>*changes game from 6v6 to 5v5*
>"that'll be $59.99 please family"
its almost hard to believe that blizzdrones actually defend this
>*changes game from 6v6 to 5v5*
>"that'll be $59.99 please family"
its almost hard to believe that blizzdrones actually defend this
also it's fucking stupid how the game has more tank heroes than support heroes when the game is now 1 tank and 2 supports per team
i dont know anyone defending this jewish cash grab
game looks great so far, what's the beef? reminds me of the good all days when overwatch 1 released, its gonna be hype af
The change to 5v5 will be pushed to OW1. The price tag for OW2 is the PvE.
hey man they gotta solve the issue of queue times somehow.
I give it 5 minutes until a troonie arrives.
>b-but its free for OW1 owners!!!
they also removed a bunch of maps and abilities
literally charging you again for the same game but with less content
holy fuck I thought it was just going to be a meme that OW2 is just OW1 again but jesus christ all the gameplay I've seen is just the exact same game but 5v5 what in the fuck is wrong with Blizzard
it’s free
it’s free
it’s free