Master duel

End of season. What deck are you using?

Attached: DMx001_Kaiba_Loses.jpg (1003x767, 156.05K)

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Why are we janny started delete this?

My gishki shokan deck.

Attached: DarknessApproaches-SRL-EN-SSP-UE.png (359x520, 435.77K)

>What deck are you using?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1919x1080, 641.19K)

Fluffals maybe I'll make Myutants next idk.

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When generic threads about a game are made every day for months, that's literally the reason /vg/ was made in the first place. They want you to fuck off to the containment board.

>threads getting shoah'd

it's over

Attached: 33609262.jpg (624x624, 64.09K)

Lorpar's discard effect suck ass, all its does is fucking up your own Sheo on a mirror match

Jannies are fucking niggers that's what.
Also Abib I know you can see this
And I want you to know that you can throw as many tantrums as you want it's not going to change the fact that Yugioh is a cultural phenomena.

Trying to meme my way up with trickstars, I'll switch to evil twin if I end up not climbing anymore

I'm not confident enough to go in with my Rikka, Lunalight or Lyrilusc decks