Sekiro appreciation thread

Sekiro appreciation thread

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I hate that you can't save your progress mid-gauntlet, especially when Sword Saint's arena is such a fucking joke of a buggy mess
Sometimes after beating Sword Saint, I just can't sit at the idol that spawns after. It just breaks and I'm stuck there. Only way to continue would be to use Homeward idol to leave the gauntlet and start over.
It's happened multiple times to me now

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this never happened to me desu

amazing combat system that was very unique, remarkable boss design, interesting worlds to explore even if some of the mob enemies weren't interesting. I didn't like how much bullshit there was to pick up on the map, it's not like most of the items were useful but that's just what fromsoft does. and thank God they decided to finally drop all the obscure youtuber lore bullshit for 5 seconds and just write a good story, it was amazing.

I like the special deflection sound effects for when you can attack and should switch to defense



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It's Fromsoft's best game. Elden Ring obviously has the best exploration by far, but Sekiro is their most complete and finished game to date. There's not a single area like Lost Izalith, From shows that they can actually write a story if they want and it has the best combat of any action game I've ever played. Bloodborne comes close to Sekiro and was my favourite before playing Sekiro.

I just started charmless. How early can I ring the demon bell

seething horizon tranny. reply to me and bump the thread again, I dare you


I think you can run straight there after the tutorial before any major bosses?

which one? is it a sweep, a thrust, or a grab, faggot?

is there a problem with this?

lightning bitch

I think right after ogre

i sure hope fromsoft gets its own board soon. so many great games to talk about, its bound to be the most popular board ever.

so are you going to use the sakura dance weapon art or jump into it, nigger?

This user is correct, after the ogre you can go through the headless cave to ring the bell.

bamham combat
>b-but there's three different dangers

People can meme the cling clang all they want, but the clashing of swords both feels and sounds satisfying. The sound effects on particular are top tier.

I hadn't heard of sakura dance I really need to beat the gauntlets

>deflecting the headless ape's massive downward swing
>CLONG as the monkey collapses and Sekiro gets pushed back

fucking kino

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four if you count lightning. and the only thing that's special about these attacks is that you can't parry them, it's hard enough to parry all the boss's attacks as it is, the kanji dangers just add an extra layer to the combat because you can't just hold the block button on a charm run

I used it to beat isshin prime v2 in the gauntlets, it's an amazing attack. here's a video of someone using it to deflect lightning

the seven ashina spears guy fucked me more than the ape

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wait there's different clang noises that tell you when to defend?

it's more a clang that shows that they did a perfect parry and you won't win the trade in the next hit.

is there a video that shows the difference?

Thats really fucking cool

you can still parry the thrusts but its better to mikiri them

The more I play Elden Ring and Nioh the more I appreciate Sekiro. I didn't particularly like Sekiro as much as the souls-like games, but it was definitely a tighter, focused, and more consistent game than Elden ring, similar to how I felt after DS# which came after bloodborne. It's unfortunate that rejected parts of Sekiro ended up in that game and don't fit the overall combat sandbox. I might play it again this year once I'm bored of elden ring.
they're the same noises the enemy makes

Truly the best Souls tm game bros
It‘s so tight!

Finished it a couple weeks ago. Really fun game. I shouldn't have slept on it for so long. Now please for the love of god I need Bloodborne on PC.

Didn't see there was another thread already, reposting my comment:

So I've been playing this recently and one thing has been bothering me, why does everyone call the main character a master shinobi when relative to everyone else in the world he's nothing special and in most cases is far weaker? It honestly feels like he's using a blunt sword or something, I just beat the snake eyes shirahagi mini-boss after Genichiro and I don't get how the player character is so weak, most mini-bosses are easy but this one can two shot you and when you actually get a hit in it does 1/20 of it's health and that's with the mini-boss having a revive too?

I thought dark souls games were suppose to be hard but fair but this feels very unbalanced, especially given the case that the player character can only resort to mindlessly spamming hit which all npcs can perfectly block and npc are able to at will use undeflectable attacks you have to dodge instead. Sure the player gets the mikiri counter but it's a fucking meme because most non trivial character just ignore it and push you off their sword?

it doesn't necessarily mean you should stop attacking, but a perfect parry from an enemy almost always comes before aggression. In this case it was a jump attack, but it might be a quick swipe instead.

dark souls 1 actually has better exploration
so can mist raven and high monk and shadowfall
high monk is really hard to pull off but its fucking cool

awesome I never noticed that thanks

Wow this is good to know

Unless it's a sweep or a grab retard

Give him a break user he never even played the game.

time to reinstall thanks user

>can't parry kanji attacks
That isn't what the perilous kanji signifies
At all
All it means is danger, and that the attack cannot be blocked. Can it be deflected? It's up to the player to find out
You can deflect thrusts. The grabs that are performed via weapons (Snake Eyes and the short Senpou assassins) can be deflected with just the sword. You can deflect lightning even while on the ground, and it reduces the dmg received compared to fully facetanking it
Deflecting lightning mid-air gives you better control on when to release it and gives you more hangtime
Mid-air Deflecting lightning during Dragon's fight, will give you permanent hangtime

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Can't afford it but it's the one souls game I really want to play

It's on sale on Steam right now.

Got cancer and lost my job :(

There are no hard and fast rules to the Ashina style. You win by any means
So sail the high seas and beat the game

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What kind of cancer?

Next time, use this route to get there faster

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Stomach cancer

Bought it last night, played it, got motion sick and had to refund it

i want to fuck the loli

I will not be having any part of this.

you gonna die, user?

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If I feel so inclined lol

This game is certified kino. I beat it 11 times.

ER on the other hands sucks.

sekiro 2 with sekiro taking divine loli with her shota stand to th west when?

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Make you wonder what's point of making the thurst parriable when it's always better to Mikiri it.
Guess From want to pander to the level 1 no hit no skill tree autists.

My friend beat the game without miriki counter or the double jump thing

I was sucking my friend's dick when he beat Isshin, then he fucked my ass during the credits

That's a little gay

True statement.