>he says it affects all of Russia
>think he is bullshitting me
>Google it
Is Bandai Namco retarded? Literally how does this make sense?
This is probably the most mentally ill thing a video game developer has ever done
>he says it affects all of Russia
>think he is bullshitting me
>Google it
Is Bandai Namco retarded? Literally how does this make sense?
This is probably the most mentally ill thing a video game developer has ever done
>you will own nothing and be happy
physical/pirate or bust
If it were any 3rd world country you wouldn't care
good, it's what all russians deserve
>renting games from jewish botnets
I can't believe how there are still any retards left who defend this zoomer cancer.
People like you should unironically kill themselves and the world would be a better place
the world would be a better place if it was you who killed himself, is right
I hope your Russian friend dies a violent death :)
>I'm evil and mentally ill *smiley*
This is what the world deserves for trusting drm.
Just Pirate it.
>Russia gone
>most of China gone
This is a good time for online games
>Russian friend literally just got games added to his Steam account
>he says it affects all of Russia
>think he is bullshitting me
>google it
wtf steam loves russia now?? also op is a fag
To be fair that's exactly what you could say about Ukraine being invaded as well. Nobody cared about Yemen being genocided by the Saudis with UK and US help. Nobody cared about Ethiopia. The only reason people cared about Afghanistan and Iraq was the dead Americans.
It's global scale hyposcrisy to the max and a lot of third world countries are beginning to wake up to the fact that the first world is not their friend. This goes down to the level of individual people as well as governments.
Stop trying to reason with JIDF shills
Fourth generational warfare is really stupid.
They may return the game later
You are talking with monkeys or monkey lovers lol
If Russians ran Steam they would have no qualms blocking access and deleting the saves of American gamers. This appeal to principle stuff only works if both sides have principles. Adhering to a standard your opponent would never entertain is stupid.
>he thinks russians deserve anything but a reset
>implying russia isn't 4th world (dead and refusing to accept it. in need of full reset.)
Only pre-purchased games who got paid after 02/24 got removed, because troubles with banks.
Everyone else has their copy of game. You can buy code from any site that has them or even buy retail from physical shop. If you manage to add funds to steam via Kazakhstan vpn or web-money - you can buy the game as well.
However, sekiro got removed from our region and we cannot buy it anymore. Of course, if you already have it - you can play it any time.
tldr: op is lying faget
>he thinks hes not an NPC
Bros I'm scared
that's kind of a dick move, can't understand why the world right now is doing this, i mean, russia is at war too, why aren't they getting support? donations? why just russian gets games removed from steam store?
>he defends dead nations
This is literally in no way acceptable, which is why even leftists or whatever idiots ITT have to go full absurdism and say shit like, "HURR, all Russians are le animals :)"
It's just retarded and makes no sense. Not letting Russians play a game won't stop a war
I heard the same from my Russian friend. from what I understand, the actual transaction between the banks takes a few days, and then the SWIFT thing happened, so they just refund you and pull the digital copy back.
Not sure man, but I can kinda understand not wanting to be surrounded by nukes and enemy bases
Glad I didn't buy this SJW shit
>he uses strawman arguments
Yeah, having Russia on your borders is incredibly dangerous for a country. Makes sense for them all to team up and defend one another.
>West's right-wing is entirely in pocket of Russia
>Now when something bad happens to Russia, rightoids freak out
is only partially right. If it happened to literally any other country, rightoids would celebrate
Why is it dangerous?
noun: strawman
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
where did i post any strawman?
russia is a dead nation and has been since 1917.
You can figure it out surely!
because russians are feral.
They don't want to transition
>he defends dead nations
Here. Where did I defend russia?
I don't think it's right wingers defending Russia here. I think that's what you've been told to believe by idiot leftists. But I'm talking to a lost cause here. You're too brainwashed to even talk to from the looks of it.
>Where did I defend russia?
Discord link?
>rambling nonsense
>goddes is literally transsexual
>has the holocaust in the game and the 6 gorillion
>like every Dark Souls game, has a faggot sub story with a bishonen boy and a dude obsessing over him because the devs are self-inserting
>a dozen STRONK WYMAN who become kings, are the strongest boss or threaten to beat your ass in the ending cutscene
Not sure what you were expecting from From Software
the right wing hates russia and russians.
Why is there only one shitty anti-russia NPC tier meme but shitload of good pro-russian ones?
So calling someone an NPC means defending russia for you?
why does he have bags
is he shopping
Surely this "global conflict" that fucks over common people in many countries and gives big money businessmen even more control and power just happened to start right after covid crisis and pushes yet more racial divisions along with ridiculous price increases and restrictions.
Because the left literally can't meme. Even if you pump money into their meme factory
Tell me one good reason on why I should care for what happens to a warmongering shithole like Russia.
Okay that is unfair
Fuck man
They've been openly doing it in the US at least. Normally burger right wingers salivate at the thought of having an excuse to go out and have their "brave boys" slaughter scores of civillian foreigners. It's weird how they're backing Russia right now.
>rightoids freak out
I work with old boomers and all of them hate Russia because "Those damn commies"
when in response to me pointing out the fact that russia is a dead nation, yes.
>Not letting Russians play a game won't stop a war
Nirvana fallacy.
Nice headcanon
>shitload of good pro-russian ones
your ability to tell what is a good meme is fucking broken.
Tell me what the purpose is of banning them from playing a shitty RPG
Bandai has nothing to do with it. It happened because all payment methods on Steam (save for Steam wallet) for Russia were cut off due to the sanctions after the war began, and some pending transactions couldn't be processed.
Russians who buy games are embarrassment for their nation.
nah, of 30 games the only this happened to was Elden Ring
How can a dead nation invade other country without getting their shit kicked in? How come they hold their ground for so long if they are a dead nation?
To encourage the populuce to start thinking whether they want to really support an evil government.
Now they are canceling countries. Can't plucky Russia just assert its dominance in peace?
>dumb president causes war
>rest of the world
In order to stop a war... Which is retarded. Also consume less mainstream media. Your brain is literally melting.
So, instigation? Thats criminal offense in most civilised countries you know.
Happened to a friend of mine's Synthetik 2.
What part of any of that was untrue in the least?
>y-you don't own it unless you buy it
>steam removes the game you bought because your countryman did something they disageee with while piratechads get to keep it and play it (for free)
Kek PirateCAPTAINS win again.
Gotta pull out all the stops when you're losing. Meme adversity.
lol cry more nigger
>How can a dead nation invade other country without getting their shit kicked in?
which is why russia is losing?
have you not been paying attention to putin getting fatter from stress eating?
>How come they hold their ground for so long if they are a dead nation?
15 seconds isn't long, user.
until the russians turn around and fix their fucked up government by hanging putin and restructuring they deserve nothing but punishment.
>In order to stop a war... Which is retarded.
Nyet. Banning video games is never going to stop a war on its own.
The Russian people are pacified and cannot stand up against their own government due to not living in a democracy.
We are shaping the population, not the government. There is no reason to believe that this is the last time Russia is ever doing something evil.
Correct. I believe that laws do not supercede morals.
Yeah, but guess what? Every one who doubted about their position now became pro-goverment because the rest of the world fucked us over. Why should we dethrone our president, if he is the only on who support us? To lick west's ass? Ukraine does this and got destroyed.
Listen Ivan, you need to recognise your super heckin evil government already. To do this, we will take away the videogames. Now you’ll have the same politic views as us!
>23 of February
>Putin is a dictator who does not represent population
>24th of February
Lmao suck my dick nigger. The only thing this has achieved is convincing russians that they indeed live in besieged fortress over few weeks 10 times more effectively than all attempts of Putin's propaganda did over 8 years.
>Why should we dethrone our president, if he is the only on who support us?
he supports israel, not russia.
when will you learn?
Nah, it's trash.
>money spent: 60€
>games gained: 0
>money spent: 0€
>games gained: 1
If your country won't do that for themselves then why expect it from other countries? If Russia deserves punishment for not doing that, then so does yours.