Should Mercury Steam develop Metroid 6?

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They should develop a good game first

Yes, they're clearly more competent than Nintendo's team.

Samus and Solid Snake in Space Lords?

Hell no. Their lazy indie-tier trash doesn't deserve the Metroid name.

Sure why not

Yeah, they should, twenty times better than the other Nintendo trash devs

Metroid Dread sold so well that they're probably working on another Metroid game right now

but nintendo should get a new music guy
dread's ost was fairly weak

dread was shit

Your mother

I can't think of another studio I'd trust over them, so yeah I guess.

Team Cherry would do a good job, if Nintendo told them the game has to be under 25 hours long.

Team Cherry are clearly still too busy doing who knows what about Silksong to start a new project so I left them out.


I think they are the defacto Mainline Metroid team as Nintendo doesn't have anyone else.

they did a great job with Metroid Dread so I dont see a reason not to

They really need to improve on the atmosphere aspects if they continue making metroid games and get someone who can make good sound tracks. Also stop reusing bosses there was no reason to do so in Dread.

who did they even reuse, Kraig?

Clearly they should making the next Castlevania game.


>they're probably working on another Metroid game right now
>It will come out before Prime 4

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Just think user, as the goes on the likelihood of you dying before getting to play the next anticipated game only goes up.
In fact it's practically guaranteed you'll die while waiting for Metroid Prime 6 or whatever to release.

Steam? It's not on PC

Chozo-Bots and Chozo Warriors each show up a few times, but those are all decent fights that are more mini-boss level than proper bosses, so I'm not sure why he'd complain about those.

Central Units as well, but I'd hardly count that as a boss, they take like 20 seconds to deal with.

I'm fine with them working with Nintendo again on Metroid 6 but if Nintendo has built an in-house team to make Metroid 6, there's no point.


Where does the Metroid storyline even go from here?

>more Chozo planets
>Chozo planet with the cloning facility
>a new alien faction taking the Space Pirates place
>possible return of the X Parasites
>that Chozo on the tower in Chozo Archives 8
Many places now that the Metroid species storyline is done.

Does anyone who worked on the old Primes even work at retro anymore?

the evil Federation suits that greenlit the Metroid breeding program in Fusion come back to kidnap/kill Samus, they use a distress call from a new planet
easiest shit ever, with the Switch 2 hardware now they could finally create an AI that patrols the entire map

Dread was a marked improvement over Samus Returns so I think their take on Metroid 6 could turn out well. Plus they won't have to shoehorn in the EMMI garbage, that element alone worked to bring Dread down a fair bit.

King Kraig Rool*

The Ringleaders were taking care of after Fusion, Sakamoto isn't returning to that storyline especially since it's the same regurgitated Metroid storyline that was tired already when they first did it in Fusion.

I love how Samus's reaction to Kraid's return is a look of absolute indifference. Almost like the entire scene was a deliberate "Fuck You" to Ridley's return in Other M.

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>Chozo war machines controlled by a Chozo AI
>X Parasites
>Space Pirates under a new banner and goal
These are some ideas

They already did that a decade ago

And it was pretty mediocre actually.

I just wish it wasn't in cutscene form. I hate cinematic movieshit with such a passion.

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Introducing aliens from another galaxy that are actually horrifyingly powerful and not idiots like the Space Pirates? It will be revealed that the Chozo were the only thing keeping them at bay, so now that they are gone, they think they can come in and clean up to colonize.

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Kinda fucked up how the Space Pirates gave Ridley a full cybernetic prosthetic suit and Kraid would've only gotten a metal hat to go over his head stump.

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Yeah only on the condition they can actually make an original work, Dread was a step in the right direction but the Emmi bits are genuinely bad. They break up level theme and cohesion for way worse SA-X chase bits.

Do you consider the moment kraid emerges from the ground in super movieshit as well?
the only "movieshit" cutscene is the one in the middle of the game and i'd argue it's perfectly paced to have one big narration break to mark the middle of the game and to set a motivation going forwards

Do not speak to ACfag.

Shut the fuck up Doug

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Am i the only one that found Dread to be too "fast" and "speedrunny"?

friendly reminder if you complain about skippable cutscenes you have brain damage, at least complain about the unskippable intro and when you kill an EMMI, that shit is objectively annoying, everything else is not

Yes but sakamoto should be demoted

one of the most fun games released in the last several years. i hope they do, but hire an actual talented composer for the music this time.

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Samus' character through the whole thing was great. Through just her body language, she comes off as having seen it all. There are some moments where she just looks tired.

Yes but now let them do their thing without Sakamoto.

pretty sure Dread's composer was from Nintendo not MS

>Chozo Machines
>X Parasites
>Chozo planets
>Chozo cloning
>Space Pirates under a new name
>possible new threat related to the Chozo
>this guy
Metroid has a lot interesting storylines for the future.

>that's the joke.png

where is this from?

Samus goes to a planet, there are aliens there, Samus shoots them and collects power ups.

That's never happening, get over it, they have to come to him for everything Metroid, that includes the Prime series.