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>This sick fuck kidnaped Miquella twice
>They let him live after the first incident
I fucking love the cut content about him and Miquella. it's such a shitshow! Why it had to be cut???

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>why must you abandon me
this is interesting, when does this happen?

How many people actually knew about the existence of Mogh? Gideon just knew him as the lord of blood and I don't know if anyone beside Varrre mentions him.

>timing my nihils with his


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Gideon doesn't know alot of things, you pretty much become his Ensha replacement an errand boy/fixer, who reports back to him any info or news he came across. Omens are already hidden away, spurned, scorned and treated like monsters, hell nobody truly knew Morgott was the ruler of Leyndell. Mohg's existence was probably known by a select circle which may have been mostly family and elite. Varres set says the surgeons were all kidnapped by him and he was the only one who became enamored with him. Mohg then you have the few Sanguine Nobles who work for him. Its a well kept secret for that reason alone.