If you think this shit is good please play Dark Souls and Bloodborne

If you think this shit is good please play Dark Souls and Bloodborne
I took a break in the middle of Elden Ring to play those and the difference in quality was staggering
Elden Ring has no good bosses and the only good actually well-designed levels are Stormveil and Raya Lucaria. The enemy design is fucked to shit, the enemies sperg out harder than Bloodborne enemies but you just have a Dark Souls moveset, everything fucking one shots or two shots you, in DeS and DS1 you didn't really have to invest in VIT that much, you could survive multiple hits even in light armor, in Bloodborne you did have to invest in VIT because of rallies but the damage values still felt fair for how fast the attacks came out, in Elden Ring they just have a guy do a 2 frame jab that deletes half your life bar, it's fucking stupid.
Open world completely ruined the tight design this series used to have and now that this shit sold like a billion copies they're never going back. My only hope is they add a fucking wind glider like Zelda because the lack of vertical movement options pisses me off.

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Have it writ upon thy meagre grave:
Filtered by Elden Ring, last of good games!

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Oh and the worst part is the overuse of checkpoints. Boss runs are non-existent because of Marika statues, shortcuts don't need to exist because there's a fucking grace every five steps, it just encourages a haphazard playstyle and de-emphasizes the level design even further to just focus on the samey fucking artorias-on-meth fights

No one's getting filtered by this shit it's a fucking normie game that sold 12 million copies, it's hard in all the wrong ways and easy in all the wrong ways at the same time. There's no satisfaction in throwing your stats and summons into a boss but there's also no satisfaction in lucking into a solo win against such a blatantly unfair boss. There are no Ornstein & Smoughs, no Ludwigs, no Old King Allants, there's no triumph and relief, just the fucking relief part because you never want to do that shit again

i just started playing
it's ok so far

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why are so many graces so close to each other? most are literally a few steps away.

I did actually try to replay Dark Souls 1 after finished Elden Ring. I can't. It's literally impossible to enjoy DaS after you have played ER. The gameplay is just so much worse, the bosses are laughably easy, there is zero challenge. I imagine this is how it must feel to go back to playing Kingsfield after having played DaS1.

I just finished ER and quite frankly it's rhe best game Fromsoft ever made. All of the legacy dungeons are the best levelsin the series but especially Leyndell and the Haligtree.

It really feels like they didn't think too hard, which sucks because the bonfire placement in the first half of DS1 is one of the main reasons it's so good
Demon's Souls and Bloodborne just put them at the start of every level, so less thought put into that but much more attention went into shortcuts which is arguably even better
Elden Ring has neither

That's the best part about the game. All the difficulty now comes from actually challenging boss fights, rather than Dark Souls which had laughably easy bosses, but artificial difficulty from annoying the player by forcing them to have 5 minute long boss runs in case they do fuck up.

You could try to not suck OP

This is by far Fromsoft's worst title. How do you go from Sekiro to this. It's fucking embarrassing.

>and the only good actually well-designed levels are Stormveil and Raya Lucaria
So did you just quit befor Leyndell or something OP?

I don't even want to say "zoomer" because I'm a zoomer and even I'm not this fucking retarded. This is just braindead shit. The gameplay is literally fine, that slow-paced and weighty style is what the series was originally known for, just because it's different doesn't make it worse. I just know in your head you were thinking "aged badly", and if you were, this would be literally the most vapid way to use that term, especially considering it's a 7th gen game and 7th gen games are well past the threshold where their shortcomings can be attributed to "age". The bosses in Dark Souls may not be as artificially difficult as Elden Ring but at least they feel like SOMETHING, they're not just a homogenized blob of fucking anime attacks. Every boss feels different, and while every boss in Elden Ring tries to copy Artorias the ACTUAL Artorias is still the best because he's the only one of his kind in the game. He's different, he's a highlight. Elden Ring doesn't understand that you can't just make "hype" fights every time and keep that same impact. It dissipates, excitement turns into predictability turns into "oh it's another one of these"

>the whole of limgrave
>Stormveil castle
>Raya Lucaria
>Carian Manor
>Ranni's quest
>Siofra river
>Nokron and Nokstela
>Haligtree and Elphael
>Volcano Manor
>Farum Azula
>All the shardbearers.
>Holocausted nomads summoned the frenzied flame
They got so many things right in elden ring...
But you can only focus on its flaws because there's nothing but hatred in your heart.
Of course it's not flawless, nothing is. It's imperfect Just like your face, or your parents' marriage
But it's still a phenomenal game. Simply unforgettable.

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>I'm a zoomer
We can tell

And why the fuck should the bosses be the sole focus of an adventure game you cockgobbler? What gives them priority over the levels?

All three are great, seethe troon

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>homogenized blob of fucking anime attacks.
Skill issue.

>Of course it's not flawless, nothing is.
This holds less water when Dark Souls is literally flawless except for two areas and you know the ones

why all fromsoft fans are such obnoxious piece of shit who think they're fucking hot shit for playing the same kind of game with 1 tiny different feature from the different entry

faggots like OP are the nemesis of the "make the game more easy" fags

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>Dark Souls is literally flawless

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>why the fuck should the bosses be the sole focus of an adventure game
Souls game are literally boss galleries with filler content.
If you don't like it, feel free not to play it, but don't pretend that ER isn't the culmination of everything fromsoftware learned in the last decade.
Everyone who liked soulsbornekiro is surely loving ER.
Maybe these games are just not for you

If you cut Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith out of the game, yes.

>homogenized blob of fucking anime attacks
>every boss in Elden Ring tries to copy Artorias
>Elden Ring doesn't understand that you can't just make "hype" fights every time and keep that same impact
You're describing DS3, not Elden Ring. Very few of the bosses in ER resemble Artorias or "anime" in anyway, they're mostly giant monsters.

>Dark Souls is literally flawless
Even though it's only a fraction of ER size, it still possesses many flaws that you're downplaying or ignoring due to nostalgia filter, or just because you're a troll.
Not that different from ER, dark souls' later half suffers from clear development rush, just like most of their games.

Op is literally asking for an easier game

If I wanted a boss gallery I would play a better one. Like hey, here's an idea, FUCKING MONSTER HUNTER
What I can't get in Monster Hunter, however, is the feeling of adventure and immersive qualities of the Souls games.

Tomb of Giants and Blighttown?

There was only one Artorias-esque fight in Elden Ring too, which was Malekith, who is completely different from any of the other bosses in the game. I do agree that Fromsoft is overdoing it with giving bosses near infinite stamina and ridiculous chain combos, but to say the bosses have no personality and all feel the same is just lying. There are a lot of great bosses in this game that are very well designed AND fair fights. Dark Souls 1 on the other hand has the opposite problem. The bosses all feel super slow and boring now. Even Artorias is a complete joke. You can literally just block any of his attack chains and he can never break your guard if you have a greatshield and a decent amount of endurance.

>If you cut the flaws out of the game, it becomes flawless
Genius take

Tomb is excellent and Blighttown is actually pretty good on PC without the frame drops. It's really not bad.

>If I wanted a boss gallery
I wonder why the hell have you been playing souls games all these years, when that's literally what they are.

cut out the snow areas and ER is almost flawless as well.


>Souls game are literally boss galleries with filler content.
Shut the fuck up you retarded zoomer

I liked most of those parts too, but the boring bits stretch on for so long that it's very difficult to call it phenomenal. Now that I've beat it once I feel like most of the optional content may as well be blocked off since I have no desire to go into every boring cave again.

Then go play monster Hunter, you won't be missed.
Meanwhile souls veterans are loving ER, don't pretend to be one of them

Based Taste.

You're responding to someone who obviously hasn't played the game, stop validating their lies and nonsense by taking them seriously.

It's true though. Souls games have no substance other than bosses. They're considered the best RPGs by some but they just dump everything on the combat and "lore". The difference in Elden Ring is that you have more choices on where to go, but it's always leading to the same stuff.

The point is that I don't want a better boss galle- Can you niggers even fucking read? I share this forum with monkeys

Why? I'm loving Elden Ring. I'm on my 4th playthrough.
You're the one who should play other game if you're so unhappy about it.
Or better yet, grow some pubes and don't come back to the internet until your voice stops cracking.

Between skeledogs, giant archers all over, pitch blackness more than two feet away from the character, and lots of bottomless drop-offs,Tomb is ass unless you specifically do the quest to get the chaos bug hat early so you can see and still use a shield. Blighttown is ass unless you specifically go back to the asylum for the rusted ring, which makes it only slightly ass (framerate issues aside).

I never revisited caves and catacombs again after first playthrough, and the game feels even better now with less bullshit for me to clean.
Did you let bloodborne chalice dungeons ruin the majesty of the main game for you?

>guys play these games, theyre easier!
skill issue my man, though I actually beat 2 and 3 after finishing Elden Ring

>It's true though. Souls games have no substance other than bosses
t. DS3 zoomer

Truth hurts, doesn't it?
That's what they've always been. We're there for those glorious bosses and everything else is just atmosphere and context. Equally as important, but definitely not the stars of the show.

>pitch blackness
Yeah brainlord you're supposed to get a light source

>unless you specifically do the quest to get the chaos bug hat early
Early? You can do Izalith whenever you want after getting the Lordvessel. I do it first to get it over with because it sucks ass.
Also, there's other light sources. Skull Lantern and Cast Light. Skull Lantern you can literally get in the Tomb.

Keep spurting meme vernacular, it sounds very mature.

Why does harder automatically make it better?
Elden Ring isn't even harder, for every retarded difficulty spike it has some shitty cheese crutch to go along with it. They balanced the game around summons so it sucks ass to play both with and without them.

I did and the movesets/weapon arts keep me coming back to ER, sorry the gameplay is just too much for you OP.

You can say anything at this point, you know it's true.

Embarrassingly stupid post

>I don't want a better boss galle-
Steer clear from fromsoftware games, then. That's what they're mostly made of


Bloodborne has better movesets by far
Sekiro also has a much better moveset with its one weapon

>The game should appeal to my personal taste
Their most successful game to date. Seems like they did something right. Your anger reflects their success.

bloodborne completely lacks weapon arts and jump attacks.

>with its one weapon
exactly, it has one moveset

definitive list but i have a soft spot for ds3 cause i liked the ending and to this day gael is the best boss in the franchise, maybe gerhman actually

> say "No one's getting filtered by this shit "
> whine about bosses being blatantly unfair that require luck to kill

>No argument
I take your concession

>Oh and the worst part is the overuse of checkpoints
I agree, there are too many sites of lost Grace around. Around a third of them can be removed and others repositioned without any difficulty increase.
>Boss runs are non-existent because of Marika statues

lmao cope

Elden Ring is unironically the best game ever made and even you contrarian faggots struggle to find good points to make against it

>play Demon's Souls
>It's a game about careful exploration and features tons of creative bosses that challenges the skills you've picked up throughout the game in different ways
>play Elden Ring
>it's just about roll dodging through enemies and bosses with ridiculous tracking because you have to prepare to die xD

Demon's Souls is easily the best game in the series, Dark Souls was a decent improvement on the formula that was hurt by being blatantly unfinished, now the series is less about exploration and dungeon crawling and more about just doing epic dodgerolls through aggressive bosses and enemies.

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bro the second half of ds1 is ds2 and ds3 tier

seems to me like you need to git gud

>bloodborne completely lacks weapon arts and jump attacks
It has both nigger
Transformation attacks are basically weapon arts, they're a third attack that's not a heavy or a light, they fill the same role
How to jump attack: Tilt forward and press R2

>>It's a game about careful exploration and features tons of creative bosses that challenges the skills you've picked up throughout the game in different ways
Oh, sorry, thought you were talking about elden ring there
But no, you're just sugarcoating DeS with layers upon layers of nostalgia

there are good points to be made against it (padding, repeated bosses), but all other games are worse in either one or many aspects

this. the whole game is appalling

You don't have a point, so no argument is required, retard.

>filtered by a normie game
fuck user, i'm so sorry...

you've never played demon souls

How is the exploration in Elden Ring "careful"? You hop on your horse and dash past enemies to find the next copy pasted dungeon with a useless weapon in it.

Elden Ring only has a handful of bullshit bosses though. The vast majority are actually very well designed and balanced. I genuinely enjoyed most of the bosses until after Leyndell, which is like 80% of the game. The only major bosses I genuinely didn't like were Fire Giant and Elden Beast.

>there are good points to be made against it (padding, repeated bosses)
Neither of those are good points in the eyes of anyone except the mindless DS3 zoomers who treat these games like bossrush speedruns

My point is pretty solid. Souls games are boss galleries, the best of its kind, and you should indeed git gud.

Yep, it's either spamming roll for a minute until the boss does the one attack you can punish or cheesing with summons/mimic. Neither is satisfying.

>Souls games are boss galleries, the best of its kind
t. DS3 zoomer retard

>the best of its kind
hey nigger I think you have not played enough video games
FROMdrones tend to have this problem where they only play FROM games, so it's to be expected I guess

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The only exploration you do in Elden Ring is walking around the overworld and finding combat arenas and dungeons that have more dodgeroll combat, Demon's Souls is more like dungeon crawling in older editions of D&D where you have to be careful of your surroundings and pay attention to what is happening in the game world while the combat is slow and deliberate. Once the series went away from it's dungeon crawling roots it started going down the shitter, best recent one being Sekiro since it's essentially repurposing the series mechanics into a stealth/action game to great effect.