Apex Legends

This is official art.

Attached: Apex.png (930x616, 669.5K)

it's a normalfag meme what did you expect

it's worse than normalfag shit. It's wojak shit which should honestly be punishable by execution at this point.

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Still a better game than your favorite shooter.

But WE made it

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do not use word f*g in my thread please

why are modern games so non-white

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like most memes they get stolen and run through the ground

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Jokes on you all shooters are shit by design.

the normans will pay

Yes. /qa/ made it, and then reddit hijacked it. Now it's everywhere and it's ruined and become a normalfag meme that game devs use. This isn't the first time reddit has stolen one of Yea Forums's creations and it will not be the last.

Love how both soijak and boomer started off as
>look at this thing it's you! get offended!
Only to end up being fully embraced and becoming actually funny in the process.

honestly i dont really care that much, but it is funny to see places like that source their content from big bad le racist Yea Forums anonymoose hacker site

>This isn't the first time reddit has stolen one of Yea Forums's creations and it will not be the last
I bet you watermark memes on facebook lmao. Who cares who created wojack edit #9977288654446546422568

Reddit think they made it, Facebook thinks they made it. Twitter thinks they made it.

Normies were a mistake.

rate my roster

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You were warned but you called everyone soi anyway and look where we are.

sorry but i dont feel like it right now

So what? Yea Forums made nearly every popular meme, and like every popular meme, it's ruined by fucking redditors and women.

>soiboi point now the most mainstream meme possible
can we stop using fucking wojaks now or do we have to wait until it gets a fucking family guy bit and a fortnite skin before we can drop it

>>This isn't the first time reddit has stolen one of Yea Forums's creations and it will not be the last
>I bet you watermark memes on facebook lmao. Who cares who created wojack edit #9977288654446546422568

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The amusing thing to me is that the whole thing was made to deliberately mock those retards and they're so utterly lacking self awareness they don't even seem to realize it.

80% of all memes come from 4 chan, what do you expect?

/qa/troons AREN'T we

Söyfacing is based and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

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the "my ancestor :)" meme was transformed into the most common meme and normies dont even realize what its about

Did you know that in Japan, Apex is used as a dating service?

is that the original? i thought it was about the onions chicken?

>haha funny joke

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

Is that dodger and jesse?

Apex Legends is far from a normie game, it's basically Yea Forums: the videogame

This is the original.
Those two are either imitating or its coincidental

Attached: soioriginal.jpg (457x767, 66.88K)

Reddit didn't steal it, you can bet your ass people from Yea Forums were using it in multiple places. Your stupid little discord servers, edgy subreddits, etc. The truth is that there was nothing stolen, it was freely given away. The Yea Forums userbase is so wide and normie-fied now that there will never be a chance to have a completely isolated sense of community ever again. Nothing can ever be "stolen" because (You) normies will just spread it yourself.

I will now re-download apex legends again

based Josh

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if blacks vanished form the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

The prison industry

Qa lost.

Law enforcement

It's cute seeing Bangalore happy though.

this happens every time

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Nu4chan will see this, seethe about a corporation "stealing muh memes" despite wojaks being sold on amazon and being posted on reddit and twitter for half a decade, then continue to use nothing but wojak, pepe, and gigachad template memes instead of moving on to new memes.

4channel is one of the most normalfag sites in existence, Yea Forums even moreso. That's why most threads are about AAA garbage.

Shitposters and their ability to post the same thing in every thread.


Is this a DLC? They finally fucking added the stupid memes stat description so we know what the weapon actually does?

Hundreds if not probably thousands of tempalates/memes from every board over the years have been used by people who are not even aware of this websites existence. It's just how it is.

Music, lonely white women, teenage white girls, Nike, law enforcement, drug trade,porn

Like every meem
It's time to move on and let it rest son

Attached: joke.gif (684x308, 14.64K)

Over a decade too late to whine about wojacks being normalfaggotry.
Shit, I remember making one in 09 and it being stale then.

First time?

Are there non-Ape characters?

Music, they've been carrying it for the last 10 years.

>the "my ancestor :)" meme
That meme is older than anyone living today.

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He does love his cars and bikes.

nobody is making new memes, user
zoomer creativity is entirely iterative
i like nagatoro faces, myself

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nah man thats annointed bonus, different type of stat, the red bonuses are still hidden behind lame references

>implying Yea Forums isn't normie shit at this point

>the word nigger will no longer exist
I'm sorry user, it isn't worth it.

in reality 9gag made it

no we didn't lol, wojaks are from reddit. the only Yea Forums one is the one being hated on in this comic, because no true 4channer thought that shit was funny.

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Does anyone have the variation of the meme where its tin man and the scarecrow pointing and the wizard of oz and the wizard is a jew?


How did we go from titanchad 2 to apex tranny nigger they/them shit?

>titanchad 2
lol titanfall was always consolized trash you casual faggot, get some fucking taste. get some fucking standards.

The internet at this point is just a featureless grey mass. Everything is connected. Anyone thinking normalfags don't visit this place or that they're above users of other sites are kidding themselves. It's all the fucking same shit at this point like some turd ouroboros. Even back in '08 Chanology made a lot of my normalfag friends aware of and interested in visiting this site.

Attached: 4ch.png (1229x417, 58.79K)

Most memes are just spawned from cookie-cutter templates, we don't "make" shit anymore

>Call Bloodhound a guy or girl
>Endless seethe from everyone
Why is this?

what is wojack

probably because zoomers call everything that isnt a pepe or wojak "cringe" or "autism". why would anyone make anything for a bunch of ungrateful brats?

I am not sure if it's a good thing I somehow stumbled on this site like in 2012 as a 12 year old. This image makes me even realize I lived though the most shit times of the chan too.

Although 2018 /gif/ and /wsg/ were funny and had cool music.

no they caved in and added a description of what the red text does
it's the white text below the mayhem level