Stop. Playing. This. Game. Because. Of. Max0r

Stop. Playing. This. Game. Because. Of. Max0r.

You missed out, you are not a real metal gear fan, you will never be accepted.

You missed out. You are pathetic, and predictable. You are an ironic cynical faggot.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who's maxor?
Is this game worth playing

Wow! I really hate you and think you’re pathetic. Please kill yourself.

Some eceleb cunt I presume. Yes it’s a fun but short ride. Lighthearted and goofy.

Do the zoomies that are playing this even know who the Patriots are?

Why does what people are playing matter to you?

Tbh, it is interesting seeing people play this FIRST and then seeing how the fuck this the series get to that point

It's perfectly standalone.

This was my first metal gear game back on 2014, i never played any other metal gear games after it and I'm okay with that.

Literally fucking who
Stop. Living. This. Life. Kill. Yourself. P13453.


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I'm sorry I just saw the funny "There will be bloodshed" meme and all my friend kept shilling it to me and it's kinda funny
I'm sorry for being a fake metal gear fan I'll play the others if that's what you want

Why does the DmC fan start smoking weed in the middle of the argument?

What does dmc have to do with mgs?

I'm not reading all of that shit. Summarize it.

Remind me, what did Quentin even like, other than not smoking weed and not playing the 3DS?

I started playing cause I watched an old Yahtzee review

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I'm just here for The Only Thing I Know for Real. I don't care if the only reason somebody played a game is because of TikTok or a Youtuber or whatever the fuck, if they have fun then that's good

In retrospect, this game has some of the most lenient dodge and parry windows ever. You get like a half second of i-frames and a full second to block damage.

>Metal Gear has never been a "crazy" series.
Is Quentin SERIOUS?

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Only people who never played MGS enjoys this shit.
who even makes this unreadable trash. fucking schizos.

Some schizo arguing with himself via a strawman. Basically a Dobson comic with more words and worse art.

Make me faggot

The first metal gear game I played was fucking ground zeros.

"a ninja who knows a lot about stealth"
So turns out Quentin was actually retarded this whole time.

>implying MGR fans were considered real MG fans when the game released
>implying MGR fans aren't ironic cynical faggots
Top zozzle

>Playing game
>Blade mode feels wonky but whatever
>Somehow beat Armstrong despite Blade Mode being broken as fuck
>Find out later Blade Mode fucks up when the FPS isn't locked

Get on my level

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This is the problem with zoomers. You find out a game through a youtuber and then think everyone else did too. You're a fucking moron, no cap.

>zoomers haven't even heard of MGR
>MG games are considered old now

Metal Gear Rise was my first Metal Gear game back when it came out.

MGRR is the only game that makes swords feel sharp and not just skinny clubs you wack people with

I played the game because of Two Best Friends.

Thanks OP I like making filters!

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>Metal Gear has never been a "crazy" series
Whoever made this never played the OG MGS

I remember this being a somewhat prevalent opinion back then, IRL and across several websites. Still can't say why, there was just a shared delusion that MGS was grounded.

good thing I don't know who that is and I only played it recently
also suck my dick faggot I can play whatever I want whenever I want you nigger

>It's been 9 years since their Metal Gear Rising gameplay
Kill me pete

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who the fuck is max0r you double nigger

none of them know anzthing about metal gear

I want to see her bobs and vagene

I agree.
Do not touch MGS if you have never played it before.
If you did not play them when you should, dont play them now.

You will never understand mgs

Do MGR trannies really?

Is Quentin kill

literally who?

I specifically fell in love with MGS1 as a kid because it had this "tacticool" main character guy who was just a gun toting soldier like the guys in Predator, who was running around fighting a fucking robot ninja, a goofy gunslinger, a psychic dude, a guy carrying a fucking giant gatling gun, and then fights something from mechwarrior. It was a huge grab bag of all the kinds of stuff i thought was cool as a kid. People probably confusing gun porn, and excessive explanations for things as "grounding" a story.

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Why does this game makes everyone go apeshit like they're soulstrannies

Literally who? I played this game around a year after it launched and thought it was fantastic.

i imagine the kind of OP that does these kinds of elitist threads "muh not a real fan" are the kinds of retards that the only thing they can feel some of pride in their pathetic lives is thinking they have found the diamond in the rough and think they are superior now that they have played a niche game that is not totally accessible to the "normies".

MGRS is not even niche but OP should just do community service or something, at least that would put some worth in his life.

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He made a funny 2 part video about mgrr

while I agree with you I think you're a faggot for having saved and posted that image

>first played mgr in november 2013~
>got hard fucking filtered by blade wolf because was dumb kid
>replayed it two years later
>one of my favorites (currently second) since
good ass game. I'm glad it got a lot of popularity, but on the bad side, the old smaller community of fans has been mostly destroyed and the memes are tons now, but they had a significant drop in quality. I prefered back when we were laughing our asses over abby armstrong edits, or better yet when flynn was accused of sexual assault with that funny audio message

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I have never played a metal gear game besides Rising, not interested in moviegames.

user summer is coming, you have no fucking idea how cringeworthy the board becomes once the loser kids are free from school.

i hope everyone ITT who's attacking OP for being an elitist faggot isn't doing a good job hiding the fact that they did, in fact, find out about mgr from some eceleb and only play and pretend to like it due to peer pressure. that being sad, OP wouldn't be in this situation if he didn't gatekeep such braindead garbage that caters exclusively to fried dopamine receptors. in other words, everyone ITT is a flaming faggot and should kill themselves including me

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>summer, when the only thing that changes is that people complain about summerfags


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Who? MGR has been apart of Yea Forums culture since the game was in development hell, newfag.

holy based /thread
you can shut this one down jannies

See, the thing about crybabies like you and OP is that you’re never like this when it comes to vtubers (i.e. men using voice changers pretending to be anime chicks) who are just as big of offenders for ruining classic games by showing them to casualfags. Hell, a ton of vtubers outright react to shit like Max0r and clap for other ecelebs. But I guess if it’s some weebish fapbait avatar acting cringe it’s acceptable for the seekrit club here.

i have no idea what you're talking about as i am not familiar with the intricacies of eceleb culture

Considering he was being meta-ironic aside, literally anybody who is actually emotionally invested in this thread is a massive faggot.

Just play the fucking games you want fuckers.


I've had this game on Steam since like 2016. It'll realistically be another year or two before I finally get around to playing it. So stop yelling at me, please :(

you don't?

This. I hate zoomers so god damned much

I played this because I am, indeed, not a Metal Gear fan and I wanted something lighthearted and goofy instead of some self indulgent not-movie.

Get fucked nerd.

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this. mgr is garbage that only attracted retards in the first place. now those retards are assmad that more retards are joining the party.

How the fuck is it standalone?
The intro stage has the villains talking about the Patriots and SOP program and ending the war economy, without context none of that shit means anything to you.
Of course no one who's playing the game for the first time in 2022 with no prior Metal Gear experience actually CARES what's going on to even question what those things are, but to pretend it's perfectly standalone is crazy.

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>Yea Forums likes Revengeance
>YouTube personality makes a meme video about it
>now Yea Forums starts gatekeeping Yea Forums itself from liking it
>soon Yea Forums will turn against the game entirely and start hating it

Many such cases.

>>Yea Forums likes Revengeance
Yea Forums never universally liked anything. way to out yourself newfag.

Probably an age thing, it felt mature to teens when they first played 1 and 2.

Great Gatsby.

>Raiden tries to have a relationship with Rose in MGS2
>he lies to her about his past and can't confront his demons
>AI makes him believe that his relationship was never real
>decides to try and believe in his own experiences and make it work with Rose
>relapses into war PTSD again
>Rose lies and says that she had a miscarriage that killed their son
>Raiden gets experimented on and turned into a literal war machine
>Raiden spends the rest of the game seeking a place to die
>Rose reveals that she was just kidding and lied to him to protect herself and their child
>now Raiden will magically have a normal life despite being in an even worse position than he was in at the end of MGS2

Mhm. Tell me more.