New Civ game incoming?

All of Civ's official accounts have changed their profile pics to this. What could it mean? New game soon?

I've seen people say that's Cleopatra VII's silhouette, so maybe...

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How many of this type of games keep coming out?
I swear some humanity game(that turn out shit) came out just a few weeks ago.

it means Civ 6 has reached end of life and this is probably the marketing they'll use for the version with all the dlc included

They will release 103 civ games so they can finally do that faggy thing with the title and just name it CIV

I really doubt their current devs can make a good Civ game

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I hope it's closer to civ5. I really disliked workers having charges and the district system.

Anybody else only play once in a blue moon because you legit get addicted?
So much productivity lost to this especially V.

Stop making Cleopatra the leader of Egypt, she was a terrible leader.

>every single female leader after 5 looks completely trooned
Shame on those who bought 6

CIV peaked at IV beyond the sword and everything else is cope. The next one will be some faggy cartoon shit with diversity and lgbtq as social policies

1991 Civilization
1996 Civilization II
2001 Civilization III
2005 Civilization IV
2010 Civilization V
2016 Civilization VI

average 5 years for a new civ game to come out
2016+5 = 2021
+1 year for covid

it's TIME

V was the peak
it had the best music

Civ V was fucking amazing

As long as it's nothing like VI it might be decent. Everything about VI and its shitty DLC felt even more tedious than regular Civ.

Civ is a classic case of dumbing down a series to get more normies.
Humanity wanted to usurp them but instead of playing it safe like cities: skylines they went for a stpid gimmick, not only that but an untested stupid gimmick that's a polar opposite of their (liked) approach in similar games

No John Adams, thus automatically worse than 4.

>don't pick iconic leaders
I think they should give every civ two leaders again but you're dumb for thinking they shouldn't pic one of Egypt's most iconic rulers.

If it were up to me Egypt's two leaders in a future Civ game would be her and Ramses II.

this + the tedious "card" system to change policies and the ridiculous warmonger system (they tried to improve it, but it was still terrible).
The over-comical art design took away so much gravitas the former game had when speaking with other leaders.

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Holy kek

The next Civilization should have two leaders per civilization (male and female, with different bonus each) and their clothes changes according with the era too, like Civ 3.

An option to create a custom civilization and leader would be great.

They pick literal who's for leaders all the time to fill diversity quotas.
She isn't even Egyptian; Cleopatra's Egypt was a pathetic, parasitized client state which she managed to further ruin.
Want a woman? Pick Hatshepsut.

>the one I played in middle school was the best
step aside newfags

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>They pick literal who's for leaders all the time to fill diversity quotas.
>literal who
Go out on the street and ask people to name a ruler of ancient Egypt. You already know who the most common answer is gonna be.

>She isn't even Egyptian
And Napoleon wasn't French but you were all bitching about him not being in Civ 6.

I won't buy it if it has the same repugnant art style as 6. 5 is a beautiful game. I didn't buy 6 because of this.
Fuck the cartoony stylized trash, I want to see little windows into romanticized versions of great historical figures and societies

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Get some reading comprehension first. I am not claiming Cleopatra isn't famous, quite the opposite; I claim they often pick less famous leaders for civs, mostly to get more women leaders or to "force" a particular play-style that wouldn't fit the most famous leader.
For example, in civ VI Korea got a mediocre Queen most Korean don't even care about. So, there is no reason to not pick a less famous (female) Pharaoh instead of Cleopatra.

>that shit about Napoleon
That is exactly my point, the leader of France in Civ VI was a literal who(, but a woman).
Napoleon is a weird case, because I personally would prefer a better French leader as well and France as an expansionist, ultra-aggressive civ always felt off. But I can live with him.
My main problem with Cleopatra isn't even that she wasn't Egyptian, but that she was a terrible leader who ruled a civilization that was already broken and defeated. Egypt deserves better.

Hopefully this time they don't do a shitty Civ selection with historically irrelevant Civs or leaders.

They will and I won't play it just like I didn't play Civ 6 for the same reason.

They just need to take the vox populi mod, iron a few things out, and boom civilization is saved.

How will they mangle Gandhi this time?
How would you go about it?

Civ5=Civ4>Civ 2>Civ3>Civ>Civ6
If you disagree with this tier list you're a nigger

I have never played any Civ before 5 and never will. I don't remember 9/11 and I don't have any intention of playing games made for an audience that is old enough to


>I don't remember 9/11
Sorry, this is a +18 board.

Same. The art style alone kept me from playing VI.

so many fucking V plebs holy shit
global happiness single handedly ruins the flow of the game

Post your far-out leader wishes.

The Bogd Khan of Mongolia, I miss that degenerate blind nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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I am 24 and not American

Even people born after 9/11 are over 18 now you retarded mong

I don't know why people keep saying 5 had good music when 4 literally had some of the best music that humanity's had to offer on it.

brainlet cant into districts

This. 9/11 is the most important event of all time. If you don't remember, you are retarded.

>9/11 is the most important event of all time.
Do Amerifats really?

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your towers fell get over it retard it's been 21 years

I didnt like the new district and worker system at first but i warmed to it eventually. Nice change from the standard formula.

I agree on the card system and art style though

Civ 6 always was, still is, and will forever be shit. Just an abortion of a game, anyone important to the games development should be shot.
Oh and no real modding support so no chance of fixing. Fucking jews did it again


Iconic leaders is fine, even if they were shit like Cleopatra and Boudicca. Civ 6 went and picked inappropriate "leaders" (mostly women) when there were far better historical pics for the Civ. Shitty irrelevant and inappropriate picks include Catherine de Medici for France, Jadwiga for Poland, Katrina for Sweden, etc.

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I feel like theyre approaching it like fighting games where some meme character gets to be a guest on the roster for one generation

Another launcher update inbound!

Gandhi's been in it every game, dude.

they weren't hard to figure out and were just unfun and tedious to manage. Also, they made cities like archipelagos: the campus and the church is for some reason several dozens of miles away from the city, completely decentralized, ugly and uniform. Is that how Rome or Constantinople is laid out?


meh, decent coin I guess, can probably reach 1 dollar with the proper push

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Did they even still believe in Egyptian gods at that point in the empire?

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>"jadwiga for poland"
>most influential woman in Polish history
>literally a saint
>patroness of polish culture
>set the path for poland and lithuania's thriving future

Shill thread

If they usurp Monty for some literally who in 7 I will make Tenochtitlan human sacrifice festivals look like a fucking joke. He's one of the few to always be there and he's always fun to play as well.

Nah I played the shit out of 2 in middle school and even I can admit 4 is the peak

Looks like a roided up smurf

What the fuck was his problem?

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Egypt at the time of Cleopatra was deeply Hellenized (Ptolemaic dynasty), the figures of the gods were distant and served only for ceremonies or esoteric studies. However, they and the entire civilized world (Roman) worshiped their ancestors actively.

the Hellenic ruling caste shilled some unified pantheon of Egyptian and Greek Gods. Some Gods, they said, were just the same with 2 different names, some were just added to the Egyptian pantheon and some were morphed together, which is especially weird.
There was this confusing trend in Egyptian religion in the Late Period of morphing Gods together even before the Hellens came.
Did this mean they believed the Gods really morphed recently or was it a new "revelation" that the 2 guys we had for 2500 years of religion are actually one guy and they finally figured that out? And some morphs also contradict each-other, how can Re be morphed with Amun AND with Sobek?
>pic is the morphing of Sobek and Re

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