Why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?

why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?

its been 31 years and this hedgehog still hasn't been killed by the likes of mario or master chief yet

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Autists, in every sense of the word, good or bad.

Sonic is keyed tho
sry u dont understand culture

Because a lot of Sonic games don't suck ass and the character designs alone make Sonic immortal, they're just cool, appealing designs. If my little cousins are anything to go by, a lot of kids these days unfortunately know Sonic through mobile games.

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The 2D ones are good

Why is Banjo still popular and "relevant" even when his games suck ass?

the fanbase has an unlimited supply of hopium, there are people unironically looking forward to sonic frontiers

Cream. The. Rabbit.

thats 3 words

The isn't a word

yes it is

Sorry chud

Mario games are worse, simple as

Why do people seethe so hard about this?

Community is now self sufficient in their boundless autism that it can continue for years without any fresh, good content from Sega

Its popular with manchildren, similar to pokemon and yugioh fanbases, and will live on forever in constantly declining quality thanks to them.

Imagine how much frustrated shitposting would go down from the haters if Sega could get their shit together and push out a great Sonic game...

Sonic is a multi-genre franchise. There is always something to keep him relevant regardless of the reception of the games.

For example, the Boom games were a failure (except the mobile one), but the show and comic were good enough for fans and non-fans to keep him relevant until the next video game entry.

Autism, manchildren.

Sonic has more good games than bad ones

>s2,s3,k,s&k, CD
broken but fun
broken and not fun
>black night
>lost world
broken and shit
>ALL gba games
>all DS games
>all 3ds games

You guys make these threads every day. What's so hard about searching the archive?

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People often forget about the handheld games. Admittedly, SEGA doesn't do much to help with that.

Only the classic games are good, everything went to shit with adventure and when they kept introducing new characters to the cast every year

No one can give you a reason why they like Sonic beyond the music and the art. Assigning quality to games within the series is completely arbitrary and based on opinions they formed years ago. Currently there has been an increase in e-celebs playing sonic games so we've been seeing a bunch of the underages here regurgitate their vapid opinions. So no real reason basically.

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rollin around at the speed of sound.
simple as.

sonic colors was pretty fun. but yeah i mostly attribute my sonic love to SA2, because those tiny shrines you had to play the mystic melody at to obtain literal garbage had me daydreaming for a large portion of my childhood.
Mysteries are just the best part of gaming. If you make a game and there's no mystery, you're a fucking loser.
Also I liked that tails theme song about wanting to fuck sonic or something.

Even though the games mostly suck ass, Sonic is a universally appealing character. Sonic was and is always cool.

sonic chads run this board
meanwhile you'll see shit about mario, crash and spyro maaaybe once a week if you're lucky

>If you make a game and there's no mystery, you're a fucking loser.
This is no different than Uli spending thousands of hours doing stuff like this.
Can you really say a game is good NOW, as in the present, because it entertained your autism as a child being a buggy piece of shit?

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>why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?
>posts a pic of a successful and critically acclaimed Sonic game

When did I say SA2 was good now? If anything I was saying the internet was a huge fucking mistake. But the difference would be that this was an intended mechanic in SA2 vs the glitches someone is showcasing frame by frame.
How the fuck is mystic melody a glitch lol

>When did I say SA2 was good now?
Okay, so why do we have 20 threads a day for games that are not good?

Sonic is keyed. This thread is locked. Simple as.

Oh, it's because I make all of them. I'm also you. Check us into a mental asylum, please.
Can you honestly say that you function in a meaningful way on a day to day basis? Or is this all you have?

This is part of the issue with fanbases like the ones Sonic has. Their games are a joke, so everything else has to be too. Yea Forums is retarded in that everything has to exist under 40 layers of irony.

Nobody has any idea what this even means. Not even you. It was an empty statement.

The meaning is pretty clear.

The meaning in fucking his mother was clear to Chris-chan. The meaning in pretending you don't exist was clear to your entire family. Would you like to try to make your own point clear?

sorry that was mean

Your pic is a good Sonic game that came out recently

It's been 5 years already user.

>black knight
If you mean the story then surem but the gameplay was just barely better than rings and that doesn't mean its good
>all 3ds games
3ds games were awful user, the only one I had fun with was generations 3ds but it was still mediocre a best

Holy shit, you're right, how the fuck did time pass by so quickly?

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>broken and not fun

No cope, boom didn't count on 3ds, both were a trap for grandmothers at christmas. Olympic games are dogshit. Lost world is a joke, but it's a sad joke on 3DS. All that's left is all star racing and generations, which were both plenty fun for a handheld system.

>generations 3ds
it was better than the main game the fuck is wrong with you

Because you've been caught up in early internet memes that you believe Sonic sucks. You're a sheep.

Sonic had a pretty solid streak of mainline games until Heroes appeared and things started to go south all the way to 2006. Unleashed, Colors and Generations made it look like the series was back on track, but then we haven't got a single good mainline game after 2011 aside from Mania, it's like this franchise has some kind of curse.

For me, it was Eggy.

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Because a lot are actually good

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>why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?
you suck ass
sonic is cool unlike you

Did you know that people enjoy the art style and music of the first 3 games to this day?

Because Sonic was good in the 90’s.
What about Metroid that never had a good game yet is still popular somehow?

Sonic is a very weird franchise, in the span of 3 months they went fron sonic mania being one of the best titles ever released to sonic forces, arguably the biggest steaming pile of shit in the franchise

>why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?
Because just like this user said , there are more good Sonic games than bad ones. It's just normalfaggots like you fell for the "Sonic was good" meme that started by ecelebs and IGN
And there are stuff to enjoy beyond the gameplay of the games, such as the story, character designs and music
>its been 31 years and this hedgehog still hasn't been killed by the likes of mario or master chief yet
First off, Halo can't kill any series because 343 killed Halo, and secondly, unlike Mario, Sonic's fangames don't get taken down like how Nintendo does to their IPs. So even if Sonic games suck, there's always the option in playing ROMhacks, mods, and fangames.
So in a way, Sonic got an advantage over Mario in staying relevant through fan content.

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Black Knight should go down to C but pretty solid list overall

Sonic the Hedgehog is designed from the ground up to be a marketable, vanguard series which can permeate the cultural zeitgeist in any of it's conditions.

Sonic is a Nietzschean Ubermensch, a figure which does not pertain to any metaphysical or presuppositional values but one of which grounds his values in the human. This prevent him from being stagnant and/or limited in boundaries, but also liquifies his identity and purpose. This is actually a fundamental and intentional cornerstone of Sonic, his personification of chaos.

His games are often the stimulational and mechanical amplification of his adversaries, in an absurd means of corrupting and integrating every type of game and cultural zone into his wake. In this sense Sonic is an ever-growing biological being, not constrained by Sega as they'd like you to think; Sonic is a cosmic being.

He is more defined know by this fans, the members of the Temple of Sonic, than Sega in fact, being the shepherd of many uncontent young children who rightfully saw the stagnant and corrupt societal atmosphere, and turned to the more edgy and uncharted.

Sonic will never die as a result. His ever-shifting identity, one which seeks to first and foremost invite the new generation to his temple due to the charisma of his character and the character design of the series overall.

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>all 3ds games
Have you actually played lost world 3ds? Or Generations 3ds? Or boom 3ds? You say advance 1 and 2 are just great but you call literal shit, mediocre, and a meh experience fantastic. Fuck you fucking dishonest retard.

The classic games are good though. Adventure ruined the series.

Like hell it was you shit slurping moron.

>lost world 3ds? Or Generations 3ds? Or boom 3ds?
i like generations 3ds more than i like generations
maybe i just realy like the bost gameplay when done in 2d.

I have a soft spot for black knight. It was peak sonic VA, one of the best stories, it looked great for a Wii game, and the sword idea was neat even if waggleshit ruined it.

They should have hired Platinum Games to handle the gameplay, it would have been one of the best Sonic games if that happened

Really weird they mentioned halo, how is an fps game going to effect sonic in any way whatsoever?

The fact it's been 31 years and there's still sonic games being made tells me his games don't suck as much as you think they do.

Because Sega keeps making games. That's the simple answer. The 2D games are some of the all time best platformers, even if Sonic can't compete with Mario anymore the fact stands that at one point he did and by all means could become relevant again. Unlike Mario they just never really nailed down Sonic's appeal in 3D which explains the fluctuating design choices that seem to change from game to game. I think Adventure was the closest they got but for whatever reason they just scrapped everything and started from scratch.
Could just be me getting soft over the years but most Sonic games are "fine". Easy to point out both big and small flaws in every game but unless you think every Sonic game is inherently 06 tier then they're fine.

Because it was good for it's time.

what is the one thing that would make you want to play Frontier?
For me, it's SA2 Chao Garden but with some a bit of new stuff

>why is sonic still popular and relevant even when his games suck ass?

I'm already consuming. It's been, what, 4 years since Forces shit itself on my door step? I need my high NOW.

I'd cream the rabbit, not gonna lie.

It might not have played like a sonic game but at least it would’ve been fun

Unless there are some normal levels in there I’m not excited for frontiers at all