What's the hardest game you've ever beaten? Was it worth it?

What's the hardest game you've ever beaten? Was it worth it?

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This game is actual bullshit sometimes, like genuinely fucking garbage game design

I beat all 3 Ninja Gaiden games and I'm a mouth breathing retard that did nothing but mash buttons. They're not hard games. That's a bullshit meme.

You didn’t beat it until you beat it on Master Ninja.

Where the hell do I download a version of xemu that doesn't have the horrific slowdown every time you charge an attack or do a divine cicada slash?

>mashing in NG
You did not beat the game

>you didn't beat it until you beat it on the hardest difficulty with one hand tied behind your back and my mother riding your dick while you're also eating my sister out at the same time and my dad is filming everything while I'm standing in the corner crying and masturbating
Fuck off. I beat it.

BattleToads for NES. Not worth it, Rat Race killed my thumbs fuck that level

Single player games aren't hard.

no one is giving you a pat on the back for beating them on normal.

>you didn't beat it until you beat it on the hardest difficulty

why is it that now that Sifu has an easy mode i've lost interest in playing it?

No, he's right. You literally did not beat any action game until you beat it in the hardest non meme difficulty, that's how they are designed. If you played NG1 on normal you did not even see all of the bosses and enemies.

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Devil May Cry 3, and yes it was worth it for the ending with Dante and Vergil alone. Also DMC3's Lady is best Lady. Tsundere Lady > trashy slut Lady.

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>hardest non meme difficulty
Really fuck off.

>Really fuck off.

What's the problem? What are you mad about in that statement? Some action games have difficulty settings that are placed higher but are not representative of how the game plays as intended. Some examples are:

>Devil May Cry series Heaven or Hell and Hell
>Metal Gear Rising's Revengeance difficulty
>Onimusha's Critical difficulty

I'm sure there's more.

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I beat Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja difficulty, but to be able to do that I beat it at every other difficulty first including Ninja Dog mode for my first playthrough.


Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja.


I guess God Hand
Honestly, in general sure but at the time no, I fucked it all up by rushing through the game for some reason I can't really remember. My last session was super long and I was tired and the end boss is basically a consistency check rather than something super difficult so I kept dying because I just wasn't patient and on edge. It ended on a sour note.

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>Implying she's not a trashy slut with that outfit

God she's ugly

Code Vein solo

>Boss one shots you at full health in a bullshit trial and error crap
Riveting gameplay

Sigma 2 is notorious for 1-shot grabs.

>*does a lap dance over your body*

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I beat both ngs1 and vanila 2 on mn this poster is right

Play ngs, retard

Jump King + dlc and mods, some of those fucking mods are pure fucking bullshit but a real challenge, one of the took me 140 hours to beat and the game has 3 buttons (left right and jump)

F-Zero GX on Very Hard or Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom

Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare
>Was it worth it?
Yes. Icon of Sin finally became a true end game boss not just a cool setpiece

Finally defeating Cannoneer and Blade Bearer and then having to fight Juzo Mido right after was sadistic

You don't. You play Black on your old ass Xbox or just get Sigma.

We just had a thread with a guy absolutely adamant on suggesting emulators to play ngb, and hating on the collection.
I just want to play this fucking game on my pc...

I beat ninja gaiden on master ninja and it was easy, I chained UTs and used izuna drop a lot, as well as spamming ninpo and chugging elixirs. I beat it again without relying on that and had more fun, but the mere fact that I was able to cheese it so easily means it's not hard.
Ninja gaiden nes was way harder because I actually had to git gud to beat the last level. But even then it barely qualifies as a hard game.

>Doom Eternal
Play the og Dooms on nightmare for a good ass fucking, they make Doom Eternal look like fucking nap time, projectiles and enemies move twice as fast and you have to solve puzzles and figure out where the fuck to go simultaneously, it’s like trying to solve a sudoku puzzle while wrestling a chimp. Also enemies respawn indefinitely and ammo is limited so running out of ammo is a guarantee unless you manage wisely and hurry the fuck up (no ammo dispensing zombies every 3 feet like in Eternal)

>play the game for the third time at least
>still don't know bosses moveset
>still don't know how to fight boss
>still just want to mindlessly mash buttons
>this is somehow the game's fault

Literally everything she did was predictable and reactable if the guy knew how to fight the boss.

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That guy is an autist. The Xbox emulators aren't quite playable yet. If you wanna play Xbox versions of 1 and 2 you need at minimum an Xbox 360, and even then 2 will run like shit so you're better off with an Xbox One at minimum. If you just want to play Black then even an OG Xbox is great because it plays at 60fps, and 360 plays it at 16:9 60fps. Also you can emulate Sigma 1 pretty much flawlessly with RPCS3 if you don't want to get the Master Collection.
t. played both Xbox and Sigma versions

No you didn't. That's the resident DMC schizo with a chip on his shoulder over NG tricking you. And you fell for it like a fucking retard. That's literal copy pasta he used to spam every time NG was mentioned to try and stop people from playing these games.

Play the collection you easily influenced dumbass

Thanks user.
I think I will try sigma.

Sigma 1 isn't THAT different from Black, worth playing if it's your best option and I say that as a blackshill.

Sigma 2 is the abomination compared to vanilla. All versions of 3 are shit.

Spec Ops The Line
Stopping playing was the hardest thing I had to do in a videogame
It was worth it because I'm a better human being for sparing virtual people from suffering

2 runs very well on Xenia Canary. It has some problems but most of them can be fixed with some tweaking

Isn't there a Ninja Gaiden PC port now?

I don't know how well Sigma emulates but you will at least get the benefit of hearing Ayane's voice in the tutorial messages, which was taken out of the collection version for whatever reason.

If you do end up playing the collection version of Sigma 1, make sure you do not use the "Enhancement" slot in the menu. Those items were added to that version from the portable one and make the game easier. Otherwise have fun.

I recommend playing the series with JP dub, but that's up to you

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>I don't know how well Sigma emulates but you will at least get the benefit of hearing Ayane's voice in the tutorial messages, which was taken out of the collection version for whatever reason.

There's a mod to put them back in, thankfully.

>muh abomination QQ i want muh musou gameplay

Shut up

Have fun and don't worry about version autism. Sigma 1 was the first one I played. Emulate it if you don't want to buy the Master Collection (though I guess you could just pirate that as well). I only played the Xbox versions because I liked Sigma 1 in the first place.
It emulates well and there's also a mod to add the voice lines back into the Master Collection version.

>There's a mod to put them back in, thankfully

Really? That's cool. Score 1 for PC players in terms of the collection.

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Yeah but Ninja Gaiden Ligma (and the PC port of ligma) has that weird bloom unless you install the kellog's patch that doesnt work on my machine.

>has that weird bloom

Yeah, that weird bloom called good graphics. Fuck off Xnig.

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What's meme about Revengeance difficulty? Isn't it just buffed enemies / debuffed Raiden?

I knew it, Ninja Gaiden is truly garbage

It gives Raiden a OHKO parry on MOST enemies and it kills bosses in 3 hits. Very Hard is the real deal.

European Extreme destroyed my hand at this part

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What this user said Honestly a puzzling design decision

:D :D :D

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IWBTG. the final boss filtered me though

Beat all the Souls games with every trophy/achievement. Which isn't saying much these days I guess, but I was pretty proud after the amount of NG+ runs and the stone grind in Demon's Souls. Especially when I'm generally terrible at games.

Otherwise I don't know. Beat LISA without using any joy. Finished all of the Mass Effect games on the hardest difficulties. Also got a couple endings in Fear and Hunger, which even beating that game is a pain in the ass.

Enjoyed most of it. I tend to avoid challenging shit in games unless I enjoy the process or game immensely.

Halo 2 LASO

Hmm I didn't know that.

>supposedly hard game/hard mode
>enemies and bosses have ten times your health and hit like a trucker convoy

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>a puzzling design decision
2bh Rev is a better meme difficulty compared to HaH in DMC and can be pretty fun, but it's retarded when people take it as the real hardest difficulty instead of VH.

>play the game for the third time at least
If a game allows player to beat it twice without learning anything then yes, it's game fault.

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Monster Hunter Iceborne (worth it) and world behemoth (not worth it) solo.

Bayonetta 2 on infinite climax without Witch Time
Not worth

Ikaruga easily. I’m sure there’s harder schmups out there but goddamn. I can never get through the last level.

Thanks I am good with pistol starting UV in og dooms

Loathsome doafagget, plz.

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I beat the original Metro 2033 (not the remake)
On Ranger hardcore.
It was frustrating as fuck since the stealth was trash.
But I have newver had a more rewarding gaming experience

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>playing the SMEGMA version

If you are interested in playing Ninja Gaiden and want the best experience with the IP, then take heed; avoid Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is inferior to Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is a censored, dumbed down, downgraded abomination and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is a piece of shit because the foundation of the game is Ninja Gaiden 3 which attempted to betray the IP and become an interactive movie experience. There will be trolls, platform fanboys and shitposters who will make bait comments denying these facts, do not engage with them.

What are your options?
1. Play Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden II via Xbox backwards compatibility; Xbox One X (4K 60fps), Xbox Series S (1440p 60fps) or Xbox Series X (4K 60fps LOCKED).
2. Go for emulation on PC (Pic related shows how to get ISO files). Xemu emulates Ninja Gaiden Black 99% accurately at 4K 60FPS (only a graphical bug needs fixing): youtube.com/watch?v=aMTyXTyIx1E [Open] , Xenia emulates Ninja Gaiden II and it is getting better: youtube.com/watch?v=5QJgzMogN2Q [Open]

If you want to try this NG: "master" collection, then PIRATE IT. This garbage collection is a waste of your money, do not get scammed by it, be smart or you will get exploited. Don't know how to pirate? Download qBittorrent.
youtube.com/watch?v=CpTpyw4nNo4 [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=WLj2Fb1klLo [Open]
Get torrents from:
IF you use windows 7, download WinCDEmu and watch:
youtube.com/watch?v=A72F4prjo1M [Open]

Want to punish Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo for this garbage collection? Buy it on Steam, leave a negative review, then refund it.

>Buy it so we can get Ninja Gaiden 4
No need.

No it was not worth it, it was bullshit