Steam is running lots of discounts on lots of shit
fuck you Sega:
post carts and recommend games
Steam is running lots of discounts on lots of shit
fuck you Sega:
post carts and recommend games
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What game for big 3d mommy milers?
Aside from Code Vein and Scarlet Nexus that is
is Empires 9 any good or should I just pick up 8?
>KT """""""""""sales"""""""""""
How's NuBattlefront, or should I just go with Old Battlefront?
Epic is better
I haven't played it but have seen a lot of people mention that 9E is even worse than regular 9, so you probably want to avoid it.
what else is there
They look and sound good but that's about it.
vouching for killer7, it's short but it's something else.
i don't think anyone even plays the old battlefront anymore, but the nu one is fun but is ruined because heroes are OP
Oh I snagged all three titles I'm looking for more
lunch money or dead rising 1?
Why is none of the Sega games are on sale? I have been waiting weeks for Golden Week to arrive just so I can buy Sega games on sale.
Is the Blue Reflection series good?
I refund elden ring and bought Nioh 1. What should I buy next?
Steam's SEGA catalogue is managed by the American branch i think
What the fuck
just bought nioh 2
Don't care. Still not giving money to Scammin' Valve.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
>Nier Replicant on sale
>Automata isn't
Fuck is wrong with Shit Enix?
Automata was on sale recently so I'm not too surprised that it isn't again.
Links Awakening
Wasn't that always the case? I mean there was a golden week sale for Sega games last year, so I'm confused why there's no golden week sale for this year
I have a hunch they will release a remaster of it.
Replicant doesn't run like shit on PC.
Thoughts on Disgaea games?
Autistic grinding simulators. Tons of content, worth the price if you're into it.
i'm bummed that there's no publisher-wide official golden week sale today. maybe next week but my hopes aren't too high
>no inti creates on sale
Fun for autistic grinding. Numbers go really big so dopamine does too. I haven't played 6 but I hear it's shite
They may not have activated theirs yet. Hoping at least.
>recommend games
Legend of Keepers is really fun
its just bizarre considering Steam has supported golden week for years now.
done, hope it's worth it
Which Tales Of game is the one to try if I've never touched the series before?
Anyone play Roguebook? How is it?
Looking for more roguelites and cardshits.
arc system please! i need accent core plus!
Emulate. PSP ports should work perfectly fine thanks to the PPSSPP emulator.
PC ports have more content, especially for the first game which lets you get a bunch of extra characters with the Netherworld Content Pack mod.
golden week last year started on the 29th (i don't know japanese holidays so maybe it always does) and the sale started that same day so what a letdown and weird
Vesperia or Symphonia.
Avoid tales of Zestiria
Nothing special. Everything's the same price as last Christmas.
I'm buying Iceborn.
And why the hell is Nioh 2 so expensive? Jesus, put that price down you greedy fucks.
Isn't the best port the PS4/Switch port because it has everything from the PSP, PC, and DS ports?
How's Berseria? I have Vesperia and Symphonia but keep eyeing Zestiria and Berseria whenever they're on sale.
Tales of Phantasia since it's the earliest Tales game Steam has
Also you're gonna want to install this patch this fixes a lot of issues with the game
Is Nier replicant good? Only played automata
They just forgot to discount the deluxe version.
It's just the base game + character pass, both on discount.
There's a roguelike sale coming up next week I think.
Should I get SRW 30?
Should I get Arise? Looks great, worried it might be too cringey
Berseria is pretty good. It's a prequel to Zestiira, but can be played anyway. Zestiria is garbage and you can ignore it.
No. Automata is one of my favorite games of all time. It lacks the pace of Automata and is VERY repetitive. You basically force yourself through boring corridors and fetch quests to go get to interesting story sections.
And i heard that unlocking the true ending means doing all of the content. Must be a miserable thing.
>wanted to get my friend into Persona on the Golden week sale, the most appropriate time
>there is no golden week sale
8 is bad not sure about 9
is it bad because its a PC port? I remembering liking 8 on playstation
A true friend would teach him how to pirate