Any good naval games except Black Flag?

Any good naval games except Black Flag?

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sea of theives

What period and genre?

Fuck naval games. Any good navel games?

Neo Atlas 1469
Sid Meier's Pirates

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sid meiers pirates can be quite fun

Black Flag was peak naval combat. Nothing else will ever top it.

Get out of here with your serious and actual questioning

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Total War Napoleon naval battles

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dont try it

I wanted to like it but Ubisoft went and took their shitty politics and put it in wherever they could, which is pretty much everywhere but the naval combat stuff.

>Ubisoft went and took their shitty politics and put it in wherever they could
What do you mean?

>Black Flag was peak naval combat
It was fun, but also beyond arcadey.
What we need is another Sid MeierĀ“s Pirates. Now that was a fucking pirate game.

Just about every quest is "muh slavery bad" and the assassin order had a bunch of girls in it, your twink friend turns out to be a girl, classic subversion stuff, and the white man goes and fucks it up for the tribals and has to make it up for everyone, et cetera.

Sea of Thieves is a 10/10 naval game.

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Isnt it just MP trash?

Kek, shut up polfreak

>t. average tailing mission enjoyer

It's multiplayer-only, yeah.
There's some PvE elements to it which is what they've been focusing on more and more as of late, but it's still a fantastic game for the maritime aspect.

>your twink friend turns out to be a girl
You mean Mary Read? The actual historical woman who famously dressed as a man and captained a pirate ship?

>bullshit legend

why is no one mentioning the pirate games that have mods and alot of russians play em? sort of like how it is with stalker, (yes i forgot the name as well)

That's incredible that they bothered to print out a fake real obituary and make a fake real burial plot for a fictional person.

Well if you want to put it that way, people are getting really sick of people like you cramming your shitty politics into everything and then denying that you're the one that started shit, so you're probably about to get your shit pushed in by a lot of people that you've pissed off on the right for this very type of thing that you're doing right now.

Sure. I also didn't like that they made Blackbeard out to be some kind of pussy when they could've gone with the legend there too. It's shamelessly historical fiction when they want it to be, and true to history when they don't. So which is it, did everyone hate slavery and it was larger than life, or are they trying to give it a revisionist slant only when they want to and try to have it both ways?

>It's shamelessly historical fiction when they want it to be, and true to history when they don't.
Its history ""inspired"" fiction, what are you on about? The games are literally about aliens.
If you take any history from a game starting up with a poz statement, you might be a bit gullible.

Don't believe these lies, Sea of Thieves is garbage. Janky combat, the depth of a puddle, the quests are all boring shit of 'Go to X and then kill skeletons' or 'Go to a fort and kill skeletons or ghosts'.

The game has four weapons after being out for almost 5 years. It is a pirate game where you cannot actually loot anything cool. You just get gold for buying cosmetics, and the game has a fucking battle pass.

>'s shamelessly historical fiction when they want it to be, and true to history when they don't.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?

Play a tall tale

There's a story mode

The Assassins have always been the one sticking up for the oppressed etc. What did you expect, you mong? Of course they're gonna fight against slavery, that's literally their deal. If by the time BF came out you still hadn't understood that it's a series that takes history and sets it against an age-old conspiracy of Assassins vs. Templars (which is why their approach in BF is anything but arbitrary or inconsistent), then you are fucking retarded.

Unironically you never will again after Atlas fucked up so badly.

Maybe Ark 2. Sea of Thieves is trash if anyone has mentioned it here already

Ok so what other games has such in depth sailing, naval combat and weapon variety?

Why are Total War Naval battles so fucking complicated?

So it's the latter then, and they didn't have to include any part of history that they didn't want to, is that right? So then why did they include those parts that made the actual swashbuckling history of piracy out to be some kind of emasculating figure for Blackbeard and your twink friend when they could've "historically inspired" there too? Or were they just including the things that deflated the whole idea of piracy in general and trying to replace it with "muh slavery" and "muh wamen?"

came in here to warn OP do not fall for this shill. Sea of thieves is fucking trash.

>They have a reputation for it

Puzzle pirates

What the absolute fuck are you talking about? I've never seen anyone type so much without actually saying a goddamn thing.

What is in depth about 'shoot the cannons at the enemy ship until it dies' or 'cheese the enemy ship by going and putting an explosive barrel on it'

>actually have to deal with wind both in and out of combat
>realistic-ish naval ammo with different tactical uses
>dancing minigame
How can ubishits even compete?

Are you really fucking asking me why Ubisoft, instead of making historically inspired original setting, just took a history book and did copypaste on passages they liked? Gee I wonder ... could it be because they are the most creatively bankrupt company in AAA these days?

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Assassin's Creed Rogue. They also let you kill 2 niggers at the end.

Are there any naval (preferably not modern themed) games that allow (preferably require) to actually sail long distances? Like you set direction and swim, the journey will take 3 hours, you dont have to constantly actively play to continue sailing but you might encounter enemy ship, an island or a treasure, whatever. Game that I could clean my room as it is playing.

Rebel Galaxy

What is complicated? If you go with with wind you move fast, if you against it you go slow. Keep shooting the enemy until you wear it down or if you are lucky you hit a critical zone and it goes ka-boom. If you want to finish things quickly try to aboard.

Confirmed retarded then. It's not about reputation, it's about the narrative of weak and oppressed vs. strong and powerful. That has always been the point of AssCreed and it's only logical that pirates as an archetype of the chaotic and anarchic would be aligned with the Assassins and therefore fight against oppression. That's not historically accurate but that's not the point of the games at all. They just take history as an inspiration and slap their own narrative onto it. I hate this life for having to explain obvious shit like this to people who are so blinded by politics that they can't even figure out simple concepts anymore.

You'd have to go back to snes for it, but I always like playing Uncharted Waters New Horizons. You can be a trader, explorer, pirate, or just dick around and do everything. There's also an Uncharted Waters f2p mmo that's still going afaik. I might get into that one when I have some more free time.

No, because literally no one but you is retarded enough to think "I can leave the game running on its own for 3 hours without interacting with it" is a selling point
Try playing idle games

Pirates only has 3 weapons, one less than Sea of Thieves. You gotta deal with the wind in SoT at all times as well. Oh and it's not made by Ubisoft retard

Unironically learn solo tabletop roleplaying

Not him but
>cross the T
>nice broadside straight into the bow of the enemy
>but don't have the speed to do a full 180 and do it again
>so mine and the enemy's ship just end up spiralling into each other and exchanging broadsides
I STILL haven't figured out how to prevent that from happening, across all sailing games I ever played

Perhaps it has not much depth as you claim, but it remains the only game to allow us to partake in such dynamic naval combat against other players, whether you like the game or not

Buccaneer is top tier

I liked Pirate the Caribbean Hunt on Android (the same developer made another sailing game after abandoning this one but I forgot the title). It had an option to sail the entire distance "manually" (fast travel was possible but you missed out on loot and enemy encounters) which would take many hours sometimes. Too bad it's for fucking phones, sailing for 4 hours is a pain in the ass when you have to have charging cable plugged in entire time. The game isn't very conplex either, you can build up fleet, conquer cities and build in them, collect crates with goods and trade, not much else to do. The other game I mentioned also has treasure islands but they're only fun as a novelty in a mobile game, if it was on PC it would be a 3/10.

I would be careful with throwing out retards when you think that the game that is also a dating game, strategy game and a rhythm game having one less weapon is some kind of own.
Its actually pathetic how little games offer these days.

Okay I'll try to make this really simple. History matters when it suits whatever political message Ubi wanted to propagandize, and is thrown right out the window when it doesn't. Therefore, a statement like "Ubisoft went and took their shitty politics and put it in wherever they could" is not refuted by the fact that one of the messages they used is or is not historically accurate in some manner or form. They still did, and it still made the game a bore.


Keep moving the goalpost lmfaooo maybe you'll be thin one day you american mutt

you stupid fucking niggers I just wanna hear about cool boat games

What is dynamic about it?

Play starsector for cool space boats

There aren't any anymore.

>History matters when it suits whatever political message Ubi wanted to propagandize
The political message of Mary Read being an actual person?

cutthroats terror on the high seas
by the same people who made gangsters organized crime, if you like those super detailed simulation games.

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I'd only recommend Sea of Thieves if you have friends. So if you're a friendless loser who doesn't have a close knit group, don't play SoT. Most randoms are 12 year old kids and, well their weird naivete and them acting weird because you're the only adult on the ship I could do without.

>Total War Napoleon
is this any better than Empire?

>nobody here saying sea dogs 2 / Pirates of the carribean

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Same game but better
If you don't like walking line infantry into each other it still won't be your game

Well... I'd say everything? If playing solo you gotta deal with shooting your canons, repairing the boat the wheel and the mast, bucketing water out of the deck, taking care of your supplies, fending off boarders, steering the ship, raising/lowering the sails and managing the wind, etc but if with a crew you hotta keep communicating as to whom is doing what. I have yet to find another game with such engagikg sailing mechanics is what I meant

no, i love Empire and the setting, its just that its so fucking buggy its impossible to enjoy it
if Empire just freaking worked it would be my favourite Total War

>shoot the cannons at the enemy ship until it dies
that's how ship combat works

my nigga

Ive never seen anyone mention this game
Sailing takes a while even with the fast forward option

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that's pretty much it
you can try to knock down the sails and masts so it slows down considerably and then rake it or just keep on firing and destroy it in the usual way. your ship will be fucked up in either case