I'm tired of being depressed, how can I enjoy life despite my circumstances?

I'm tired of being depressed, how can I enjoy life despite my circumstances?

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there's always something else
waiting on the shelf
so occupy yourself

Just play some videogames


What sound does he make?

Eat better, get exercise, get sun, drink water, socialize, find something to work towards, keep yourself clean, keep your living spaces clean, try multiple hobbies

Thank you

being depressed is for women and low test faggots. GO DIE!

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become an alcoholic

I'm in a state of limbo. I've dug my way out of neetdom, but I still live with mom and dad. I'm earning fairly good money, but not enough to comfortably move out on my own without it becoming a struggle. Very few friends, no gf, so I'm not in a position to arrange going 50/50 with anybody on a house.

video games are still fun though.

Read Carl Jung, Meditate, lift weights, decide to be happy, fake it till you make it, do this every single day.

You don't.

I put in ALOT of effort at work to distract myself. Just makes me frustrated, gardening takes the edge off for me.


>be depressed, nothing is interesting, life is grey
>force myself to do something
>hate it extremely, looking for something i want to do
>force myself to do a lot of things i don't "want" to do
>all of a sudden realize what i want
I fixed my depression by doing things i really don't want to do, until I found what I wanted to do.
Sounds simple but it took a couple of weeks of being in a state of extreme vitriol until it clicked.

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unironically get /fit/. Making excuses for why you can’t is only going to set you up for failure. I seriously broke my leg at the end of last year (ended up getting 14 screws and a metal plate in), lost my job, and college went to shit for me. Was already depressed before this all happened but with the help of a therapist I managed to pick myself up and stared doing yoga for my ankle recovery and kettlebell workouts to keep myself busy. In hindsight it’s the best thing that could of happened to me.

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You can't. There is no way out once you become aware. Not even death can make it end. You'll just be born into the same life again and again. Welcome to hell.

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Real answer for 99% of depressed people :
Stop doing things that give you instant gratification
Actively seek out scenarios out of your comfort zone
Stay disciplined and practice our craft

Tyson Fury is prob the best example I can give. Dude is on top of the world, rich, fucks beautiful girls and everything that don't have and yet he's a trainwreck like you .
The man can only functions when he trains hard everyday.
There is no permanent happiness in life, we're very active animals who get emotional stability from being pushed and productive.

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This is literally the best advice

I managed to stick to a strict exercise schedule for 4 months once, but then it fell apart for me and I haven't been able to do it again since then

We all stumble from time to time. That’s why it’s important to get a gym buddy to keep you accountable. Even just posting to /fat/ and /cbt/ in /fit/ is a good start if your a neet.


Take a shit, I always feel better after taking a dump. After that, I'd recommend taking up a badass hobby like TIG welding. Costs a bit up front to get a decent machine and an argon canister but after that you can simply enjoy your ability to stick shit together with minimal noise and smoke.

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>unironically get /fit/
the more I exercised, the more depressed I got

For me, it's distracting myself.
Reading manga, listening to music, just in general doing anything that keeps my brain occupied long enough. The facade does fall through every now and then, that's just how life is, but while it works life's pretty comfy. NOTE: This will not solve your problems, only obfuscate them. You will still be miserable if you follow this advice.

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Have u tried videogames

OP said he's tired of being depressed

Find a hobby and stop spending all they in front of the computer.

Stop being an attention whore faggot
>huuduu I'm depressed please give me attention
Kill your fucking self
Please drop your name so i can take a huge shit on your grave when you'll kill yourself

>despite my circumstances?
What circumstances?

>keep your living spaces clean
this is a main one for me.

Decluttered room- decluttered mind. It really does help. Having something to work towards as well is a big one. Dedicating even an hour a day towards a greater goal does wonders on the mind. Work on learning a second language, writing a book, learning programming, learning a trade, anything in any amount.

Yeah the market is absolute shit for buyers right now. If I was shopping with the money I was making 4 years ago I wouldn't be able to buy my house at it's current price.

>urge to be violent increases
>get depressed later

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Seek therapy
Tackle your problems at your own pace and come up with a real tangible plan to correct them
Sitting in your room 14 hours a day doom-tabbing between Yea Forums, youtube, and discord is going to leave you depressed and feeling like shit no matter what

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Socialize might be a bit difficult given the circumstances so I wouldn't recommend that in the short term but the rest is solid.

you can beat women if you have enough money

I did all this and i spiraled back into even worse bouts of depression. Guess adding socializing and responsibilites to what was literally a ticking time bomb of stress was a horribly bad idea.

I've been in therapy for around half a decade now and things are slowly getting better, but it isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows now either. Might be stuck in this rut for the rest of my life.

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>have a gf
>free time for hobbies
>more money than I can spend
>looks, height, fit
>still dont feel fulfilled
Some people are just broken and ungrateful

As proven by Johnny Depp regularly beating the shit out of Amber Heard, and then broadcasting his lies in a public trial

Start reading books, defeat the dopamine demon.

I used to feel like this and then I had kids. It made me grow the fuck up, and in retrospect being forced to spend time providing for others is much more fulfilling than halfassedly pursuing my own hobbies was.

How was your childhood user? Any memories that are hard or emotionally straining to being back? You might have PTSD.

Stopped drinking 2 months ago (*10+ years of heavy alcoholism) Been working out, and I started skateboarding again. It has made me feel better mentally on a surface level but I still got this problem.
>Lack of sleep
I think once I've stopped consuming and doing these things I'll feel much better overall. Also meditation, I'd like to learn how to do that.

Bringing another human into existence to fulfil yours is a pretty shitty thing to do.

Watch gore. I get less depressed when i see someone get beheaded

Stop watching anime. Always a good first step.

That's not why I brought them into existence though. And also, why? Them being fulfilling to me does not imply they're at any disadvantage. If anything, it's better than me being indifferent or against having them. I sure as hell wouldn't recommend kids to a depressed person, but to someone who has all the material shit they need yet still feel like they're going nowhere, it's a good way to improve yourself and progress in life.

Yeah, I'd be terrified of raising another human when I can't fix myself
It sucks because in a professional setting, I feel like you have to start a family or you're just weird. Like everyone knows something is wrong with you.

Anime is just an inferior advertisement for the corresponding manga and VN's, after all.

None of that will grow my hair back

>get fit
>lift gives me shoulder pain from wear & tear
>running gave me knee pain

Exercise bike and swimming.

Pretty close with my family, no bullying and no particularly bad memories in terms of familial relations. I've had plenty friends, but we've mostly drifted apart when adulthood struck and i had a relationship where i ended up almost marrying. Shrinks tried to figure out similar things first, but it kind of fell off the table after my adolescent development mostly turned up normal. Suspicions have been raised about some very heavy anxiety disorders and bad experiences in adult life, but considering what i've been told by my current shrink, it's kind of a miracle i managed to even turn the tides once, not to mention hold on to a job for a decade. I'm nothing if not persistent, but sometimes all the struggling feels sort of pointless and the average mood of day to day life is absolutely abysmal. I now function with what is a cocktail of comfy hobbies and a daily struggle put together with spit and duct-tape

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You can enjoy anime and still be a mentally and physically healthy adult

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This girl developed way too fast bros it's not fair.

remember that stretching is just as important as lifting. It prevents injuries, strengthens your joints and correct posture. Some people are fucked, not dismissing you. I've noticed that a lot of my friends who "workout" can barely touch the floor from a standing position.

First time I moved out after staying a couple hours in the new place my eyes started to feel dry as fuck and after a few days any time I blew my nose there was dried blood. Had to move back with my dad because I couldn't stay there with the lockdown but still ended up paying rent for almost 2 years.

Is it ok?

You're making it sound like life is a list of accomplishments to achieve a high score. I've seen these types and they generally turn up the most miserable during their old age, as their kids abandon them and they keep building their temples in the clouds to chase whatever trophy comes next. It's sad in it's own way.


Start going to the gym retard all males should be required to lift so you stop being such depressed faggots

>You're making it sound like life is a list of accomplishments
Isn't it?
>to achieve a high score
The point isn't how much you accomplished, it's just to keep improving yourself.

Working hard is unironically one of the best ways to get over depression. When my gf last broke up with me I just hunkered down and kept studying for a test I have to take to get into a post-grad program for my career and it carried me through my funk. Working hard was the best I could do for my self esteem. Looking back on it I used to do the same coping mechanism in HS with sports.

Well thats heartening user, thanks.

Maybe I do need to do more for others.

lots of gay gymcels itt

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Imagine trying to call yourself a man when you can't even bench 135 for 20 reps

City dwellers vs. country rednecks in a nutshell

So you have a solid foundation and people who care about you, thats cool. Good to hear. Out of curiosity, what does your family think about your depression?

Is there anything in your daily life that's currently a source of stress or negative feels? You know, bad working conditions, poor health, a certain relationship with someone?