Apex Legends

This is official art.

Attached: Apex.png (930x616, 669.5K)

it's a normalfag meme what did you expect

it's worse than normalfag shit. It's wojak shit which should honestly be punishable by execution at this point.

Attached: 1624668665342.png (640x478, 285.52K)

Still a better game than your favorite shooter.

But WE made it

Attached: 12wjk.png (840x859, 591.5K)

do not use word f*g in my thread please

why are modern games so non-white

Attached: 1592578730590.jpg (1242x1381, 907.04K)

like most memes they get stolen and run through the ground

Attached: 1648296596584.jpg (640x480, 74.46K)

Jokes on you all shooters are shit by design.