses the same exact UI as the xbox one has been using for a few years

It needs a UI downgrade.

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Elden Ring, DOA4

Also check out The Forgotten City, best Skyrim mod to become a real game ever.


It's still as good as you remember, better even because it's more videogamey than the sequel and has more QoL features from the get-go, but the gameplay really highlights how sorely microsoft needs to revise their controllers to have gyro. Auto-target makes gunfights too easy, but disabling it makes them a huge pain in the ass when on horseback.

>haven't had an xbox since the 360
>meanwhile had the ps3 and ps4
>my bro has been xbox only since the first xbox
>I have a series x and he just bought s PS5
feels so weird we're now on opposite sides. feels like bizarro world.

>play other games on cloud streaming
>quality is shit, tons of screen wipes to clean up artifacts
>played The Show 22 on cloud streaming
>it's basically a perfect 1080p stream with almost no perceptible input lag
Dunno if it's Sony, Microsoft or MLB, but someone is paying a fuckload for server bandwidth specifically for that game.

red dead redemption is massively overrated. both of them

Serious question, if you have a good PC, why the fuck would you buy a fucking xbox?

>if you have a good PC
I don't have a PC and I was able to get a series x at MSRP. cry harder

same but goes all the way back to 1. I even had a vita
I really dont like the direction PS is going (a premium gaming brand with progressive claifornia politics) and recent xbox deals are too kino to not care

to play in other rooms/on other floors of the house. It actually makes more sense than ever to own both as game pass is now a thing and PC gets all xbox games so if you have game pass you can seamlessly move from one to the other including synced save files

I really wish they go ahead and make, even sell, a 360 and/or Original xbox system emulator for the series X. I have so many disc games and my 360 just died and Im too brainlet to know what to look for in a replacement

PC emulates certain games like garbage, like Fable 2 and NG2. Gunvalkyrie too. Also gives me an excuse to not bother upgrading since mostly anything interesting is going to Xbox anyways.

Even if you have a good pc there are people that like couch gaming, and a pc isn't exactly ideal for that, but anyway i don't know why everyone always make this question because i can say the exact same about getting a playstation.

because I can and I'm too lazy to run a cord from the PC to the TV in my house for games I rather play on the couch

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Is the goypass worth it? I can't build a PC at a reasonable price thanks to cryptonigs, but series x and ps5 apparently have no stock issues here.

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or any system really, hell you could make an argument that getting new video cards in less than 6 years is stupid as fuck for what little it gets you for the price.

>Is the goypass worth it

because it's better on the couch in every way and any reply you'd have for me other than "damn user, you're right" is just faggot cope

For me it is, even if I paid the full 120ish for 9 months I have it's been paying itself off as I have enjoyed the catalog of games. That said I have pretty wide tastes(also know as bad taste) and can enjoy things like Backbone, Unpacked, and GotG as much as Zero Escape series, Yakuza series, and Rainbow Six so most of the cat4alog I'm going to play.

>For me it is, even if I paid the full 120ish for 9 months
dude do the xbox live gold conversion hack

Because Xbox is a decent alternative for people who can't get into PC gaming. The only downside is paid online. Other than that, you get emulators, crossplay with PC, and the big multiplats.

I don't think I booted up my Series X in like 2 months. Gamepass has been a disaster recently, going nearly as low as Games with Gold.
Oh well, maybe I will finally finish Blue Dragon after I'm done with some PC games first.

>obvious falsefaggotry
super cute, user!

too expensive to upgrade for me right now (760 lol) and console gaming is pretty comfy. i don’t do autismbait games that are typically for PC only so i’m not bothered at all, only thing i miss is MMORPGs and competitive FPSs. console games don’t really have communities or vc interaction in my experience

Dead cells, tunic and Hades are good. I just played through all of the Gears of Wars. Might start a full halo series playthrough. I cant stop playing elden ring tho

>Gamepass has been a disaster recently
??? do you need a AAA first party exclusive every month? GotG was last month and it was great, i’m looking forward to Bugsnax and Yomi, and the Show is out for baseballfags. i think you’d be saying this no matter what. not to mention huge games like the Hitman trilogy and ME trilogy both dropping earlier this year i haven’t gotten around to finishing


I was a PC Xbro cancelled my gaymepass and went to linux.
Gotta say don't really miss it all to much did play some great games though.

good for you

If it's not this gen, I hope the Series XX seriously has gyro. Everything else does, may as well just go with the flow. Although I wonder if it would be easy to patch in gyro support for older games.

there's nothing comfy about a home console imho

yes there is

The female characters are surprisingly sexy in that game

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True, they're still fun little gunslinging games, though which I'm partial to.
I can't believe how little Lady Hellbender porn there is.
Blows my mind, but not my dick...

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do you guys think they will add more crash games and activision games in general to the backward compatibility program after the buyout is complete? I really want to play the superior version of twinsanity, those xbox emulators are total shit on PC

>backward compatibility program
they said they were done adding games so unless they change their minds you probably gotta hope some get put on game pass

Just finished GTA 3 and VC, don’t really have much else to play atm so I’m just bouncing around between Apex, DMC 5 and Sekiro. Sniper Elite 5 looks fun so I’ll try that out next month.

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It's sucks she didn't take off, especially after the craze over Lady D in RE8

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dont let the cat cover the exhaust like that

Me to user. Mine comes in tomorrow, can't wait to see start playing some old Xbox 360 games along with Gamepass stuff.

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I have both and a switch. I have them all connected to my 4k TV in front of my couch. Wireless keyboard and mouse so I can be comfy while using my computer.

PC is for games that don't have controller support or are just better on PC. I much prefer to use a controller while being all comfy on the couch over kb+mouse. I can't stand long gaming sessions even with proper posture at a desk with a good chair while on PC.

I also prefer to play multiplayer shooters on console with crossplay off, because it's way easier to aim with a mouse. Playing such games on a computer with a controller is a huge handicap, even though it's more comfortable. So I just play them on Xbox where almost everybody has the same handicap.

they said they reached the limit of viable games to add, basically they can't add more because they either reached a technically limitation wall OR a licensing wall, with the later being basically a non issue after the acquisition I totally expect them to add activision games they couldn't add before because activision's awful IP licensing

You wouldn't. I learned this when I purchased the first Series X I could find for MSRP, only to cancel the order 10 minutes later when I had the epiphany that
>a. the XSX has no worthwhile exclusives
>b. new games suck in general
>c. all the old Xbox original/360 games I can only get from the Xbox store, I can easily still play on my Xbox One
>d. virtually everything I'd want from GamePass™, I already have on Steam/GOG

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shitty take

Yeah dw, I got her out of there after I got the photo.