As someone who liked World, should I buy Iceborne or Rise (PC)?

As someone who liked World, should I buy Iceborne or Rise (PC)?
I would have to buy World again because I bought it for PS4 to play on release.

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I'd wait for Sunbreak to release. There's bound to be a Rise+Sunbreak bundle that's cheaper than buying the two separately.

Iceborne is good. If you haven't played that yet then I would recommend it

More people are playing iceborne, just go with that. Rise is meh with all that toukiden grappling hook bullshit and mounts.

Iceborne sucks, clutch claw ruined the game
But Rise also sucks

More people are going to be playing Sunbreak when it releases so better get a head start with Rise now.

Neither play GU

Iceborne definitely. Rise is unfinished and dumbed down as fuck.

Attached: mhwworld-rise.jpg (6093x1722, 3.91M)

Get both. They're both great games. Rise has better move sets and great quality of life improvements. World has more content (now) and better visuals.

both are okay, World/Iceborne is much higher budget and has some good side content but Rise has less padding and more QoL

Iceborne will be more up your alley.

World was unfinished until Iceborne. And Sunbreak comes out in like 2 months. Rise will be finished then.

this but if you're a G rank player you should probably grad Rise now and get started so you're ready for Sunbreak release.

This is true, but then he'll be level n00b with no sets or weapons and it'll take him a while to get geared up for Sunbreak. Who knows how the multiplayer will by the time that happens.

Rise is 50% off at the moment. Would Rise+Sunbreak really be cheaper than getting Rise now?

if you are a worldbab there is a 50/50 chance you will hate rise, should stick with iceborne since it has much more content atleast for now.

probably not

If Rise is 50% off then, there you go. Grab it while it's on sale and get yourself geared up and ready for Sunbreak. Get Iceborne during Steam Summer Sale.

Iceborne is also 50% off. Base Rise and World+Iceborne are currently the same price.

Let's hope he's a legit Mon Hun fan and not a console warrior.

World was much better than Rise. I played base World for 200 hours. I played Rise for 50 hours before dying of boredom.

>calling World the babby game when shilling R*se

Attached: MH Rise Fantasy 14.webm (928x542, 2.99M)

Hell then grab both. 36 bucks for hundreds (if not over a 1000) hours of game play isn't bad.

Has anyone figured out a hack to move Switch Rise saves to PC yet? I'd like to move over to PC but I'm not tossing almost a thousand hours of playtime into the trash since Nintendo/Capcom is being retarded.

Can someone explain to me why rise didn't click with me?
I love monhun and always have a blast with them but rise for some reason felt a bit "off", kind of like less like monster hunter and more like a generic animu action game

Probably nostalgia or something along those lines. MH has been sort of the "same" for over a decade, Rise is completely a new take.

go back to mhg schizo

no idea i am enjoying them all still, sucks for you i guess.

i fucking love the clutch claw.

You seem to have PTSD from there

It's not an MH game. It's a mobashit wirebug skill spam fest more in line with low budget animu games than MH.

STFU snoy, we don't need your bait here. Oh wait, you're a snoy, hold on...
>Ayo hole up, yo aint nobody got no time for dis shits, no cap fr fr
there is more clear?

reddit ring goes to show how far From has fallen.


I loved world and hated iceborne. Clutch claw is retarded

Because it's shallow and the wirebug moves ruin many weapons.

Get Iceborne, wait for Sunbreak to get Rise in a bundle. G-Rank is always the real game.

Right now it's $70 for Rise and a Sunbreak preorder.
I can't imagine them together being cheaper on release. Might save 5 or 10 bucks at best.

graphicsfags need to be publicly executed

Rise is 50% off on steam rn, it also have more content than World had before Iceborne.
Or wait for Sunbreak for Rise G-rank, your call OP.

Attached: 1649167930732.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

that rabbit is a better driver than most humans

daily reminder that these threads are made by /mhg/ tranies looking to stir up shit because they dont get any (you)'s on their dead general

i want to replay rise on pc because
which weapon do you recommend?

I feel the same. The problem is that every quest, every monster, every set, every weapon, every map, evey area feel exactly the same.
Did you liked World? I wanted to play it but Rise made me change idea.

rise is not MH, its like someone put MHXX, DMC, God Eater and Toukiden into a blender and just threw the results into Nintendo's Eshop.

Graphics are the least of Rise's problem.

Finally a voice of reason. I have my concerns with world but holy fucking shit the way that rise wants to be played is so far away from anything monhun that it makes world and even XX look tame in comparison

all of them. we can't answer that question because we have no idea who the fuck you are and what your play style is. instead of asking a bunch of retards like us, get the game and the weapons and find one that works for you

take your first aid meds

bruh eat your dango and bing birds

>Did you liked World?
Yeah,it has its issues but overall i had a fantastic time with it and the final fatty fight will forever remain one of the best bosses in vidya for me, it was masterfully done.

Get iceborne first

Ok just did. Now what?

I've done that fight several dozens times now and still not bored of it. It's amazing how the World team got good at their own game with the Iceborne additions.

Just wait until Sunbreak. Iceborne changed World radically and made it a much better game - with the exception of the clutch claw. There's reason to have faith that Rise will get better too. It's fine as is, but Workd just feels better to me.

World had a much better foundation than Rise though.

>Have great time playing MHXX with friend during vacation
>Buys copies of rise to play online together when he leaves
>Not having fun anymore
I really want to have fun but I just don't get why I'm not. Everything just feels off. Is there some secret fun playstyle or weapon?

Nintendo is holding gaming back.

Attached: MH devoluion 1.jpg (1919x1767, 2.48M)

nintendo is dumbing down gaming for an audience that has never felt the touch of a woman including their mother

Have you played World? Most people I know disliked Rise but liked World.

1.5k in world, want to keep playing but dont have anyone to play it with again
bought a switch so i could play rise, never got past 10 hours and the switch is collecting dust, worst purchase ive ever made

That sucks to hear. Yeah the common consensus is that Rise is very easy to get burnt out on. I blame the repetitive one-sided gameplay of over-emphasis on wirebug skills.

its $23 on key sites

>World was much better than Rise.
Less content even after the additions than base Rise and it took longer to get all of the additions, also more repeated monsters and more COMPLETELY FORGETTABLE AND WORTHLESS ones.
>I played base World for 200 hours. I played Rise for 50 hours before dying of boredom.
That's because you're retarded.

I want to play world later on my own time. I just feel bad that I don't get Rise because he's excited to play it together and I'm just not getting into it.

I prefer clarity, MHW was pretty but way too messy and gave me a headache. I like that rise looks more like tri and 4u

>dps mod
Atleast I know what kind of retard is posting this webm.

>top: pretty, seizure-inducing, worse to traverse, less content if you exclude randomized grinding, terrible distribution of event quests
>bottom: worse looking, better to play under pretty much every aspect, more content, no completely worthless monster, you just download the event quests and you can do them whenever
You get easily dazzled by pretty graphics and turn your brain off.


They announced it would be coming to PC before it was out, you're one dumb motherfucker.

Im pretty sure i would have enjoyed rise more if they didnt lobotomize HH
I loved playing HH in world even in Iceborne, but in Rise it feels awful

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It's just a boring, massive downgrade from World in every way. It feels every bit the shallow, low budget mobile game that it is.