A great debate
A great debate
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Why not both?
I don't play shit games though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which one of them is going to cuck you with a horse though?
It's always Fuck Yen Marry Triss.
>same exact body model, down to the neck, collarbones, arms and legs
almost exact same pose even
They're both whores
ciri, gotta be !
You can see the line on Yens neck. Patreon bucks still flowing though!
do it yourself if it's so easy then
seething and excuses incoming
disgusting feet, too old white women. i like soft feet
But there isn't a debate though
>When both main hos lose to a side chick
triss for gangabangs
yen for for rimjobs
anna henrietta for voyeurism
sylvia for hatefucking
shani for love
Shani needs to reclaim her birthright. She is the real main heroine from the first game. The books don't matter.
>anna henrietta for voyeurism
which one fucks dogs?
>download a body morph from f95
>download different head morphs
>load them up and click on the one you want
>adjust the slider
wow, so hard
Yen suits Geralts personality more, Triss is just a boring nice girl.
yen, also horses and trolls
I agree Shani is best girl but her personality is nothing like Geralts and deserves better than being tied down to that mutant asshole
Yennifer is an asshole just like Geralt, they're a perfect match
Why don't you open up that ol' patreon and make a quick buck with this shit then?
You just described how to do the thing you profess to dislike- just loading up someone elses work.
Are you retarded?
I'm a 3D art connoisseur and have only finished the first game, so I can offer an unbiased opinion.
It's Ciri > Anna > Eveline > Yennefer > Trish
All but Ciri are lazy thots without abs. Shani can eat shit.
>guy talks about how he doesn't like copypasting
>do it yourself if it's so easy
>guy copypastes
>see? you can't do it
very good taste
if you fuck her in front of her peasants and knights (under her orders no less) what are they gonna do? prevent you from upholding your duties to the queen?
>the amount of ciri fags in this thread.
ah yes, sweet home Alabama
Why are you so offended lmao
Not that user, but are you two retarded, or just pretending?
Haven't played Witcher, likely never will, but I always thought Ciri was the cute one. I like her design the most.
yes she's very beautiful
People who pick Triss would also pick Catherine
Someone who's attractive over someone who's ugly? Yes.
Who the fuck is Catherine?
holy shit
unironically have sex, incel
why fix something that isn't broken?
your being asked to pick between 2 women? not to play a shit game
why compare them if you just make them the same shit?
well yh, thats what i plan to do with Anna Henrietta, right in front of you as well. did you not read what i just now posted?
Their personality and faces are different.
lmao who cares, you gay or something?
Which one has a massive futa cock?
That's probably one of gayest costume I've seen in vidya
>no bulge
why the fuck does stevencarson make his futanaris so comically large? normally i'd be turned on by that shit, but the ones he makes are just ridiculous
you could just watch a play through you know.
yennifer looks like a preop
because it appeals to me specifically.
They're not. There are guys with dicks nearly that big. They're large but not "comically large". That's hyper futa, which is indeed gross.
Shani from Witcher 1.
that's not voyeurism
mischievous ciri !
10/10 in polish lands
Sneering isn't going to make you feel good in the long run but jumping rope will.
the REAL best girl
11/10 anywhere
I only look at their porn when they have monstrous uncircumcised penises.
Yup, it's called exhibitionism.
Ciri doesn't look remotely polish her features arent Turkic and she's not covered in pig shit
also OP if fag for no Siri
my fetish
Is that a penis?
Not even close.
One of the voices in his head.