Here's your steam deck bro

>here's your steam deck bro

Attached: So_my_Steam_Deck_arrived_today._ueb35z.webm (1024x576, 956.9K)

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>here's your steam deck bro

Attached: niggerbeingfat.webm (640x640, 1.34M)

Why do americans always record their porches? Crime that bad?

>here's your berries bro

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This is not even remotely close to what that package went through in transit

I live in a 5 bedroom house and its easier to check my phone to see who is ringing than to get up and walk to the door.

It's fun

fuck that's cute

Makes sense.

can confirm

The guy wrapped in the black hoodie is the safest nigger in the city. That should tell you something.

>Crime that bad?
Depends on who's your neighbor

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I work for the post office and that happens to every package 500x a day

I'd like to know whether I need to answer the door with gun or a beer.

>where's our fucking berries faggot

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This, in my hometown I've never witnessed a crime my entire life. But when I went to college I was mugged several times and had many altercations with others. Really depends on the area.

Avoid cities.

crackheads doing mail sorting kick the shit around like soccer balls

w-what are the looking at?

That's their yard now. You bully them and they will never forget; you help them and they will never leave.

Yes, you could get shot any day

conveniency and crime mostly. porch pirates are a pretty common thing in america where people will take packages delivered to your door after the delivery company drops them off.

>black is more than a color

That's terrifying, why do berbs do this?

in america there is no expectation for people to perform their jobs without being vindictive or pointlessly destructive unless you directly pay them yourself. americans think it's fair and reasonable for a waiter to piss in your food for example, if you don't tip him.

it's similar to other countries like egypt where you need to pay 'baksheesh', a common bribe, for any official or middleman to perform his job. americans will tip their barber, their mechanic, their doctor etc and if they don't they expect to get fucked over.

with delivery drivers and parcel thieves, there is simply no mechanism to stop it from happening because you can't tip a guy who delivers to you when you're at work, and you can't tip every potential thief to not rob you

>This retard got a CDL and package delivery job and yet I never will because I don't have $6000 to pay for it.
Yeah, fuck Capitalism. Time to collect welfare.

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I hope that driver got reported and lost his job

>america is literally cuck country
glad I live in Europe where the fuckers actually get paid to do their jobs

>americans think it's fair and reasonable for a waiter to piss in your food for example, if you don't tip him.

Untrue, it's not right. But you know... don't expect me to bother taking your order for at least 10 minutes the next time you come through. Passive aggressiveness does wonders sometimes.

americans actually have houses unlike yuropoors who live in flats

Where the fuck does this happen, theres no areas like that in my country.

What in the world are you talking about? What costs $6000?

do you need a CDL for a tiny ass van like that?

>Just leave the package on the floor lmao
How is this acceptable? What the fuck is wrong with this country

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suburbanites are terrified psychotics


CDLs cost over $5000, they would actually cost me $8000 to be one of these truck drivers. If I failed the extremely anal test then I would have to pay that amount to try again. Fuck America. I'm literally just living on welfare now because everything except being a cashier or a box pusher is priced out of our reach.


Where does this mostly happen? I live in San Diego, which is the "hellscape" land of CA, and I've never once had someone steal my packages.
I don't even live in the fancy pants richfag area

Americans actually have porches and yards unlike bugmen euros that live in commieblock hives.

thanks mumei

I can rent bigger U-Haul trucks tho, what gives

You're welcome Y*Kuboid

First time I was robbed at gunpoint I was in STL. Second time I was in a very nice area of Chicago filming skating. Was completely caught off guard. Third time I was in LA at the staples center (skating). Forth time I was in Bakersfield in a Mcdonalds drive through... meh, I just have bad luck. I stay deep out in Appalachia now. Avoiding big metros for the rest of my life.

But when Tokyo does it it's "comfy", holy obsessed.

he didnt steal the package

I'm glad you live in Europe where you let the Muslims move in and take over while you cry about it, too

No, Asians are guilty of being bugs too.

based mutt

>Avoiding big metros for the rest of my life.
is that what you call them now

Maybe you should be angry at your employer instead.

japanese bugs have paper wall on top of it, you hear every bitch moaning in the building when they fuck

Yeah and yet you need to be a faggot and spend $8000 for a license to drive a fucking windowless van for a cable company. It's retarded because driving a truck is different but it isn't fucking hard.

That's not a shock. There is nothing there but meth and sadness

Maybe you should fuck off to russia commie.

Deck looks safe to me

>St Louis, Chicago, LA
So the crime capitals of the country is where you encountered crime?
Imagine my shock.


>I get all my info from anime and think I'm an expert now


berry picker as fuck!

No, you're just thinking of england.

>average steam deck owner

at least if you get robbed in Tokyo the guy will have the courtesy to ask you first and won't even pull a weapon on you

I think of them more as Mega Cities (*Judge Dredd reference). All these cities are so close together. Or maybe the more appropriate word would be Sprawl (*Snow Crash Neal Stephenson) .

shut up bug"man"

Holy fuck, why US cant use locked mailboxes? Or deliver to person? Europe can do that and so can you. Solve so many problems.

by cities you mean blacks

Pellet gun.

Specifically crows do this, they can recognize human faces even if they are wearing masks. I think on average they will remember you for at least 2 years. They get extremely territorial during Spring setting up for Summer, so you need to becareful not to piss them off around then.

no one cares eurotrash, this is a free country

>Europe bad coz muslims
>meanwhile real president of US name is Kamala Harris

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based anti-fatass railing

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>tipping a mechanic or doctor
lmao you retard, nobody does this. stop pulling shit out of your ass

>here's your popcorn bro

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Both are bad.

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Steam Deck? More like STEAMED HAM AMRITE Y'ALL?


Actual answer, we aren't required to sign for every package, so our packages are left on our porches for possibly hours. It's a trust system that works as well as you think it does

We do. Retards in flyover states haven't discovered basic shapes yet, though.
You can buy a one unit one too if your neighbors don't want to all go in on a multi unit one.
Amazon also will install a locker in high volume areas if you ask.

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Crime capitals are often these small fent/traffiking towns. Less than 100k people. Sometimes more dangerous than a city of millions. You just have to do your homework before you go anyway. For example, I don't mind going to comps in Detroit, but I'd never set foot in ATL.

What the fuck is the story behind this

More like Detroit SWAT

Why are there markers in Japan? Bros what the FUCK?

>Twin Towers can be rebuilt, Zach.

Free to have your packages stolen, you half-brain retard.

The more I learn about US (faxes, checks, tips, health services and insurances and this stealing stuff) the more I wonder how you even manage to keep country from collapsing on itself. Even poorest European countries are 100 years ahead in civil development.

Don't be a fag, fag. If you actually wanted to drive and be paid for it, there are plenty of jobs to do so without needing a commercial license. But there are jobs out there, it just takes effort to find them and confidence to apply and go to the interview. In the past few years, I've worked in the back rooms of clothing and grocery stores, as a commercial lawn mower, as a school janitor and as a dog daycare attendant. They were all easy as hell and paid enough that I was able to slowly save money. Then I applied for a local civil service position that pays almost $30 an hour and is literally just proofreading documents and directing calls. I didn't even put my past work on my resume and they hardly asked any questions at the interview, it was more psychologically interrogative than fact checking. I just said I'd had a few jobs but I was focused on personal ventures that hadn't quite worked out so now I was looking for something stable.
Stop whining and do something about it. If you actually wanted to get that job, you could take a loan out and it would quickly pay for itself. You don't want it though, you're looking for excuses.

>thought about opening a PO just to avoid porch thievery since I don't live in a good area
>apparently nobody delivers to PO boxes for some reason
bros i'm nervous
pretty sure the day i'm scheduled to get my deck I'm just going to be camping outside of my house 24/7

Because there's retarded people all over the world (and also ex-pats)? I guess you'll be relieved that those ones were all pathetic for the most part.

no one cares radu

But muhamad fucked your sister.

>inferiority complex EUfag has entered the chat


Glad to hear that US have some reasonable people after all.

Never been mugged and I'm from LA. I must be lucky.

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Yeah, and literally everyone over 20 knows that STL/LA are absolute shitholes and that Chicago is literally nicknamed Chiraq.

Spare me the boomerisms, it's illegal to drive trucks for them without the $8000 license. There is no "go in and handshake them" way to get a $30 job. That only works for being a fucking dishwasher for minimum wage. Jobs are literally behind a paywall. Don't be a fucking retard.

japan has a very small group of communists, the protests were literally less than 30 people

In some areas. I, for example, don't record my porch or lock my door, but that's because I live in an all white rural area.

at least they weren't in china

Most of us either rent or go homeless. Boomers and Blackrock own all the homes.

nah tokyo sucks too

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Its because youre driving it for the company and something something liability whatever. I worked a job manufacturing plantation shutters and dont even have my regular license but one day one of the install guys called out so the owner just tossed me the keys and said "take truck 2 to this address and install the roller shades and ill double your pay for the day and cover whatever you buy for lunch". Fucker was about the size of a standard UPS truck and ive never driven legally in my entire life but noone at that entire warehouse had a CDL anyway.

Why do Euros record everything on their dash cams?


They'll know who shot their mates and fuck you up. In Japan crows keep getting incinerated by huge solar plants so their friends keep dropping rocks on the glass panels to get revenge. Falconry is on the rise because there's no other realistic way of getting rid of the crows.

Worse, they are women.

I wish, my last altercation was in Cherokee country, granted, I started it...but still. Never know who is packing heat so just be careful no matter where you go. As the meme goes, "This is America".

looks comfy

I don't record my shit either, never had shit stolen and I've returned mis-delivered parcels to my neighbors and they've done the same with me.
It's all white people playing golf next door (my apartment is overlooking a gold course) and Indians.
Indians don't seem to steal, at least here they don't.

When the landing zone at the Firelink Shrine is backed up.

I also got to see a homeless man die in the middle of the street on the same trip. Fascinating city man. Scary place.

Can niggers do anything properly?

Japs have sex?

If it's just a gerenic key that post men are expected to have, what's stopping thieves using that key?

American natives are closely related to Asians. Of course they wouldn't steal.

those 3 things

I literally just told you I got a civil service job that pays $28 an hour. The exam cost me $32 and was at my local college. It's called a clerical position. Go check your local fucking district.
And I didn't say truck driving, I said driving. I know plenty of people who make half of their money off uber and ubereats, especially out here in the country, you make a ton of cash for longer rides and the tips are equally big.

How did he die

she made it further than joe biden could

Skid row is an awful part of town. Nothing but junkies and hobos there. Not that far from the Staples.

What happened here? They got electrocuted or something?

That's just the power of the woman brain.

No thanks, I don't want to die in endless loops.

nerve gas

That's not how they work. They take the key from the door and so now the door now locks. The key either goes in your locked mailbox that only you have the key for, or in your mailslot.
Nobody is saying you can't rob one of these, but that's not the point. It's to make it too much of a pain in the dick so they go elsewhere.
fuck niggers

>Heavy dying sound

No, like actual Indians. From India, sirs.

They are female.

>you will never get big hugs from best girl in peak 80s japan
fuck this gay earth

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No he's a bug man like you
>flyovers bad
Cities are smelly, expensive shitholes in which no one cares about one another. I once saw a homeless man screaming for help as he bled out, and I'm not even and was the only one who called the 911, everyone else just walked past not giving a shit

Because "he said she said" will not get you an insurance payout.

Why do we keep seeing off-topic threads with black people doing dumb things every few hours? Is this part of the radicalization of Yea Forums?

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>Here's your beer, bro

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this sort of ungratefulness is why you keep dying dumb meeper.

Ah that make sense thanks for letting me know
Sounds like you could run into trouble with how retard some post men are

>Indians don't seem to steal, at least here they don't.
They prefer to do it over the phone.

Yea Forums has always liked offtopic animal threads

Have I lost my edge? I feel bad for her. Imagine living life like that.

seethe tranny



Ok retard, enjoy bumfuck nowhere, wyoming.

It's what you have to do when you're not allowed to kill niggers and employ them instead

This is why we still need feminism

I'm not sure, we saw him convulsing in the street, nobody did anything for a bit. But his body was obstructing traffic so eventually some cops came.
I noticed the hobo tents but outside of that there were some super nice buildings and hot women so I can forgive it. I also got to see some old history that I didn't know the city had. LA has more history than I give it credit for.

That dude is full of shit, you don't even need a CDL for the big FedEx trucks. They're under the weight/size limit.
t. Worked for FedEx

>I literally just told you I got a civil service job that pays $28 an hour
No, you said it was $30 an hour.