Tales of Arise has reached 2 million copies sold

all it takes is a pretty girl?

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anime games look so fucking gay holy fucking shit people are turning into degenerate animals we need a brutal war to get everyone back into shape and care about the important shit

3 pretty girls.
That one shitposter must be in shambles.

Waiting for Shionne user

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She literally killed millions

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uooohhh bros? this negates our narrative

Tales of Arise seems to be really popular in China.

Steam Reviews

>All languages 22.203 reviews
>Chinese 9.228 reviews
>English 9.086 reviews
>Korean 1.564 reviews
>Japanese 697 review

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The power of white women

>barely matches Berseria
>had 3x the budget
Wake me up when Arise sells 6 million

Nothing is important.

user it didn't even have major discounts yet. its going to be 3m+ lifetime

I have no good sperm left because of her.
If I ever get children, they will be retards.

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and not being tied to the shit game known as Zesteria

Based .
This proves that Namco is going in the right direction with this game and Berseria.

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user Berseria needed 6 years while Arise only needed 6 months, it'll easily surpass Symphonia and reach 3m+

>literally creeping behind Vesperia and Symphonia in total sales after less than a year
You lost, doomkek.

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Hideous Baba was a mistake

>Remove everything that made Tales of games unique to make a generic action RPG
>Sell millions
I'm shocked.
Also Tales of was never good and it still isn't good.

I still think it's just a solid 7/10 overrated by newcomers but i'm still happy nonetheless, i enjoyed the game and the meltdown from doomposters and contrarians.

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Too bad namco putting all their eggs into that mobile game and nothing for Arise

I don't care about Tales games but I am happy they are doing good.

>all it takes is a pretty girl?
No, it's pandering to casuals westoids and chinks tastes. Also, paying for a GOTY trophy, which is something that matters way more to casuals.

If pretty girls alone would make every game sell a lot, games like Atelier, Trails or even past Tales would easily sell more than 2 million copies each. which sadly, weren't the case.

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Like I said, shambles.

Please don't remind me how retarded Scamco is for still pushing Luminaria

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>and nothing for Arise
and that's a good thing.

seconds half of the game was a total slog. kinda hated it.

post physique

This was the first genuinely good 3D Tales game, and the one I enjoyed the most since NDX

I thought it was fine, dunno why it causes so much fucking seethe.

>This was the first genuinely good 3D Tales game
Vesperia? Abyss? Hearts R? Graces? I hope you're talking about the plane and not the models.

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It doesn't. It had a small, dedicated gaggle of shitposters leading up and after it's release, doomposting about shit that ment nothing in the end.

It was a decent game, but newfags act like it's the best Tales ever so people here retaliate by saying it's garbage and worse than Zestiria.

how come there has never been an anime like battlefield clone?
a game with the look of valkarye chronicles and the gameplay of battlefield bad company would be a hit.
or to play up japs love for rpgs an anime fallout like game

Yea Forums hates anything that is successful, especially if it's anime.

Actually, I'd just go ahead and say Yea Forums hates videogames in general. They'd rather talk about their obsession with trannies or whatever.

Arise was downright tame and tasteful compared to something like Xenoblade 2. It's the first Tales game I actually tried because I couldn't stand the look of previous games.

>It's the first Tales game I actually tried because I couldn't stand the look of previous games.
Have you ever considered curing your homosexuality?

I love Shionne!

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Sorry I'm not into flaming faggots and loli pirates.

I still haven't played it yet but I can tell its good from the seething the game has caused acting like it's the worst game in the series

Arise is easily the most soulless tales game.

Probably because the game is truly mediocre. And I know Yea Forums will always seethe and call good games bad or mediocre purely because of popularity. But this game actually is mediocre, it doesn't have anything going for it. Most Tales games fall into this exact spot, there are a few good ones that break the mold but this isn't it.

I didn't think Arise was that good aside from the visuals but cool I guess.

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Based Shionnechad

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This shit might have fooled me into buying it but I sure as hell won't be buying future installments

why is it selling better than any tales in the same timeframe then?

For me its

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Nips get motion sickness from FPS

Cute and canon

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For every fault the game has gameplay and combat wise, it's undeniable that it looks really good visually, and sometimes that's all you need to sell people on a game.

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Please use proper punctuation, and then maybe you'd be worth listening to.

A good marketing campaign and decent graphics.

I love this little /pol/tard like you wouldn't believe.

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Code Vein? Scarlet Nexus? plenty of good graphics game flopped

Marketing, graphics and being the first in the franchise to have a simultaneous worldwide release.

They're aesthtic designs but they're both such terrible characters and they get the worst scene in the game (You know the on)

Rinwell is for correctional BBC.

Why did they make all of the bosses so fucking horrible? Not a single good boss fight in the entire game due to its shitty stagger mechanic

Big Brawler Cock?

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ok boomer

Anime games aren't gay
I'm gay and have nothing to do with anime

Arise remains one of the two games I still haven't played. I've even played fucking Tales of Fandom

I get your point, but you picked wrong examples, I mean Code Vein has also sold more than 2 million

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Which mobile game? The crest one has great characters but the gameplay was shit

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>all it takes is a pretty girl?
No! All you need is a SELF INSERT MALE PROTAGONIST with a BIG SWORD. And also a cute wife you can date. Maybe you can have a harem too like in Trails of Cold Steel. It’s literally so fucking simple, but dumbass Japs still don’t understand why people want to play JRPGs. This is also why people suck Persona 5’s dick. Its not because of the stellar gameplay. Gameplay doesn’t even fuckin matter. IMHO, Graces F had the best gameplay but no one cared

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