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Other urls found in this thread:

no its not

Binding of Isaac. I've got 5 achievements left for Dead God (including Dead God itself), and two of those are daily challenges. I thought I'd do the last of the 5 win streak I needed to today but it was Jacob and Esau so I hard passed. Maybe tomorrow. I might also check out that Berserk game, I got it on sale.
Mobile Suit Gundam. Last night I watched Evil Dead (the first, the original)
My own covers. Here's the newest one, Battle at the Big Bridge from Final Fantasy V (aka Gilgamesh's theme)
Previous 3
Yea Forums, (you) guys
Had Burger King tonight due to a cheap coupon. It wasn't great.
Pretty alright

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Destiny 2,Far Cry 6
Breaking Benjamin,Sevendust
Yea Forums
Pizza Hot Pockets, might get some McDonalds later
pretty gud

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Trails of Cold Steel II, CrossCode, Theresia, Clone Hero
Star Trek TOS
Astros and Blue Jays game later.
Bathory, Born of Osiris, Morbid Angel, Final Assault
World War 1 Textbook
Some cabbage soup and fresh bread
La Croix, Red Bull
Big tiddies
Not too shabby
>Binding of Isaac
>Evil Dead
Keep up the good work with the covers.
>Hot Pockets
I don't have them often but I love 'em.

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Ye, Evil Dead was great. Me and my friend who was streaming it were going to watch Evil Dead 2 right after but for some reason, his Xbox wasn't reading the disc. We'll probably watch his VHS copy when we call next.
>Morbid Angel
>Keep up the good work with the covers.
Will do!

MW vanilla. maybe D2R if I install but if i can't then DRG since I got it on sale.
DBZ on mute in the background. Maybe some other cartoon later also on mute.
MW OST over the dirge of my room's fan.
some user a few threads back suggested 'i am a hero' for some zombie kino and I somehow triggered my childhood fear of zombies by binging it at night. I haven't enjoyed any new manga like this does anyone have similar suggestions? Zombiemangakino user-san are you lurking ITT today?
Tendies from the freezer. Spinach later. Can't really put efforts into my meals.
Watered down vodka and coffee for zest
samus in spats maybe midna if I boot up zone's old game for a nostalgia fap
I was able to sell my switch. The only games I'm keeping are my big box for la mulana1+2 and Metroid Dread. Finally found a useful archive for everything I could need. I got a ton of games from A certain copypaste "charity" and I'm looking forward to playing them with my friend. I've never played DRG and I have very little experience with Diablo 2 so either option is exciting.
Have you heard anything about GBO2? The gameplay looked interesting but some user said it was cancelled.
>breaking ben, pot pockets, cosplay
You're a man of culture, much like myself

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Downloaded an 80gig modpack for Skyrim. Will be around 190gigs when installed. Will see if it's any fun.
Random shit on youtube.
Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Muri Muri! (Muri Janakatta!?)
Coffee, later will get some booze.
Later when I set up everything in Skyrim.
Tired, both physically and mentally. Got the flu, so I couldn't sleep properly for the last 3 days. Can't concentrate on anything productive.
I also have to babysit my grandmother who has alzheimer's. Shit sucks.

>Have you heard anything about GBO2? The gameplay looked interesting but some user said it was cancelled.
I have not. I gave the Evolution beta a try and had fun, it's what pushed me to finally just watch Gundam after contemplating it for years at this point. It's the first Gundam game I've ever played, actually.

Phoneposter user you could at least reply

I missed out on evo because the first thread I saw hit bump limit making me think the game released. Pretty excited to play that too. I miss old gundam on, toonami.

Deep Rock Galactic
Warhammer: The Vampire Wars
Having chinese tonight after toilberg
Highland Park 10
Very good, 3 day weekend to enjoy drinking with my old man watching football and playing DRG

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Final Fantasy 7 with the Satsuki upscale mod. Friend will probably want me to play Apex later. I'm also tempted to try out Overwatch 2 for some reason.
WWE 2K22 clips and glitches
I think there's a new Rammstein album out so that.
Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /vt/
Always enjoy going for fish and chips on a Friday.
Probably beers later
Monique Alexander
Looking forward to a bank holiday weekend.

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Soldier of Fortune 1 for the first time
Nothing. I want to actually experience the game
The beefiest gunshot sound effects in a long time
Very small text on screen due to an old game not scaling things properly
My fridge is very empty. I should get a kebab
Water because tomorrow is May Day's eve and the entire city is going to get wasted together in a giant crowd outside
orc_female or goblin_female. I dunno. Something green
Super green

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Still grinding Tactical Nexus. Finally managed to get some gold medals going, so I might soon be able to get a platinum. However, all of the potential stages look really hard, so, I just need to git gudder.
YouTube. Got back into it Fool Us though, that's pretty fun.
Some podcasts and my 350 song playlist that I've had for years now.
I don't read much, so, I guess I'm just waiting for the one punch manga to release another chapter
Made a hotdog, that was alright
Water and tea
I've been looking through the most popular doujins on nhentai, as I've exhausted a lot of my preferences.
I guess I'm alright. A few days ago I was feeling miserable, as I was grinding away at the hardest university project that I've seen yet. After 20 hours, I managed to just barely fucking pass. Once that was over though, I felt way better, though, I need to get back to work. I often cause myself a lot of issues by being, sort of, afraid of work, which leads me to have less time to do the work. I wouldn't even say it's laziness, which is kind of spooky.
>5 until Dead God
Oh shit, nice user, I managed to get Dead God a few months ago. How many items are you missing to have picked up?

I never caught Gundam on Toonami once, some fucking how. Watching it now, subbed, I gotta say, it's genuinely ahead of its time and super cool. Evo is basically like if Overwatch didn't feel like shit and you had cooler designs for the player characters. Some things are a little odd when it comes to scale, and while headshots for more damage make sense from a gameplay standpoint, I do wish aiming for the cockpit was the weakpoint. Still, very fun game.

Link's Awakening DX on Gameboy Color - Just got the Koholint sword about to do Catfish's Maw/5th Dungeon.
Witcher 3 - Cruising through Velen just finished Keira's quest line, somehow I've racked up 30 hours in this game already.
Bravely Default II - Just got the Swordmaster/Spiritmaster jobs, Bastion job has broken the game but BD games are known for having bullshit late game bosses so we'll see.
Game of Thrones, Maybe catch up on Halo later
My old high school playlist, Alestorm, Gorillaz, RHCP, The Prodigy
API documentation to work out what the devs fucked up to cause endpoints to give empty responses.
Dominoes Mighty Meaty with Double Decadence stuffed crust
Monster Ultra Blue
Might have sex later when my girlfriend gets home from work later if she's in the mood
Long weekend in Bongland so pretty fucking good. Dad is coming over to help me fix up my porch later then Saturday my family are all going to a BBQ at my brothers house so that should be fun, he grills a mean steak. Will probably get comfy and play the Witcher into the early hours and then pass out in front of Youtube. On the downside almost my entire paycheck is gone already on bills, car tax, MOT, service so after this weekend's luxuries May is gonna be a rough month lads.

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ninja gaiden 3 on the nes. beat the other 2 and im making some good progress on this one
nothing because there aren't alot of anime that can outdo gurren lagann
some threads on /o/ and Yea Forums
nothing cuz im FASTAN. ramadan's almost over
see above
dont do that stuff
relaxed. just watching the rain outside while browsing imageboards puts me at ease

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>How many items are you missing to have picked up?
haha oh fuck I forgot I actually have to do that. There's only a handful I believe. I think the last items actually are the two from the daily challenges, in terms of what still needs to be unlocked. In terms of items I think it's like, anywhere from 6 to 12. Shouldn't be too hard.
I'm glad you were able to finish your university project and pass user! I was in community college myself and cut it close a few times too.

I somehow got exposed to an entire previous generation's worth of anime and constantly sound like a hipster to my boss when I bring up things like shin chan or detective conan. He's super cynical of westerners so I get it. But catching mecha like Big O or Mobile Gundam G was crazy.

been playing jak 2, skate 3, and am planning to play the walking dead telltale game this weekend.
nothing at the moment, redletter reruns. was watching barkskins but it got pretty boring.
ambient techno all day at work so i'm having a rest now
a texas cowboy by charles siringo and virtual light by william gibson
just had southern fried i baked them in the oven chicken wings
ginger cordial, might make a tea soon
not fappan today, seeing my fwb tomorrow so will be fucking all weekend.
good, finished work for the week and meeting up with my fwb for a picnic tomorrow which probably means public outdoor sex before we head back to mine

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Pokemon Unite
Backrooms videos (yeah call me cringe)
Hatsune Miku and the pillows lately
Yea Forums
big ass mature women
My ex finally pulled out and said she doesn't want to comeback, after talking to her for a year (we haven't talked since we broke in 2018 except for a few hi) i spent so much money on her all this time, but hey, at least i tried, better than having stayed with doubt, though she being mad annoying sometimes was probably a given, fucking bitch, I'll get back at her real bad for all the money spent but not right now, i don't mind the money, but she legit pisses me off and she's the one that starts, hasn't had a guy since me anyway and considering her way of living, i doubt she'll meet anyone else, works at a low end job in a small "house office" daffy walks her in the morning and goes to get her, Saturdays goes to church and Sunday stays at home, and considering the crimes against women lately, means no going out (she never went out anyway cause no one else wants to spend a single cent on her and has barely any friends and only female) though the same goes for me, getting to know people after uni, is mad hard, you just focus on working and hope for the best, met some bitches at my practices place but only one catched my eye and she's one of those men hating, bi, short hair dykes, she was eyeing me a lot tho, i need to fix her with a good dicking but i need to talk to her more cause we've barely seen each other.
Other than that i have nothing else to do or say, don't have any friends to talk to, ex was the only one that talked to me daily and now says she doesn't want to talk that often, I'm sad honestly and pissed off at the same time, i want to meet new girls but i literally can't, don't wanna risk going to a club alone, can't get a job until I finish practices in July and the other jobs i got had no girls nor attractive mature women, i feel sad

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The Eternal Cylinder. Liking it so far. I highly recommend it to anyone that liked their other game Zeno Clash, which probably isn't many of you since Zeno Clash isn't exactly a big game.
The Batman and Better Call Saul.
Blood Meridian. It's starting to pick up in the violence.
Pizza. Lots of pizza
Dr. Pepper
Not today
Pretty good. I have a few days off and am enjoying my time off.

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Im hurting for a game that's one part The Long Drive and one part STALKER. I just want to traverse a massive map with decaying buildings looting for vehicle parts, food/ammo, and gas, with Mad Max style aesthetics/focus on jury-rigged vehicles but with actual enemies, locations of interest, NPCs/Factions, and the ability to find a little hole in the wall to make a hideout in until my character inevitably dies trying to haul out a truck from some canyon surrounded by bandits. I already know this doesnt exist, but it's exactly what I want to play right now

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morrowind vanilla is my favourite version of morrowind. what are your go to cartoons? i need some background noise.


Kenshi maybe?

Kenshi is about the closest you're gonna get

>inb4 hey hey people
user listen very carefully to me. You want to play cataclysm dark days ahead. Get past the cumbersome interface and play it trust me.
I like 90s anime the most. The raunchy dub of Ghost stories if I need to laugh. Ghibli movies, Yu Yu Hakusho, Detective Conan, maybe inyuyasha. These work best for background because I've watched them too many times. I also like to experiment by listening to different dubs sometimes you hear some funny lines.

touch grass my dude, jesus christ

Not him, but I like keeping my replies in separate posts from the playan/watchan/etc post.

Deep Cock Galactic
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Battlefield 4
Yea Forums /g/ Yea Forums
grilled cheese
Coffee; Rockstar® Mango later
sfm futa pov
Like shit, i may have the 'rona

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FF14, Sekiro and MHW. Considering playing some TF2 party Yea Forumsan tomorrow
Youtube shit, probably just old avgn vids
Megaten music
/ck/, /an/
Finished eating some pizza
Beer and water
Pretty alright. Did some early mother's day shopping, went to gym and did some work for my course. I also finished DQ3 today, it was a pretty kick ass game
>Battle at the Big Bridge from Final Fantasy V
Very nice cover and a really good track from that game. Can't wait to replay that one when I finished up FF2 and 3
>World War 1 Textbook
That's pretty cool, anything in particular was stand out
>DRG since I got it on sale.
a very based game, Diablo 2 is also great but I only played the original version and not the remaster
>Final Fantasy 7 with the Satsuki upscale mod
Looks pretty good, user
>Soldier of Fortune
How are you enjoying it, user?
>Gorillaz, The Prodigy
Very nice, what's your favourite album of theirs?
>ninja gaiden 3 on the nes
Very nice, that's a really good trilogy of games on the nes. some of the best platformers on the system

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>300 hours in Kenshi
>played CDDA from 2017-2020
Solid recommendations anons but im shit outta luck. The reason I made a comparison to The Long Drive, STAKLER, and Mad Max is because I want something that utilizes the immersive qualities of a sandbox FPS+driving hybrid where you could be possible driving for an hour IRL returning from some job you offered to do for an NPC only to be wind up in a roadside shootout or high-speed pursuit after running into an ambush. Again, I know this doesnt exist and is pretty much just a 4am "duuude, wouldnt it be cool if..." scenario, but right now im really stuck thinking this would be the coolest indi project ever

Every time I consider buying a prebuilt, I realize the cooling is probably shit and there will constantly be some cool new thing I want to try that requires an upgrade.

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How do you feel about FF2 and 3? The only FF games I ever played were 1, 7, and Tactics. I loved 1 and Tactics, could never love 7 as a whole. I feel like I'd like 3 and 5 due to job systems but I heard 2 does stuff way differently with how leveling up works?
Glad you like the cover man!

Stanley parable ultra deluxe and beatsaber
Youtube shit, paymoneywubby, and Joe Bob Briggs
Harley Poe
Shepards pie
italian soda tropical blend and gfuel
/owsg/ on trash

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the fps part is where you find yourself really hamstringing your options user. I know how you feel. I love shitty fps dungeon crawlers even if they aren't real time. You might need to wait for that game to come out or make a car mod for a fallout game.

beat darksiders genesis a few days ago and started a bunch of other games like batman arkaham asylum and obscure
random athf clips
usagi yojimbo
Pretty alright, today I'll get a little bonus from my work and hopefully it is enough to buy myself a bike.
state of decay, it is not very good though
forget that bitch bro, wait until you get a decent job to go back to clubs
based listenan
based playan, i always forget to configure that games controls

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friday night funkin
coconut mall
this bread

Yakuza kiwami 2 and Monster hunter xx
Space Dandy
Still reading 40k a thousand sons
Black tea or water
Delinquent girls
Pretty good

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>How do you feel about FF2 and 3?
I have pirated the pixel remasters of FF2 and FF3 but haven't beaten any of those two yet, but from what little I have played of each. FF2 I'm pretty indifferent and while I can appreciate what the levelling system is trying to do, I don't feel as though it's executed properly to be a substitute to a more traditional job system like FF1, 3, 5. but FF3 is pretty solid, the job system and gameplay is pretty solid and for an late nes jrpg it's pretty impressive.
That's one I really want to play, i keep hearing that it's meant to be one of the best games in the series

Finishing Infra today I think, after that I'll try and brainstorm an ideology for my next Rimworld colony, any suggestions would be appreciated. Last ideology was based around the sørmirbæren from Underrail
Infra is alright, just wish the places I was exploring were more interesting
Finished Breaking Bad today, should've never watched it
Going to maybe watch some movie later on, youtube stuff as well
Nothing sadly
Made Lo mein so that, pizza later when drunk
Water, rum & cola later, beer as well
Lonely as usual but ok

Will reply to others in another post if I find anything of worth to reply with

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Sounds like I'm trying out 3 next then. I also found this Gundam Dragon Quest clone for Famicom, I might check that out too speaking of NES JRPG's.
>That's one I really want to play, i keep hearing that it's meant to be one of the best games in the series
It's fucking great. It's hard, has great visuals, and the music is fucking amazing. You owe it to yourself to play it man.

tactics is one of the best but if you play FFTA be warned you can miss out on most of the game

Octopath Traveler, Shining Resonance and Ys VIII
Rewatching gundam
pay the man right now
burger tonight
coffee right now, just woke up and need my fix
my baby boy turns one month old today, I'm happy as fuck, I love my family

aww, sounds like things are going great for you user, I'm glad to see stuff like that.
>also a Gundam chad


BASED if you want help with emus or shit make a thread

>has a wife and a kid
you're a lucky man

thats cool I think Im gonna hold off on emus until I get a SD card or two. I’m very allured to the idea of taking a PS1/PS2 SD card out so I can put in a NES/SNES/GB/GBC/GBA card in and I dont wanna mess up my plan by blowing my load early. Currently broke so waiting on pay to get a couple of those

Nioh 2 just finished downloading.
Will I like it?
Going to the movies tonight with the boys, watching the Northman.
Boring work meeting in one earbud.
OPM new chapter
croquettes and sausages
ice tea
girl socks as always

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>darksiders genesis
was that any good

I'd give you my old 256gb microsd right now man sorry you're stuck waiting. At least there will be more guides by the time you get your storage.

>girl socks as always
How do you like your socks?

Alice gear aegis, Kirby planet robobot
Downloading titanfall 2 again and it turns out that they finally fucking fixed the servers after who knows how long its been
some obscure youtuber's review of Thinkpad T60
Kamen rider revice

Yea Forums, forum stuff, drawthread and discord
had tomato stew and rice
ginger ale, milk tea
edging to girls und panzer girls, futa and cunny
Feels like its been a long day today. I got some work done and I feel like I can finally relax, so its a good friday. Gonna do some drawing or coding and maybe play some games with frens later in the night.

Thoughts on CrossCode? Heard it was really good but I havent gotten around playing it for myself.
>80gig modpack for Skyrim
Jesus, what's in them that'd make it total up to 80gb?
Sup kotanaanon
>Considering playing some TF2 party Yea Forumsan tomorrow
neat, hopefully ill see you tomorrow then
FUCK i wish it was available to be even ordered here, lucky you and have fun

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yes, very much so, although it has a convoluted upgrade system for some fucking reason.

MGS2 and The Witcher 1
The Addams Family
Hunky Dory by David Bowie and Maggot Brain by Funkadelic
Nyarlathotep by Lovecraft
Black coffee and Dr. Pepper
Goth girls
Does anyone know what day it is tomorrow?
>Last night I watched Evil Dead (the first, the original)
Nice pick. Do you plan on watching the other two?
>I'm also tempted to try out Overwatch 2 for some reason
That released? I just assumed it became vaporware.
>Link's Awakening DX
Supremely based
>Witcher 3
How is it? I plan on playing it after I beat the first two since I'm loving the world of The Witcher a ton.
What weapon do you main? I'm a gunlance main for life, but I also love lance and switch axe.
>Downloading titanfall 2 again and it turns out that they finally fucking fixed the servers after who knows how long its been
I'll have to pick that up now since I always hear great things about Titanfall.

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>Nice pick. Do you plan on watching the other two?
Oh absolutely man.

PVP in FFXIV. Not sure what else, nothing is really calling to me. Would be nice to find something new to play on my Steam Deck. Might try this shitty New Gundam Breaker game on Steam because it's the only action Gundam game available on PC for now. Are there any Gundam games worth emulating?
I finished 08th MS Team yesterday. I need to find something else to watch. I'm in a mecha mood, so I may just do a rewatch of another Gundam series (maybe 0079 or Zeta).
A new Gloryhammer single dropped this week, the first one with the new singer. Not in love with it so far:
Nothing right now. Going to have leftover ravioli for lunch.
Monster Ultra
Pretty good! This year my company moved me over to a quarterly bonus system (on top of a big raise that I got at the beginning of the year). The bonus is based on new revenue for the company. This quarter's bonus just came in, it was like $7050 before tax... unfortunately that's like $4600 after tax, but whatever. Going to put that away to save toward a house. Maybe use a little bit of it to buy a cool Gundam figure... the metal Hyaku Shiki Kai calls to me.

>Mobile Suit Gundam. Last night I watched Evil Dead (the first, the original)
Based on both counts. I love the original Evil Dead, very underrated in the series.
>DRG since I got it on sale.
That's a good time, hopefully you have some friends to play with but if not it's still fun with randos.
>Downloading titanfall 2 again and it turns out that they finally fucking fixed the servers after who knows how long its been
Does that code execution exploit still exist?

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Blessed weekend, anons!

Ridge Racer 7
Spencer (2021), Outer Range
Men I Trust
The Pale King, Gravity's Rainbow
Buldak 2x spicy noodles
Coffee, kombucha, coke zero, water
Alexis Texas
Alright man.

>Virtual Light
Very good book, I liked the Bridge trilogy a lot.
>Blood Meridian
Nice, first McCarthy?
Sekiro is so good. I'm completely burnt out on Elden Ring but I should go back to Sekiro and beat the gauntlets.
>should've never watched it
Right? It starts out great and just gets dumber and dumber.
Enjoy, user.

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>Nice, first McCarthy?
Yeah. First book by him. I am trying to get more into reading books. I thought it would be a good starter one.

>Based on both counts. I love the original Evil Dead, very underrated in the series.
Agreed, both are absolutely fantastic series. I heard the remake fucks up a lot about the original, would you say that's true?

Was my first McCarthy as well, then I blasted through the rest of them, couldn't get enough. Pretty ornate language though for a light reader, no?

>Gundam Dragon Quest clone for Famicom
That sounds pretty cool. I haven't heard of it before as I'm only really aware the SRPGs and that weird on-rail shooter gundam game on nes. But, it's cool to see a Gundam game in the style of DQ. Not sure if you have played it or not yet, but you should really play the first phantasy star game, it's a kind of a mix of DQ and early Megami Tensei games with some sci fi mixed in. it's one of my favourite early jrpgs
Alrighty then, I do have it on my backlog but I wanted to play the remaining nes and snes ff games beforehand, but if it's that good then i'll definitively play it sooner rather than later
Good evening, cirnoanon
>hopefully ill see you tomorrow then
Yeah, I'll try to, I have some errands I need to get done in early in the morning but if the spots opens up around midday, I will try and pop in for a few rounds
>What weapon do you main?
Switch axe mainly, occasionally I'll use lance to switch things up a bit
>Sekiro is so good
Yeah, I'm really enjoying sekiro so far. It's a great game I hope it will replace demon's souls as my new favourite nu-fromsoft game

Nothing. I don't really play vidya anymore.
Thinking of watching The Garden of Words.
Coldplay - Sparks.
Nothing. Might get an apple later.
On a 7month nofap streak. So far so good.

Overwatch, Elden Ring NG+, Kirby FL
YT videos
New PSY, Puscifer, Knife Party
Coffee now, monster later
Will do right now
Tired as shit and i have to work later with the shittiest and most dickhead coworker so yeah, until i get home at night it aint gonna be pretty
Enjoy the friday anons

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I do ok with it. Although it is taking me a bit slower than I expected to read through.

I like your new cover,cover user. How are you liking gundam
Good Morning/Afternoon Konata user.

Might play ff7 after work and strive.
Finishing macross plus might start frontier next or another show. Also strive story dlc if it comes out today
stuff in this thread and guilty gear soundtracks
work stuff.
monster zero ultra peach
Alright Going to be upgrading my pc soon and thinking of dual booting windows and linux. Honestly don't know if I should upgrade my gpu from a 5700xt to a 6800xt.

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Far Cry 6, just wanted some dumb wacky fun for a while. Thinking about getting into the Metroid games afterwards
Nohin' right now
Jumping between stuff like this lately
Yea Forums threads
Gonna make some hoisin noodles
Monster energy drank
Been to the gym and showered, now I'm listening to music, I'll play more Far Cry once I've had my noodles

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Northern Journey, Fistful of Frags, and replaying the Madness Project Nexus campaign with my gf
Rewatching Metalocalypse for the first time since the series got canned and I think it still holds up. I watched Frankenhooker yesterday and plan to watch through Romero's first 3 zombie movies over the weekend while getting shit-faced and writing death metal with my bassist friend
I got a Sherlock Holmes collection back in March and so far finished the first two novels and a collection of short stories, today im gonna start the 3rd full-length story. I also finished off a collection of Harlan Ellison short stories in the last week and want to check out more of his stuff eventually
Made bacon and eggs when I got up at midnight, gonna made some chicken burgers right away
Had coffee when I got up
Busted inside my girlfriend when I got up/before she went to sleep. She's got one of those little cum-killing robots embedded into her cervix so I havent used a condom sinced I convinced her to go for the IUD back in 2016 when we had our first pregnancy spook
I just got laid off after a 5 month string of regular night shifts working a seasonal job and will be relaxing on EI until the company hires me back on in October. Right now im still operating on a nocturnal schedule so I was about to make myself a 5am lunch then play some guitar for a couple hours. Being a paid-NEET for the summer is gonna be rad and ive already made a bunch of plans to travel around my country doing innawoods shit, playing as much music as possible with my shitty death metal band, and catching up on vidya. Spread across the next month ill also be seeing Mastodon, Opeth, Archspire, and Primus live as well as celebrating my 25th birthday in just over a week so im feeling good bros

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I have the first Phantasy Star loaded up on my Retroid but I haven't played it yet. Looks great though so I definitely will.

Glad you like the cover man!
>How are you liking gundam
it's fucking great. It's a more sophisticated than I initially thought it'd be and it's all the better for it. It's also interesting to see how Amuro and company deal with things not just in the battlefield itself, but how they deal with being thrown into the situation they're in as well.

>I heard the remake fucks up a lot about the original, would you say that's true?
The remake is fundamentally unrelated to the original. Like none of the same characters exist in each movie. You have a similar setup with a bunch of young people going to a cabin and finding a book that summons evil spirits which possess them, but that's it. It's still worth watching though, it's not a bad horror movie, though I never rewatch it because it's got some pretty uncomfortable scenes in it that make it not fun to rewatch.

Fallout: New Vegas (modded of course). Roleplaying a cowboy. Pretty cool.
Old country music, because of New Vegas
Story I'm trying to write. I'm trying to make progress with the characters but for some reason, I'm focusing more on the romance than what's actually the point of the story, and it's kind of bugging me.
Ok, I guess. My dad's coming over and I haven't called him in like 2 years or so.

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>"Witcher 3"
>"How is it? I plan on playing it after I beat the first two since I'm loving the world of The Witcher a ton."
Witcher 3 is honestly one of the best games ever made. You get fags on here who argue it's trash or whatever, but it's almost universally beloved for a reason. It's combat is a bit basic but the story, setting and genuine feel of the game are all 11/10

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, I've been meaning to sit down and make a start on this game since 2012 and every time I end up dropping it and playing Neverwinter Nights instead.
Venture Bros marathon on repeat
Kavinsky finally came back, just got his newest album, going to check it out.
Hellbazer Volume 8, reading the whole thing from issue 1 to 300
Chicken salad
Not tonight
Bretty gud, new job starts in a week, get me the fuck out of here

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