Is this unironically the last gen for them? They seem to be floundering at every turn

Is this unironically the last gen for them? They seem to be floundering at every turn.

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bumbling idiots will keep buying their FIFA machines but the soulful part of Sony is all but gone

aren't they still making a fuck ton off genshin, fifa, and fortnite mtx?

They seem to be doing fine and outputting fun exclusives. Thankfully, the world is a very different place than the schizos on Yea Forums would try to have you believe. I'm sorry everyone cant be dumbass Switch casuals that hate gaming.

Huh, then why cant they keep consoles on shelves?

I see them going bankrupt for sure. They fucked the ps5 so bad

And destiny, now that they have bungie

Because they're not making them

You people said the same shit with PS3 and PS4.

How long has Yea Forums been saying this?

>I love all of their exclusive game


the PS3 will be their last console

Doesn't Genshin run like shit on PS4?

Why do you snoy troons hate Nintendo so much and pretend to be them when trolling?

>Yea Forumstard going full defensive

Just a simple question

No, but this is the last gen for Xbox. Next they'll focus 100% on PC and drop the consoles.

I think it's the last generation for consoles in general.

Change PS4 to PS6 and it's indistinguishable from a post in the current year.

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You know the worst part about this? there has to be at least ONE autistic retard who said it back then and is still saying it to this year
Imagine seething about a company in a random anonymous forum for over a decade

>No, but this is the last gen for Xbox. Next they'll focus 100% on PC and drop the consoles
Literal retard. Xbox is a very big part of game pass, which they care most about. Whats the logic of taking AWAY a platform of there's that's their number 1 gamepass seller?

They have sold more consoles and have infinitely more exclusives than Xbox a year and a half in so I’m not sure what you mean by floundering. Plus porting games to PC has been huge for them and the fatties on this board. Grade A copium OP

There's always a market for consoles. Sales numbers don't lie.
I think this got even shorter than the last time I saw it

a) Xbox hardware only loses money
b) They also sell Game Pass on PC, costs them nothing in hardware
c) They're investing heavily in streaming and don't mind having Game Pass and/or streaming on other platform, of which there are a lot more than Xboxes. Like seriously, there are 200 million PSes and Switches out there, they'd sell it to them rather than 50-odd million Xbox
Companies want profit and the existence of Xbox hardware does nothing good for profit.

>Try to make a thread to talk about Ghost of Tsushima or God of War Ragnarok
>They die
>Some user makes a concern trolling thread about PlayStation dying even though they had the most solvent generation transition to date with PS5 and are banking billions net each FY from PS alone

It has never been this bad here, there is nothing here that isn't porn, shitposting or logical fallacy indulgence which if you care about what is true and not just what you like is infuriating. I hate it here more than ever and I have got to leave.

XCloud on phones and smart TVs is probably their end game.

I hope so. They deserve to die.

You should go back to plebbit and twatter

>Try to make a thread to talk about Ghost of Tsushima or God of War Ragnarok
>They die
good, no one gives a fuck about onions-core games here. go circlejerk about that shit on reddit faggot

Their about to drop their new psplus service and implement vrr in their games. Get hyped

It ran so badly I made a new account on PC after putting up with PS4 Genshin for 20 hours

This. People who uses Yea Forums as their only source will surely think Sony is doomed.

yes, Yea Forums discounts revenue but Sony is king of mtx.

I guess he's a tendie because it's not like there's Xbox fanboys here. Funnily enough Sony doesn't even see Nintendo as a competitor.

Why is every Yea Forumstard's wet dream to see Sony fail? I mean you guys have been going on for decades now, it's almost as comical as the "Nintendo is doomed" threads

So the standard what Yea Forums says is usually wrong?
It goes both ways desu, nintendo doesnt see Sony as a competitor either

>So the standard what Yea Forums says is usually wrong?
W-what? No, of course not. Most of Yea Forums just hates Sony.

When was the last time Sony has announced anything (aside from capeshit that one time) since PS5's reveal 2 years ago?
They've been skipping all events and their Absolute State of Play were all disasters

I got "invited" to pay them for a PS5 a week or two ago. By the time I got through the queue all the consoles were sold out anyways.
Bought a Series X yesterday instead since I realized the only thing I'd play on the PS5 is the Demon's Souls remake (but I just played DeS on RPCS3 instead).
Next time if you want my money then just take my fucking money.

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>I’m not sure what you mean by floundering.
I dunno.
Maybe going from outselling Xbox 3:1 to just 1.2:1?
Or maybe failing to capitalize on the demand for their system and having to cut their projections every quarter as the result?
Or maybe having no release dates for games untill the end of this year?
I'm not sure

Not a sales analyst so I won't attempt to spout shit as if it's fact, but I believe the PS4 gen was good enough for them to weather out a slow or terrible console. Wii U didn't kill Nintendo, Xbone didn't remove MS from the industry. The only thing I can see leaving them no option to continue is if MS is allowed to buy everything it wants without anti-trust laws being implemented. Playstation without EA, Ubi, or other substantial third-party support wouldn't be able to exist as is. Losing Bethesda was already a hit as that is the main WRPG publisher, and if Activision goes through and Xbox is stingy, they lose COD. I don't think their line-up of IP is as strong as Nintendo's to where they can carve their own niche. As much as people try to pretend they'd go out and buy a new Sly Cooper, or Jak & Daxter in droves it won't be comparable to a Zelda or Mario.

That is why Xbox becoming popular again is life threatening for them. They rely on third parties completely.

I love when people who don't have the slightest idea about the console business try to explain why companies should do this or that.

>banking billions
Revenue is not profit

MS don't even need to cut off completely just put exclusive stuff in Game Pass and PS won't be an option for tens of millions of people.

>Highest ASP
>Highest Dollar Sales fiscal year so far/down marginally past 3 months
>Xbox has to sell 2x Xbone per Cinco to keep up

Unbiased. I owned both an a mid range PC.

Drunk NPD analyst is here. no proprietary info will be shared.

>Jak & Daxter in droves
I'm not sure if Naughty Dog has any good faith left with gamers for that to happen. Especially considering none of the original developers are still around so the game would most likely be shit.

Does anybody remember the endless barrage of schizoposting a few years back about how Sony was on the verge of bankruptcy and there wouldn’t be a PS5?

Financially they are doing fine for a generational transition and Sony as a company made 10 billion dollars in end profits last year, they are doing perfectly fine and won't be bowing out anytime soon, Sony was willing to take a hit on the Playstation brand in the past, they will do this again in the future.
As far as games go, Sony still owns it's critical darlings, you're an idiot if you don't think Uncharted 5, or God of War 2, or The Last of Us 3 won't be major hits critically and commercially, and even now Microsoft only has 1 of those things down, only TES/Fallout are guaranteed commercial hits for them, not so much critical hits, and that's after hundreds of billions in acquisitions, Xbox as a brand won't break even on that for decades, and people are just blind to how unstable the Xbox brand is, the next CEO could easily jump in and dump that shit, Ballmer almost did.

Let's hope

their sales are really good in core parts like the consoles and microtransactions like Second dumbass said; they're not sinking just floating.

maybe they'll stop forcing horizon and make a new LBP game. ADHAUW$ HUAW$U HWAHAAHAHA

I know most Yea Forums hates sony but they are never dying. Nintendo also had bad times with the WiiU but they recovered, so did Sony from the PS3/Vita disaster.
I remember Yea Forums spamming 24/365
>there won't be a PS4 and here's why
before its release a decade ago

>one more gen

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I can't keep the N-gage on shelves either user.

ok but he was right
PS3 games didn't even start looking as good as MGS3 until like 5 years into its lifespan

you won't regret it series X is sick

>there won't BE a PS4
What do you think OP?

sony can't keep up anymore. this is what they get for taking away our titty games

the non PC alternative is xbox though and they literally make up reasons to not let basic indie horror games on their platform let alone anime tiddies.

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