Do you bully people in multiplayer

do you bully people in multiplayer

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Yes, I am a minority and as such any poor behaviour on my part is in fact the result of the trauma I have suffered as a minority and can be safely blamed on cishet white men

Not anymore because I'd get banned.

Only if they get asshurt from me killing them and are going out of my way to get back at me it's fun to fuck with them

I don't play multiplayer stuff because I don't have any friends

Tfw no rincewind game

terry is just mad someone made fun of him.

Depends, if it's competitive multiplayer then bullying is simply part of the game built into the system. If someone is a pussy bitch who can't handle it, they shouldn't be playing it in the first place.

There are two point and click adventures with him.

I used to, but now I'm afraid I'd just get banned.

pratchetts books got worse and worse with every release
literally the definition of "boo! get new material"
the self fellation of "oh wow i notice things and make fun of them i'm so above it all" is just too much

I should have specified NEW. Sorry. Something like a telltale game maybe?

I think the time has passed for that honestly. The only likely thing to look forward to now is his family selling out so disney or someone can make a discworld movie.

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i got 15 permabans in league from arguing with teammates who are genuine retards irl,trying to reform because it sucks playing with people who are too busy playing typeracer ingame

I'm not racist. I bully everyone.
Specially niggers.

I wish I did

There's already some adaptations coming out (there's an upcoming animated Amazing Maurice movie, for example). I think his daughter's basically heading a group that approves of potential adaptations.

Do you REALLY want that in currentyear when Pratchett is dead and can't control his creations?

His favorite game was Oblivion and he helped work on a waifu mod for it, I can't take anything he says seriously.

Sounds based

Satire is meant to ridicule the ridiculous. That is all.

so you're saying you noticed things and make fun of them and you're so above it all

i'm sure kikes will get around to attacking anyone but white people some day

I feel like outside of the sorcery books he only started falling apart after going postal

no, i satirize them

I'm not sure on that, there was that The Watch shit a few years ago and she was deeply fucking unhappy with that and stressed it had no involvement of the Pratchett estate so I think there were a couple of licenses out there.
Other than that she closed the gates on doing anything outside of adaptions of the existing work.

I've never felt the need to hurt people, especially people I can actually hurt.

I really liked Thud! but he kept powering up Vimes which after a while starting feeling cheap

Pretty sure he never actually said that

What made that old fart think he can decide what is satire and what isn't?

There's no source of him saying it at all, it's just something retards think he'd say.

After The Watch, she... At least supported a group that's basically trying to make adaptations of his work, so she presumably has some say there. The Amazing Maurice movie looks... Fine (Hugh Laurie is Maurice for some reason).

It also doesn't line up with his writing, he satirized fucking everyone, to varying degrees of sympathy for sure, regardless of race or social class.

The adaptions of Pratchetts work have always been pretty scattershot though.
Damn shame he didn't live to see Gaiman get Good Omens finally done

there's a good reason for that, around that time is when Pratchett was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers
guy was basically trying to get out as much as he could before he lost

Actually I think it was the opposite, he sort of slowed down from his usual 2 books a year.
It was more him tidying up Discworld so most ongoing plots and issues would be "resolved" for lack of a better word.
The Shepherds Crown being the best example of him hanging up the hat and letting Granny Weatherwax die.

I stopped reading the discworld books five or so years ago because I don’t want to reach the end bros….

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Jews are the most powerful group on earth by a large margin.

it is amazing that people cite 'fear of being banned' as a reason against speaking out, when the moderation for most social media platforms is either non-existent or incomprehensibly inconsistent
f.e. Twitter barely moderates shit unless the US government pokes them or when it's against some controversial account that has been being controversial for over two years, yet Elon Musk buying the platform out and announcing he's going to make things more free is incredibly funny given how much of an anarchic hellhole it already was (not unlike Yea Forums), yet it was enough for leftoids to leave out of fear of being persecuted, and rightoids proclaiming they are finally free again (which they by all accounts already were)

absolute clown shit
it has never been about "I don't want to get banned for saying the wrong thing", but always "I don't want to have a zillion people at once telling me I'm wrong"

I don't think that is the "point" of satire. There is no point to satire. It's just how you define a specific type of humor which could be used on anything.

Making fun of the handicap is probably mean, but there are plenty of people who don't have power, but shouldn't be immune to being joked about.

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yeah, saying gg easy in overwatch got me a two week ban because they have a faggot automatic trigger when people spam abuse the report function.

White men are the minority though?

>"It's not bullying when I do it! It just isn't, okay!?"

all the funny accounts on twitter were banned last march, but i don't mind getting banned from twitter because i can just sign up again for free

You deserve it for playing Overwatch.

dignity is not a thing pratchett understood i guess

Yes. Had a Norwegian larping as a German nazi in a Dota 2 match a couple of weeks ago.
He kept making fun of me because of my Steam profile flag, needless to say, he played terribly.
It would have been much more humiliating if he were skilled.

but that raises a good question
if nobody is immune to being joked about, how come you barely see any jokes being levied against children with leukemia or the homeless

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Given that Weatherwax was apparently the character whose worldview was most similar to his own, it's pretty morbid that he killed her off in the final book.

I can make jokes about children with leukemia all the time and they never stopped me.

Mostly because it's not really funny. Homeless bum jokes can get some laughs, but there's nothing really funny about leukaemia.

Because it does trigger a response of humor from people. Which is the only point in comedy.

But it isn't impossible. I remember some normal people laughing about some pretty fucked up shit in the game Cards Against Humanity.

>I can make jokes about children with leukemia all the time and they never stopped me.
I never asked anything whether you can make jokes about them. What I rather specifically asked is, if we can, how come you see barely anyone do it?

How many children with Leukemia does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

>Finishing up your work is not dignified
He even got to choose the date he died on so he wouldn't be left senile by it.
It makes sense, he was a proponent of assisted suicide and choose his own death, doing that with that character specifically makes a lot of thematic sense given how he treated Death throughout the whole series.


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it's more like "I don't want to get doxxed then have a tranny call mr. shekelstein and get me fired from my job"

Doesn't matter, their lights will be out soon enough anyway

best book was Reaper Man. Don't @ me.

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I just reinstalled it after like three years of not touching it so I could mess around on the beta.


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no i satirize them

My niece was in the hospital getting treatment for leukemia. She asked me if I'd come visit her when she got out, I told her nah I hate cemeteries

Because most people aren’t funny. Comedians do it all the time.

>I think his daughter's basically heading a group that approves of potential adaptations.
Where she is on the scale from Brian Herbert to Christopher Tolkien?

>Not posting the book
Its probably the best cover as well

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americans should be gassed.

Neither, shes not touching his works, no more discworld and nothing that wasn't released while he lived.
She described herself as the gatekeeper only.

>it's more like "I don't want to get doxxed then have a tranny call mr. shekelstein and get me fired from my job"
that's what used to happen in Yea Forums raids all the time
if you don't want this shit to happen, you don't put your personal information out there, or at the very least don't say anything controversial under your real name

Hard to tell, seeing as the only stuff that's adapted from his since The Watch was something based on a children's story he wrote about the abominable snowman, and an Amazing Maurice movie which I don't even know if it came out.

didn't pratchett get his assistant to run a steamroller over all of his harddrives after he died? all of his in progress stuff is gone, she couldn't release anything even if she wanted to

Yea Forums honestly had more restraint than self-righteous twittertards

Well, still leagues above Brian i guess.