Game lets you get married

>game lets you get married
>start crying in real life

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>I will never have a cute wife
I really need to kill myself.

Yeah I married a boat in azur lane and after the little cutscene played I started to feel really sad. I hate it, its just a bit of cheeky fun.

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>nice cute girls just don't exist, even if you are chad

I hope she marries someone highly melanated

tfw no qt gf

I fucking hate cosplay so much

>sub human 3d

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some part of me thinks I should be affected by such a void and sympathize with op, but I'm not
I feel nothing when I see fictional families, no different than when I see any other picture
sucks to be you, I guess

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Sadly, Women today over estimate their value, making them all stuck up cunts. If they're pretty, they damn well know it and expect to be treated like royalty.
True cuteness comes from the inside as well as the outside. You will never find a modern pretty women with an ounce of humility.

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i hope you lose your virginity one day

This. It's why I bit the bullet and went for a passing trap instead. Yeah we can't have kids but she plays vidya with me, is good at it too, is cute, and acts more feminine and submissive than any real girl I've met. Very very small penis too so it's like it's not even there. A big clit at worse



who in their right mind would pick the white hag over the nubile native girl

How am I a fgt if she's like a woman except without a vagina? If you found a girl you loved but for some reason she had a deformity where she didn't have a vagina, would you call yourself a faggot for loving her? Cmon dude, think a bit.

You're faggot because of what HE has and is.

I wish women would let me get married.


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Based and logicpilled

Bruh, your boyfriend will join the 41% in a few years if you don't help him.

Why pick when you cal have all three?

Traps don't age well and tend to do this when the fantasy fades as the mirror can no longer lie for them.

Which game has the best wedding scene? It doesnt need in depth romance or meaningful choices, I'm just looking for an extravagant wedding where hopefully the whole cast attends

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Me too user

Dude, I know it's a desperate time. But that's not the way.
Better to be alone than with a dude pretending.

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It's actually 50% now.
41% is an old statistic.

Bad use of Kyle faggots. Boys make better girls than women do and that is undebatable.

>It's actually 50%
good, it can only go higher

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>girl probably doesn't even know who this is

user is lying.

>doesn't have her mouth open to match some of these
Her teeth must look awful


If anyone opens their mouth you fags just turn them into basedjacks.

Cope with what? Your lies?

>real life ahoge

alfalfa-lookin' ass nigga

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>Harvest Moon cosplayers
Those exist? Color me surprised. For as prolific as that series is and how many people love it, it gets next to no attention with fanart, cosplay, or porn.

Rename her "never forget" so you never forget

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I’ve fapped to Anna porn a lot

who is it?

Best Harvest Moon cosplay I have seen. Then again the only other two was a fat fuck pretending to be the Harvest Goddess and a dude in drag larping as the Witch Princess.

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>The faggot calling someone a faggot

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How do you get this scene, its the only one, and I know about the cheat i want to see it in context in game though.

Shes fucking ugly an not comparable to Celia.

everything is ugly compared to celia user
not a fair assessment

>. It's why I bit the bullet and went for a passing trap instead. Yeah we can't have kids but she plays vidya with me, is good at it too, is cute, and acts more feminine and submissive than any real girl I've met.

Don't use Hyde to shitpost about your mommy issues, dumb zoomer.

Both retarded uses of Kyle.
Stupid zoomers, ruins everything.

For me, it's Flora

You are a newfag and should not be posting Kyle.

Stop worshiping women and take a red pill, they can't even love in a romantic unconditional way like males do, they are just biological machines to filter anyone with less than perfect genes. Girl from picture will despise you but at the same time will blow a chad's cock on knees within seconds.

This, boys are way better.

sounds like faggot cope to me
a LOT of faggot cope

cry more virgin.

Im hopeful because Harvest Moon is popular among girls but also weary because there's something funny about how her face looks so I'll just ask;

That's a man right?

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sex with dudes is not real sex, so faggots are virgins too

sticking your dick in a dude is the same as fucking a dog

you are still a virgin

>TFW fucked both men and women.

Poor, poor virgin.

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Looks like an Angelo woman to me.

Her(His?) face is pretty long, which is a masculine feature...
Damn I hate this fucked up society that forces me to question these things.

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No one made you question these things, you just are doing it cause you are a repressed loser.

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>People cross-dressing aren't forcing you to question who's a dude and who's female. You're just doing it cuz you're a loser.

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Yes... user, yes.

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