Did anyone else play this game? I feel like it was a bit of a sleeper...

Did anyone else play this game? I feel like it was a bit of a sleeper, not as many people know about it but the ones that do typically like it

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yeah that game was fun, the ending was really strange tho

I put like 90 hours into it
Great car combat, possibly the best bam-ham combat out there
And for how tedious it was, the open world content was still very addicting and well done imo
Good story too

I liked the various areas and how different they all looked. The coastal zone, the dry zone, the sulphur zone, the volcanic zone, ... Just great atmosphere all around.

Yeah I’m not finding it tedious at all. Is there much of the game left once you get the V8? I just got to Pink Eye and I’m thinking of rushing the V8 and then doing the rest of the open world stuff

Yeah, it's extremely repetitive but I had fun mindlessly playing it.

i watched my friend play it, we both thought it was really cool

It was fucking amazing and as far as I know it was pretty successful
I wish they would just make a new game already

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I enjoyed the car parts but fuck that Arkham combat.

Yea I’m enjoying the atmosphere, I just wish more of the map was like the second half of the game where it’s a normal wasteland rather than the seabed in the first, note visually interesting and more different places to visit I feel

Hopefully we’ll see a sequel when Furiosa comes out in a few years

Yeah I platinumed it. It's fucking awful. Horrible story that doesn't understand Max as a character, and the gameplay is just a really bad Assassin's Creed clone with more bugs/glitches. Only thing decent it had going for it was the storms.

True, highlights were the airport and the subway station for me.

>that ending

I was surprised how easy that subway mission was, just beat up like 8 buzzards and that was it. Took like 10 minues

decent game but got quickly bored
dont know what a sequel would bring. it is what a mad max game would be, driving and exploring a big desert
stopped around an hour past the dead barrens gate
should i pick it back up?

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I enjoy it but if repetition bores you it might not be the right game for you

Biggest fault is that once you complete the side activities (of which there are actually relatively few) the world is pretty much fucking empty of anything to do. Would have been nice if some of the caravans respawned, and maybe there was more to building up the towns.

It should be on gamepass but it isn't. Instead, it's still full price.

It was average, about as "generic video game" as you might get. Combat was very arcadey and the car combat got stale. And it was just a lot of driving for generic side areas that all felt the same really. I remember the bosses being a little interesting though?

Essentially it felt like Borderlands but without the FPS part. The problem is, I remember and enjoyed Borderlands a lot more.

>that doesn't understand Max as a character
Max never had a character. The only consistent thing that he's ever had unite any of his different incarnations is that he gets roped into situations he doesn't want to be in and begrudgingly helps people at his own expense for no real gain.

But he doesn't even have enough dialogue across 3 movies to even decide what his underlying character really is.

Is this game anything like Shadow of Mordor? They're very different aesthetically but for some reason, the footage I've seen of it keeps reminding me of Shadow of Mordor

The funnest part of this game is getting hit by a piece of sheet metal caught in a sandstorm.

In what way specifically? It's honestly your basic Ubisoft open-world formula, you have a world divided into zones, each zone is full of some short side-mission outposts with the same enemies in them, and then there's a big dungeon with a main zone boss at the end. And along the way you upgrade your fighting skills and your car so it can fight other cars better.

So yeah, if you stripped away all of the movement/traversal, the enemy generating, and the verticality of Shadow of Mordor, they'd probably be very similar games.

Goes on sale on steam for like $5 periodically

The game is great, but clearing minefields can fuck right off. What a boring and slow grind, and you can't even use your own car, making you virtually defenseless if you run into any tough enemies.

>I feel like it was a bit of a sleeper.

Yeah so was I when after playing for more than 30 minutes.

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Its by the same devs and runs on the same engine as som and bamham.

Neither of these things are true lol.

Yeah I’ve just been skipping those. The other open world stuff is fun and I’m not enough of a completist to give a fuck about getting to 0 threat in each zone

Easily my least favorite thing to do in the game as well. You can tell they wanted to have the dog involved in the game somehow because it's Mad Max and you expect to get a dog. But they could have come up with something better than the mines.

I think I got filtered. I always hear this is a hidden gem here but it doesn't even excell at any of its gameplay focuses like scrapping with cars

Yeah no shit it was a sleeper it came out on the same day as MGSV. I remember picking it up and the dude was like "you're the only one today who has gotten it".

Great game. Needed more convoy fights where you're simultaneously destroying vehicles as you try and keep pace and less arena shit and way less minesweeping, holy shit

All I remember about it was thinking how boring and shit it was.

You'd think it would be easy to make a fun Mad Max game


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i bought this and mgsv. I ended up playing this but i didn't play mgsv until 5 years later lol

great game
runs well
zero replayability


That's the biggest issue of the campaign I think. You get the V8 too late. You don't know it when you first play, but everyone should rush through the campagn to the point where they get the V8 and only then do the side stuff.

I know Fury Road was a 98 on Rotten Tomatoes, but that movie took 30 years to make. How successful was Fury Road anyway if Miller could somehow make yet another one this quickly?

i got mgsv for free from some promo and bought mad max for like $7USD.
everyone on here was
over that girl in MG.
me and a few lads were tucked away in comfy MM threads, it was great. to this day i've yet to play mgsv

I remember it being very successful.
Sequel seems half assed like money laundering or something if they're not even bringing Max back

>quickly bored
>22 hours

You're not trying to imply that combat looks good, right?
Not saying it's particularly bad, but it's just standard Batman mechanics. Mash one button and push the other button when it says "push the other button" on the screen.
Well, at least the animations are nice, so as long as there isn't too much combat, the game could still be fun.

This game is underrated as fuck. The story is surprisingly well done too, the ending actually got me emotional.

aside from the copy/pasta bosses as well

It's great if you enjoy doing the same 6-7 things over and over for 30+ hours
>Destroy scarecrows
>Pick up scrap
>Destroy oil tanks
>Take down the same generic camp boss
>The same combat over and over
>Go up in a hot air balloon

much more interesting open world games. I found this boring with shit combat and dropped it as soon as getting to the first camp place

Yeah this game was great. Brought back carmageddon times for me. I wish there was more like it.

Whatever you do, don't start doing small item collectibles until you have finished the story, I've ruined 3 playthroughs by doing so. Never finished the story.

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I support this game and if you are interested in Mad Max (or the prequel to Fury Road), or open world games, or roaming around just absorbing the game world try it.
Just do not visit the supernatural hermit ever after the first encounter. Grosha or Gosha, he is essential the very Easy Mode selector.

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You can't 100% the game now anyway


{{{THEY}}} shut it down...

It was quite universally agreed to have been a great game. Which it was. I wonder if it was a failure of marketing or what, but yes it didn't get the fame it deserved. I was quite surprised that there haven't been any sequels to it.

They closed down the servers, I think the 'Complete all non-repeating challenges' one can't be done now

I was just annoyed you had some goblin riding with you the entire time.

Ruins the entire concept of roaming the wasteland on your own.

Is it an in-game challenge with in-game rewards?

Bam Ham combat but worse and an open world so shitty and copypasted that I have to check whether it was made by Ubisoft every time

It's just for scrap that you'd be able to earn while you weren't playing the game

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well i don't care about steam achievements so it's whatever. nor do I plan on playing the game ever again (in near future)

>be chumbucket

Ah, so it's for achievements, so worthless

There was some "sent some idiots scavenging" thing and in their endless wisdom they decided this feature needed a serverconnection. Because fuck you.

The V8 is the very end of the game, its probably the biggest problem with it.
Fucking Mad Max game and you make the V8 post-game content, literally what the fuck were they thinking

>not a single soul in the horizon at all directions
He is seeing things from thirst.

I'll just spend some... uhm quality time with my Angel.

Here's an idea for a sequel
>Let Max drive the Interceptor alone
>Quick repair function only accessible outside combat
>Half a second of black screen and a ratchet wrench sound instantly repairs the car while ingame time slightly passes
And the dog rides along, not in the shit alternate car

Traumatised is about the best you get yeah, it works well since a lot of is put across as if its just another legend of the Road Warrior but I can understand the confusion.
You got the same shit in Fury Road even though it was pretty much the same as 2 just this time the new MC didn't die.

I actually fucking loved it and wish there was more, I fully completed the game and did everything.

Would've been nice if the story didn't only get interesting in the last few hours.