Best character creators in gaming?
The comfiest ones?

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The right, because overalls and braids.

I respect your suboptimal taste.

For me? It's the striped shirt, short hair and spats

Once you try VAM, everything else feels redundant, which is sad because VAM isn't a videogame.

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I haven't played Koikatsu Sunshine since December. Have there been any major additions since then?

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what game?

Not really.
Four personalities with special dates. VIP area in hotel. More vanilla H content.

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Guess that's to be expected. There aren't any games coming out that interest me right now, so I'll probably end up jumping back in before long. I've still got two characters that are half-done, after all.

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Overalls with no shirt or bra is top tier and it's so hard to find.

I will take a break from coomerism.
At least untill the new miconisomi game comes out.

left for the short hair, right for the outfit but the overalls stop at the upper thighs

the Sims 4, obviously

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>tfw you cant marry your teacher

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I haven't been keeping up and didn't know about this new Koikatsu game. Is it just me or the girls on it are more on the cunny side of things?

Can't go wrong with koikatsu

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It's the exact same character creator. Cute and funny characters just get more >>(You)s.

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Unfortunately, it was the style of the first game. Horrible moe shit.
Girls added in Sunshine are a small step away from that.
Character creator is powerful, you can create proper animu thicc women, but it's a HASSLE.

It took a while before you were even able to do it in Koikatsu, even though it's a porn game and doesn't need to care if the girls' nipples are exposed. The overalls without a shirt had to be modded in, and then it took even longer before we had a version where the nipples didn't clip through the straps, or ways around it. But it's a top-tier fetish outfit for sure.

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>white human baby
I'm so happy for her!

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Can you make a character in this then extract it to put into your own game?

People use Koikatsu to make VNs with, but I think they're just exporting screenshots or something. I don't know much about it, but Illusion's spaghetti code is infamous and I've heard people bitch about it being essentially impossible to export the 3D assets.

Dragon's Dogma's character creator is actually pretty great. And the music is nice

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The one in Elden Ring is surprisingly good, helps that the body model/muscle deformation and lighting look good too

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Not bad,

Nioh 2 has a pretty good one.

>left: when she moves to Tokyo

Dragons Dogma with modern graphics and capabilities would be great. I liked how height and weight were factors in how the character would function, you could be a fat fuck and jump on an enemy and they would be stuck in place or even just fall over.

Porn games

It's really not. Elden ring + Souls games have one of the worst character creators

Incredibly based

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The H content is just so underwhelming. A waste of a great character creator.

Can you recommend some good scenes?

From personal experience, Saints Row 2.

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How do you make a loli in koikatsu? Every single time she comes out as same height as the guy.

I just want a petite loli

Built for green men, dogs, and spider-women ovipositors

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>nipples against denim
Wouldn't you have done chafed nipples?

There's a height/size slider, you probably missed it.

ER was basically the first and only game they nailed it. Granted, I wish we had more hair options.
Even options that matched our hair to bosses would've been cool, but overall it's a pretty good CC and the characters look good in-game too

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>villagers erect a statue of a naked little girl with pierced nipples and a tail-buttplug

those villagers sound based

So you can only make custom animations in KK with timeline of whatever it's called? I hear the learning curve for that is very steep.

How the fuck did you beat the final boss wearing nipple piercings? That fucker was a challenge

Built for a loving relationship with a single human male!

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The vanilla game isn't loli friendly, so you'll need to get used to using the extra sliders from the ABMX mod to make anything convincing.

And then you'll find out that the animations aren't loli friendly either as they try to give you a blowjob while sitting two feet away from your cock.

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Overalls are usually pretty loose on the top.


learned the patterns. it was a chore. then i said fuck it and used items. any level is trivial with items


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right has far superior hair left has better outfit though not significantly better outfit

Is Sunshine worth downloading over party?

What game

Nvm, am retarded

Thanks bro

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elden ring shared the same character creator as previous titles with updated textures, look it up on youtube

Is there a website t download Koikatsu cards? I want to play with it, but making all of those characters is such a bitch.

There are multiple and they're really not hard to find.
I get a bunch of mine off the koikatsu character release tag on Pixiv.

when you try to do something nonhuman you're fucked.

card for the girl on the left?

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I guess I can upload both twins. Give me a minute.
Oh, and by the way.
Guys, is there more than one personality that refers to itself as "sister".
There is "Kind" (?), but I'm already using it for the braid girl. I need another for the tomboy.

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KK or Sunshine?

thanks lad

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