I have Resident Evil 4, pizza, and the week off. It doesn’t get much better than this

I have Resident Evil 4, pizza, and the week off. It doesn’t get much better than this.

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Where is your wife?

went to Jamaica with my daughters
got the house all to myself

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You're gonna eat that pizza throughout the week?

looks comfy, have fun OP. remember to try and get some exorcise and drink plenty of water too

>went to Jamaica with my daughters
She is taking them to meet their father.

niggers tongue my anus


I'm hungry and I have no money

start an onlyfans


Déjà vu

>It doesn’t get much better than this.
It would get better if you had anybody that cared.

Invite some friends and have some beers, user.
Then it will be perfect, but you are at 9/10.

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maximum comfy, have fun user

this is reddit, literally

Post your venmo

>invite annoying faggots to disrupt your free time
but why

Resident evil 4 HD on Xbox, worth it?

Definitely not Yea Forums, he's actually playing videogames

eating pizza and playing RE4 isn't reddit!

I can tell for your hand that you are gay

certified loser

If you have annoying faggots as friends, that's on you.
3 to 5 friends come at my house every other Saturday to drink, talk and play videogames.
Been doing this for 8 years now and I still love it. Get better friends or be a better one.

>It doesn’t get much better than this.
What about two pizzas?


Fuck off faggot, I want to chill

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>pizza not lookig yummi
>playing on monitor
>that wallcolour
still, recreating childweekends is pretty cool. have fun user

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>play videogames
found the snoy who only buys FIFA

Suit yourself.


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Never played actually.
Was playing DKC2 and Goofy Troop last week.
The last time we played Resident Evil 8, but keep projecting, user, if this is good for you.

it literally is a rddit post, it was posted here multiple times already

>"hey bros, wanna go to my house to play some donkey kong and bing bing yahoo?"

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bro you literally reply "BASED, BASED, BASED" to every reddit repost here until someone points it out

That looks like a delissio or some shit at least order a fresh pizza

I am 32, user, granted I know them from the age depicted on your pic.


got em

Yikes, imagine being in your 30s and posting on here. Shouldn't you be married and raising a family instead of being a loner faggot

user have no friends and it shows

Where do you think we are?

Looks pretty great, hope you have a good week off user.

how come every time this gets posted no one points out he has poverty pizza. that's definitely dijourno or however you spell it.

I mean it does taste pretty good but obviously is shart compared to a real pie.

I love frozen pizzas though.

>If you have annoying faggots as friends, that's on you.
IDK I have unironically never met anyone I liked. I always get tired of people after a while. It's pretty annoying when people are calling you and shit but you don't like them anymore.

I'm 18 and get on here when im bored in class lol
I didn't realize there were actuall losers on here in their 30s or older. Yikes again lol

Post bussy and paypal account

it's not bad for poverty times but everyone knows real za makes it look like shart on the mart floor

>leon in the bottom right corner
wow thanks snoy for telling me the name of my character in your gay walking simulator.

the hud should SPECIFICALLY be ONLY for IMPORTANT info.
my character's name is not only not important, it actually hurts the experience. I'm constantly reminded that I'm playing as Leon, not as myself.
sure my name just so happens to be Leon but that's not the point.

You guys think Village dlcs are coming or I can pirate right now?

>Wasting your youth on 4channel.org

Ok plebbit

monday off chads ww@?

You'll end up like us if you keep dicking around in class talking about video games on here

fuck off zoomer

That's indeed an incredible way to spend your week end and I'm kinda jealous even tho I have those things.

You just have to meet someone who hates the same minorities you do.

yeah but where am I gonna meet someone who hates white people?

college, the hood, tech companies

looks like another goy has been indoctrinated. good for everyone who has to compete against you. you are now no competition. stay this way

you have no friends damn that sucks homie

is that fucking delissio

>gaming "friends"
not real friends.
