

Attached: joey.jpg (1001x789, 134.87K)

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How did Friends predict modern playstation so far in advance?

be honest vee
what did you do with your first paycheck

Bought Mortal Kombat Armageddon

I didn't spend them until about my fourth one. Which I had to because I had to pay for the water bill


I put it in the bank and didn't spend a dollar for at least six months.

bought a bong and weed

Saved it up alongside my consecutive ones to fund and build my first computer

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Bought a new smartphone since my old one was dying.

bought a 3DS XL

computer parts,bong,weed

Ordered some god damned pizza and felt like a boss because I could get whatever I wanted

I put it in savings, technically I still have it.

Did I finally reached rock bottom if I unironically enjoy watching Friends?

I would buy a cold dinner

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Congratulations, you've finally ascended to normie status. Remember us when you go to bars and get laid.

This. I still have my antec 900 case from 15 years ago.

Picrel when we use to make fun of wiggers and niggers openly and no one cared. I miss the 90s bros

start a gambling addiction that drained my life for 2 years.

Bought my dog food

>Being a joeyfag
>Not maining CHADler instead

Pizza, new pair of shoes and I think it was pokemon moon or some other 3ds game i cant remember


Friends is kino though

Bought something for my PC, a case I think.

friends is based

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Could you get a dinosaur?


I think I went out drinking with work collegues. It was interesting working with some people I knew and grew up with in school, we weren't friends back then but shit changes after school man. Everyone just wants to live a good life.

>he mains Ross

>he DOESN'T main Ross
big yikes my dude

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>bangs women on the regular
That's a Xbox dudebro. Sonnigerss whish they could be that alpha.

Bought my Wii.

It was a highly successful show with normies but Friends was always good besides a few rough, cringe parts.

>S1 Chandler

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>implying I've had my first paycheck

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Friends is great until Rachel gets a kid.
Then again, a golden rule of sitcoms is that shows became completely garbage when one of the characters has a baby because it completely fucks with the dynamic, I really don't know why they keep doing it.

Dragon dildos

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bought an iPhone 3GS.
But it was one time hassle.
Next first paycheck was - PS3 and I borrowed money from father to get PS3 and TV.

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Advanced players only.

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>lol let me just get the biggest hitbox
Unagi being OP can't save that trash character.

>jewish made series about a bunch of neurotic jews wasting away in Jew York

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We can all at least agree that they were on a break and Ross did nothing wrong, right?



>he cant pivot

wow this was actually funnier without the laugh track

Bought an engagement ring.

Red Ross is the strongest build in the game dumbass.

jews aren't the reason you're poor

Fat Monica>Xanax Chandler>Sandwich build Joey>no sandwich build Ross>Monica>Joey>Rachel>>>>Phoebe the token meme character

Phoebe is good guys seriously she will be meta next patch...

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Spent them on sweets, all $20. It was great pay for an hour and I was only 12. My uncle just wanted my older brother and I to help with some easy shit.

I miss Flock of Seagulls Chandler before it was removed due copyright issues.

I like Friends.
I also like Sex and the City.

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I didn't "do" anything with it, I'm not a retard who splurges his scarce money at the slightest provocation

They are.
To not be poor in material wealth you have to abide by the system. To steal, to betray people to earn on misery of others.

Being poor in our world and these times is a sign of an honorable and honest human bean.

Saved up for a car because in America there is no such thing as transportation with Trains and Bus's. Even in Suburbia.

I put it in my bank account because I was taught the value of a dollar at an early age and possess the human capability for delay of gratification.

I found my cousins and their friend that got to a bar earlier and paid for everyone's drinks, surprising them.
Later, I bought a Janna skin, because I was playing LoL back then.

Pokemon cards, of course. I got a Blastoise, shit was so cash

took my gf on a date