Let's play doodle game with anons. You give prompts, you draw other anons' prompts, no skill needed. Keep it vidya.
Let's play doodle game with anons. You give prompts, you draw other anons' prompts, no skill needed. Keep it vidya.
2 niggas in
3 players in
3 palyers in, new round in 1 min
This was so much easier when I had my 2 screen setup
>3 people
>Game has already begun
You impatient fucks
Go fuck yourself, I'm done with palying waiting games. Icebreakers dont have player quota
New round in 1 min
Ey, o', I'm bumpin' ovah here
>and he left
Ayylmao more like ayylmaoser
Damn it, I got the leaver.
Hsot change. Good taste, whoever chose her as the undisputed queen of Yea Forums
Dude, if you gonna complain about shit like that, you maybe shouldnt leave the game causing them [Empties], asshole
Gotta leave soon so host change after this.
Don't let thread die I wanna play more later
save cool artwork, post cool artwork
i'll come back in a moment
Invasion of the ice cream!
Its gonna get creamy in here
Let's see how the game continues
I had connection issues with the last drawing, soh sorree
Gay Chocolate, you let everyone down
boot gaychocolate
kick gay chocolate
Host here, performing double duty, can't post albums. Grabbing a beer than we start
Nice, I'm having sparkling wine and white wine
this'd be fun, pwease host
haha dumb stupid cat has no ears
Fuck sorry i missed a writing prompt
I hope this bumps, if not, someone else bumop
Nevermind i just didnt know about album mode
I was worried there for a sec no one was going to do the "What's this?"
You improving Alucardo!
>that parasite eve cover
thank you for the memories user
Thanks, drawing is now a habit for me.
grabbing another beer, give me some time
>Poob pretending he doesn't have a waifu
You scared we'd lewd her?
What's up with that fem!sonic
All the games I play have a startling lack of females. Unless you count Noita.
It made my pee pee hard
I missed some, normal next?
my dumb brain read lewd lydia.
remember to leave derails empty. start soon
Sorry fellas, looks like we got a derailer. I might have to switch to ice breakers with half turns next game.
It's simple, kick anyone who doesn't bother typing in a name
shame about the derail, but it's bound to happen
Ok, so the derailer didn't mess things up too badly so far..
Unsuccessful derailer is unsuccessful
ganon and tetris is fitting somehow
>all the discord regulars are here
yeah I think I will not join, enjoy your censorship tho
there's a Yea Forums gartic discord??
>t. derailer
Alright, too many potential derailers, switching to ice breakers with half turns soon
>if you dare to make an anti-leftwing prompt, we derail it and call you a derailer!
>Take that, chud!