Corrins the coolest! was 10 years ago

>corrins the coolest! was 10 years ago

Attached: BtlFace.png (1684x1920, 793.74K)

OMG... she is soooooo attractive...

Attached: Attractive 19.jpg (819x1024, 197.32K)


elise armpits peropero

I regret not max merging her on the AHR banner bros...

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i spent like 110 orbs on that banner and didnt get a single one.

>literal man face

Do americans really?

440 and only got one,it was a scam

>man has a man face

thats rough dude. whos your summ support rn?

>elise tries to get corrin to sleep with random guys

Attached: 1642788647948.png (2637x1932, 1.73M)

I got one. If I didn't get her then I would have used my spark on her as opposed to Thorr who I didn't pull on my way to the spark.

I want to have sex with ninja Corrin.

That banner was fucking blessed, man. I pity anybody who didn't go all in. I spent 1000 orbs sniping green and got:
10 ninja corrins
7 thors
6 byleths
6 azuras

>elise determines that female ninjas have to be slutty and immediately begins to strip

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i think she was more trying to mimic the revealed cleavage from the other women rather than take her clothes off.

You think I’m cool? Wow, thanks!

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just restarted my acc when it was like 4 days left. i already had 3 5star greens but i burned all the orbs i could get on corrin. still didnt get one, but she is a free unit.

You will never be a woman

either way she is slutting it up

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Truly the cutest feet.

>this is what Edelgard sees in enbarr

Is fire emblem the biggest video game series of pure apologists?

You ask any FE fan and most of them will tell you every single game in the series sucks, and yet it still has two generals and plenty of Yea Forums threads

Attached: byleth.jpg (960x1335, 145.6K)

Elise is the only decent thing in Fates.

>"Lady Edelgard! You got my tea party invitation!"

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If you gave me time, I bet I could name bigger groups. Persona, as an example.


the thing is, plenty of persona fans genuinely love 3 4 and 5, where as even the biggest FE fans mostly think every single FE game is shit (which most are)

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>the thing is, plenty of persona fans genuinely love 3 4 and 5
And how many play them?
P5 sold less than 3H. Persona and FE got popular around the same time, and Awakening sold circles around P4.
But you'll find millions claiming to be "Persona fans" who have never even played them.

Are these posts a troll or an unironic simp that wants to flaunt the love for his 3dcosplayer celeb?

>the best girl in the series... is also the dumbest girl in the series...

SHH quiet down

It's a mental illness case study

based elise

Attached: EliseAdvertisement.png (800x800, 610.59K)

i like a lot of the games but i recognize that they really fail to make the full marks. every single game has a couple of blatant flaws and coupled with the replay value of the post gba FE's it becomes more apparent to the series fans. its easy to say something like fe6 mimic'd thracias design but abandoned all of the mechanics of thracia and left the game barebones with overly long but uneventful maps for example, a commonly seen flaw. its not as easy to praise just how well designed the difficulty of the first and third acts are or the open ended nature of the routes or just enjoying the barebones nature of the game making it accessible, etc. as a result you see people who understand the boons but dont state them, while recognizing the flaws and complaining about them. fates isnt even my favorite fe but its the one people like to talk about the most (and arent a bunch of schizos like 3H)

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you think edelgard is the best girl in the series? to each their own i guess, but i prefer smart female characters.

Attached: corrin has a college degree.png (1226x776, 197.66K)

I wanna see your assets instead.

Attached: battle damaged elise.png (1023x1500, 1.13M)

>wanting the short bus lord to teach another human being


No wonder she's crying.

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what doujin are for

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why is she so happy? is retardation this blissful?

Attached: nohrian cutie corrin.jpg (1467x2048, 336.33K)

Yes, she is really silly. But that only makes her cuter

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>be oblivious of the world around you
>have immense powers so you can protect your frens
>have the cutest feet in the world
Easy mode. The same can't be said about her deadbeat male counterpart.

>doesn't even know what a bird is

Attached: Broken.png (800x1003, 794.63K)

>Why can't they fly?

Attached: 190416-air-fryer-wings-137-1556204553[1].jpg (1900x1267, 470.72K)

Her head is full of puppy dogs, kittens and sunshine since the fan art version of her doesn't have to have her soul crushed like the actual game version.

Attached: 76570718_p0.png (1551x1800, 1.25M)

I need Corrin's hair-cut-outs to make more edits like this, they're great

>canonically a bimbo that wears seashells to the beach

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Camilla said they'll look cute on her.

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Avatar characters were a mistake because the femcs make me horny and I can't selfcest as the male avatar

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Retarded fucking dragon

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The official swimsuits are nuts at times.
This fanart of Byleth's swimsuit covers MORE skin than the official art.
Robin has a cock-hold for paizuri.
Corrin wears seashells.

Attached: 1623898836977.jpg (1412x2048, 463.97K)

>The Muscle
>The Brains
>The Silly!

>(You) are best girl three games straight

Attached: corrin robin byleth best girls.jpg (2139x1447, 398.88K)

Ah dammit, should've save that file then. Let me just go do something and I'll post an png later in the thread

To be fair, Lilith calls herself a bird, so she probably did looked like a bird when she was small because dragon magic and shit. Corrin is still dumb as bricks though

Attached: bird.png (1203x740, 774.61K)

>>(You) are best girl three games straight
Awakening: Lucina
Three Houses: Lysithea
Fates: Corrin's feet

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I fucking love Fates

Attached: 60922386_p0.jpg (896x1019, 1001.41K)

I love her, very much.

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>the ability to unite kingdoms as they both try to prevent you from sticking your fork in electrical sockets.

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>better than Miss Eisner
Lol. Lmao, even.

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