Let me guess, you need a stick

Let me guess, you need a stick

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>Playing fighting games in 2022.
Fucking laughing at your life.

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I dont mind the Snackbox, but please tell me you didn't defile an authentic Hori VLX for this shitbox garbage.

imagine wasting time with fighting games when sf6 isn't even out
what are you doing mah nigga

I bought a fight stick to play arcade games

I need a goddamn gf

Based arcade enjoyer

Attached: PXL_20220324_224020279.jpg (2688x1512, 1.35M)

They are more expensive than sticks, though


crush was too based for melee

i need a dpad

Attached: 220px-PSX-DualShock-Controller.jpg (220x172, 7.68K)

will SF6 be shit for the first 2 years?

yes, unlike forever like the rest of fighting games

I use the xbox controller

why does street fighter elicit this cultism? you don't see darkstalkers fans, soulcalibur fans and mortal kombat fans crusading day and night, shitting on every game ever made except the one they play

>implying im a cultist
its just fact man.

fighting games with projectile attacks can never and will never be good.

Wait until you see King of Farts fanboys.

>Want to buy a Hitbox
>going from pad to hitbox will be a fun change
>check price
>literally 400€ if I want to have universal support
Is it... worth it in the end?

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but those are hitboxes

ive played with pad stick and hitbox, hitbox is by far my favorite controller you can probably make one yourself for fairly cheap.


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Lmao all those look shit

I just bought sf5 and I never played fighting games in my life and I'm playing with a keyboard, u mad?

keyboard is unironically optimal

Based keyboard chad.

i can smell the estrogen pills from that image

Come on bros...

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it depends on your keyboard, not all keyboards are good for fighting games.

*ghosts your inputs*

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well you're supposed to get a good keyboard

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I like using sticks for games that could reasonably be played on an arcade cabinet. That isn't exclusive to fighting games.

Wrong way around, movement should be on the right hand

Fight me. Or just try it yourself on a keyboard. Guarantee anyone right-handed can already slam out half circle way better with their right

what's a good keyboard keybind set up? someone told me wasd is shit and I don't get why.

I always used WASD keys with my left hand for years playing a variety of games and never had an issue doing inputs.

just mimick that of a hitbox

>someone told me wasd is shit and I don't get why.
Just do what feels good to you; you are not them.

I really like WAD Space.

Don't listen to them. I know people who use sticks, analog, pad, mixbox, hitbox, etc. It's all up to preference.

when my hitbox cable shit the bed i used q/w/e/psace for movement

Unironically buy a cheap china one off of ebay ect then switch the buttons yourself. Premade hotbox prices are a fucking scam. I have my own chinabox and love it.

Why do these all have the same kind of casing? Why not buy yourself a QANBA Obsidian for ~$200 or less and mod it into a hitbox? Conversion kits should be cheap.

>that vlx
please take it out of its misery

Why not just use a keyboard?

>Having too low of an IQ for fighters
There's always Elden Ring

It's not the IQ that's the issue, it's their lack of technical skill to perform even the most basic of motions with consistency

why you ask?

IQ issue. Everyone has execution problems, most just work around it

I'm too old to get into fighting games.
it's a genre you have to start early to have patience for, so you can grind it for 50 hours before seeing improvement.
I hold the same view for RTS.

I dunno, unga bunga gorilla playstyle is a thing in most fighting games. Especially flowcharting. I'd really just chalk it down to execution issues and the lack of patience to actually learn.

do a 720 on keyb

thanks doctor

>10 years fightfags trying to prove their games are worth playing.
>They're still RTS levels of niche.

>you don't see darkstalkers fans, soulcalibur fans and mortal kombat fans

>not using only basic punches and kicks to beat your enemies
>he uses half circle , quarter circle, Z-inputs, etc
You Didn't Beat Your Opponent

>play mostly niche genres
>fighting games
>rhythm games
>card games
>even bullet hell
im told that ill probably get carpal tunnel by the end of it all

I use both because I'm not a self-righteous faggot who forces himself not to use the full toolkit intended to be used by the developers/ director.

>openly admitting to being a casual
You Didn't Win The Fight

>openly admitting to being the aforementioned self-righteous faggot twink
Like clockwork...

>he doesn't play on pc with psp connected as controller

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You're taking a baitpost way too seriously

I've seen BBCS on the PSP and I can only imagine how atrocious that must play

You're right, I did.
10/10 b8 m8, you got me to reply with sincerity.

At least you caught on eventually lol all good dude

I use a stick for shmups, this thing for puzzle games, and a pad for fighting games.

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I only play 3D fighters on PC,
so this should be a better choice.

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