Quake reboot by the Doom Eternal developers announced June 12th bros

Quake reboot by the Doom Eternal developers announced June 12th bros

I’m so excited

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>the Doom Eternal developers
Holy shit an id software IP is being handled by id software

>Zenimax butchering yet another classic IP
It's all so fucking tiresome.

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Zenimax / Bethesda =/= iD Software.
iD died back in 2006.

what's the point?
Doom Eternal is a direct evolution of the quake series already
Doom, Wolf3d and Quake are really one big series
Honestly I would love a new series by id, the one thing I have against eternal is that it kinda feels too tied to its source material and having to nostalgiabait the target audience

>Doom Eternal developers
Hope they don't ruin quake too

No Hugo, no buy.

>Doom Eternal developers
More zoomer shit incoming.

Are you being paid to be excited? It surely can't be natural. :cockmongler:

>They make a new Quake
>It's s the hack and slash MMO that Id wanted to make originally

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