Lobotomy Corp

Doing the Tiphereth meltdown right now and I need to get to level 10. I've never had a purple midnight before, am I just fucked? A friend told me awhile back that it was by far the hardest one and I don't want to have to redo the entire day here, so what's the best way to deal with it?

Can I just have the rabbits handle it?

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What are you, a coward? Go for it, it'll be fun

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Purple midnight fucking blows, you might as well see it now so you know how to fight it in the future.

I unironically got filtered by the tutorial and the amount of shit you need to keep track of.
I just want to play Library of Ruina and understand the story, should I keep playing lobotomy corp or just be a nigger and watch it on youtube?

But it's the most fun. Amber is boring and Green is okay, but too easy

The amount of things to keep track of increases rapidly, but it's part of the charm. Keep going for as long as you can. Probably around 90% of the fanbase got filtered somewhere between day 20-49, the final days are simply a nightmare

Its not bad if you know whats coming. The safest spots are the two elevators at the far corners of welfare and disciplinary. Keep all your employees here, establish a squad and handle the pillars one at a time. Put a squad together of high-res to each damage type, and deploy carefully. Mind that each one heals from thier own type and the deployment location is random. Once established, they thankfully dont move. They defend themselves at several points, so use your shield bulets or run away. the pale one is the only one that will cause real trouble, its too quick to avoid and its DPS is insane. Therefore, only attack after it moves, then back to safety. That pale one should probably be your priority. take it slow, but beware of memory leak slowdown. I had this same day, same supression, in the bag and passed Violet midnight but couldnt finish the day, game just hung and crashed from slowdown. Good luck

Fuck off

you can just rush to level 10 but for obvious reasons you'll lose tons of nuggets, you can always reset the day if you see purple midnight


Purple midnight is really easy, you can take it slow and kill Pale > White altar one by one or just split in two teams and take on both, the others are pushovers, pale is top priority always.

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UPDATE: Just got my fucking ass beat
yeah I figured it'd blow but goddamn. I tried piling all my aleph agents onto the Pale monolith and having the rabbits kill the rest, but they all jobbed to it (except the one guy I accidentally trapped with the rabbits, sorry buddy). Then my upstairs safehouse became incredibly unsafe and everyone except one agent went insane in the downstairs safehouse. Does the backwards clock delete all of the monoliths if you use it?
How many agents do you have in a squad? What kind of gear do you use to fight the pale?
Yeah I think I'll either restart next time or I'll rush to end the day and accept the casualties

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'ate tiphfags
'ate crossoverfags
simple as

when you are one bar away, stop all work.
move your nuggets to the corridors.
line up work for all of them.
laugh as the meltdown bar goes into meltdown due to all the simultaneous works initiated ending the conflict and escaping the fight.

Why did you eat them?

i'm a big boy, can't you see that

Well, sort it out ahead of time. Gear your agents for it, if they can do that then the other ordeals are easy. Make sure you have at least two or three of every type have an aleph or waw resistance to it, and NOT dealing that damage type. This means you will have to mismatch all your equipment. Favor ranged gear over melee. Put them on your agents with the highest Walk speed, they need that to get out of the way. Make sure someone has Magic Bullet, because it has infinite range. If it chooses a long hallway to live in, youll want that range. when you deploy you squad to attack, youll get about 10-15 seconds of truly safe time in between the movements. Move at least one complete room away, the arms have a long reach. It may be better to concentrate efforts on the pillars that are easy to reach. One thats very close to an elevator or in a short hallway can be wiped quickly, freeing up movement.

each.monolith has one weakness, one absorbance, two immunities.
That's right. White monolith absorbs white damage, nulls all other damage, and is weak to black iirdlc. same for black which is weak to red. etc etc
you need to split your agents based on their damage type. send each damage type to the appropriate monolith
The monoliths will also attack any squad that attacks them too much, so you need to pay some attention. if you plant 10 agents in front of res mo olith, after 30% damage, two red claws will from next to the mobolith just to kill them.
This ordeal requires a LOT of micromanaging which is why is so hard.


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They don't have 2 immunities, only one and that's the one they absorb. The rest work


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Some more tips from me:
The rifle sets (Laetita, Hornet ) work very well due to high attack speed and range. Theyll work on all but the black one, if you kit out two departments in them youll have a mod squad that can clear Green and Midnight ordeals quickly.

>8 o'clock circus

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Not him, but squads need to be separated by damage type. I do two squads, pale+black for the red/white shrines and red+white damage for the pale/black shrines. Put all of your weak agents in a single elevator so you can move them quickly out of harms way. Focus on Pale and white shrines first since they're the most dangerous, but remember that the shrines can counterattack the room they're in at certain HP gates.
I did violet midnight during Hokma's suppression without losses like that, you have enough time to react to all the attacks even without pausing. It's really only difficult until you get one or two shrines killed then it's pretty easy to sort the other two out.

I can't read gookrunes.

the thing is....try reseting to day one, pick the easiest abnos you've found so far and try and complete the meltdown. thats what i did......for most meltdowns

i don't understand moon runes

easy clap fr fr no cap. (they are very simple once you've got nice pages. you do that by doing random receptions and completing most the chapter you're in first before doing them)

The Crying Children was easier than them despite coming later.
Also, do people think that was a hard fight? That shit was tedious at worst.

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i just don't like clowns

But for me that was the hardest Urban Nightmare fight by a country mile.

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it is kind of hard but nothing like star of the city or tomerry. not to mention realizations and some of the abno fights like queen of hatre

I mean mainline Urban Nightmare fights, no abnos or shit after that.
i uh maybe repressed love town out of my mind until now as well

>Probably around 90% of the fanbase got filtered somewhere between day 20-49
Filthy casuals.

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Like, actual legitimate fear? Phobia? How does the fight make you feel?

Wait I just thought about this.
Does Oswald have 2 sets of clothes on with his suit, or is the clown outfit part of him?

>4th reset
Here's a tip, try using your brain next time.

no need to be mean user

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Thanks for the advice, when I grind up some better gear I'll try it again.

Not this again

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post the still


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don't have it....and if i have it it's probably buried in a sea of reaction pics and other images i find interesting.....i have a tendency to hoard images.

you didnt have to mess with my heart user.
that bunny gets me

plush bunnies always bring pain

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So was the entire circus Oswalds distortion? Or was the circus itself a distortion and Oswald was just the highest tier ringleader of it? Or was it just city tech with augmented bodies?

you can literally ignore it (dodging the attacks obviously) and go to next meltdown to end it
that's what i did

some distortions can alter spaces around them - even if it results in impossible space; the tent, and everything inside of it was probably his creation.
other carnival folk were either victims having undergone intense alteration by the distortion, or entities created alongside the distortion.

there's some bitch in distortion detective that gets super gloomy over her voice, or whatever, turns into a giant fish, then her entire room turns into some massive aquarium that seems to stretch on for some distance. there are other mermaids in this massive aquarium, that seem to have been created by the girl's distortion.
iirc - it has been a while, i forget it, but that's how it is in my scattered mind's eye

He was the distortion, and his power was to basically make the circus shit we see.
I think Circus as a location is an extention of that power.

It's worst and really retry worthy especially that early

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>ywn buy a discount cake at Roland birthday
Why even eat

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whorothot BTFO

I don't get it

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Hod? More like Hog.
Lose some weight fatty.

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This kills Sumik-
I mean Hod

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I was being filtered by her, but by some reason when i nabbed WN EGO her meltdown was easy as shit. Day 49 still fucks me up, though.
