Start new game

>start new game
>create character
>select gender:
We all do this, right? You don't want to stare at man ass for the entire game, do you Yea Forums?

Attached: 1640365487293.png (891x1142, 772.34K)

OP here I am trans btw not sure if it matters uwu

I play as a male in first person.

I create what i look like or want to look like
If i can't make myself i just make a attractive male since thats what i want to be

>he'd rather look down at a hairy chest than boobies
homosexual spotted

Depends on the game and the character I want to play. For example if there's a good and evil way to play the game I'll play a male character for the good and a female character for the evil playthrough, because it helps with immersion.

I wanna be a women in real life

Most games unfortunatly don't let me look down and see boobs even if I play as a female, I might change what I usually play as if it was the case.

you stare at what equals like 3% of the screen for the entire game?
why are you so focused on coomer shit op?

don't worry Yea Forums is trans friendly