Elden pvptroons BTFO


I can't imagine a more pathetic existence than a pvp invadertranny
>muh 120 meta
>whine about bloodhound step
>whine about ganks
>whine about spell spam
>try to hardswap weapons
>get raped by an L2
Thank God fromsoft included all this shit just push these fucking faggots shit in

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Then don't play

idk what your point was but that was the shittiest invader ive ever seen and bloodborne really spawned all these faggots who just run for a majority of the invasion

Seeing this fag cry and whine feels so good

I don't know why Miyazaki even put PvP in the game when not including it would've taken him less effort and not deluded PvP fags into thinking they are a real concern in development

Go back.

imagine typing all this

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t. Jeenine cocksock

What epic gamer skills would you have employed in that situation

When the fuck did this invasion shit start getting popular? I realize the fucking thing has been in the game since DeS but I started with 2, played 1 and then 3 when it came out, and I never encountered players who only play just to invade. I don't understand. when did this happen? it's a fun mechanic because it's not supposed to be fair. people are acting like the game needs to accommodate them so they can 3v1 and they act like they were always able to. I dont understand