Was this the biggest scam in videogame history?
Was this the biggest scam in videogame history?
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Your mom.
There are worse games user.
Way worse.
No, Star Citizen is.
This. Game was released, unlike Scam Citizen.
The game exists, so no. It's not great but it's not a complete travesty either.
How was it a scam? Did you lose any money on it?
It was a flop, but they hauled it over the finish line with the content they (mistakenly) believed their customers would want.
Nice nail polish, Duke.
George Broussared scammed at least 1000lbs of beef ribs and 250,000 worth of cigars and paid company pojer games out of his publishers.
>How was it a scam? Did you lose any money on it?
Bankrupted apogee and 3D realms
Dunno if they were ever publically traded though
Yeah probably unironically happened
That sounds more like a hustle to me. If you're just robbing money men and not the general public it doesn't really rise to the level of "scam" for me.
Not sure if they ever were, but my knowledge only comes from having read Masters of Doom.
Does anyone remember when this game was apparently dead in the water and someone leaked a bunch of story stuff here? And then the game did get released? And all the leaks were dead-on?
I just realized after 10 years that's some whores hand not his
Is it really as bad as people say it was? It looks pretty decent in a sonic adventure way. (super flawed but pretty fun)
Every vidya company was a "hustle", the only ones not hustling were Interplay and look what happened
It has regenerating health and a 2 weapon limit while making fun of Gaylo
Doesn't help that it was ugly even for the time
If it had came out when it should've (2003-2005) it would've been fondly remembered as the not so groundbreaking but well-loved cousin of games likes Doom 3 and HL-2.
Unfortunately because of incompetence, bbq lunches and fucking around and not giving a shit it got squeezed out of gearbox's ass many years well past when it had a chance of being relevant or quality in the final state.
>Every vidya company was a "hustle"
Yeah that's kinda what I'm saying
Never forgive Bulletstorm
the whole bully hunters thing, whatever the fuck that was
excuse me, who the heck is this?
The dlc in this felt like the actual game while the rest felt like gearbox
I heard the dlc was fun?
It's fucking boring and even the humor falls flat. Fuck anyone who defends this shit, they're clearly still suffering buyer's remorse.
No, that would be Star Citizen.
It's just a mediocre Half-Life 2 clone that released around five years too late.
>Is it really as bad as people say it was?
these days it seems like people's gone soft on it. It's genuinely fucking awful on every level
The original 2d Duke Nukems are better. It's fun to play and shit on it with friends.
No, not letting the fucking 80 - 95% completed DNF 2001 was the biggest scam in video game history
Youll be poor forever
There's way worse. You can at least play DNF.
Duke Nukem Forever was a meme. Everyone knew it was going to be mediocre at best.
The worst scam has to be Twilight Princess. Nintendo WANTED you to buy the Wii and the Wii version of TP even though you could wait two weeks and get the superior Gamecube version.....if retailers actually stocked the goddamn game. I couldn't find a copy since retail stores didn't carry it and Gamestop only had enough for pre-orders.
You guys remember when George Broussard had a stroke live on Twitter?
but why would you want to?
Also, why would you want to play darkspore
Who else /pre-ordered/ here?
pic unrelated i guess?
it was painfully mediocre, which is probably the worst possible outcome
That would be Elden Ring
Game was stuck in dev hell and came out as generic 7th gen fps
Besides "early access" games? NMS and MN9 (3DS).
Releasing a shit game isnt a scam.
You're looking for Star Citizen
DNF was a decent little 6/10. Noticeably jank and colourless, but played decently enough. A kind of mish mash of styles from the previous decade of FPS gamea
Now play any DN3D version that isn't running in DOSbox and DNF will instaslide to 0/10
I have done and I prefer DNF. DN3D is extremely repetitive and is about 3 times as long
You're out of your fucking mind, user. But I guess it takes all kinds to make a world.
>the last good duke game came out in 2002
no, there is another.
and fully playable, there's a download in that page, bud.
Also it did actually release for 3DS, it's the PSP version that wasn't.
Doesn't make sense. He was having a stroke but still managed to finish the tweet? That's as stupid as the candleja
It wasn’t THAT bad
That would be diakatana not dnf
Dnf is like as boring as dark void
Now never dead was a bad game I can think of hundreds that are worse that dnf
What exactly was so bad about it? Never played it
The only way a human with active brain cells can enjoy DNF is if they are riffing on it.
It has little of the charm that the character of Duke can bring. This in of itself is not a dealbreaker: a game can just be good despite not being very well written. Unfortunately, DNF is not that kind of game.
It is very generic. Even for it's time, the formula is pretty copy paste. It's a slog to get through.
The one thing it has going for it is all the different environmental interactions you can do. This would work really well in many games and they clearly realized what they had going on, and tried to make it work. but the writing is just so fucking abysmal that most of the jokes fall flat. Which is a shame because this is where you would expect the character of Duke to actually be at his prime.
If you can pirate it or find it for real cheap then I'd say grab some friends and stream it for them over voice chat, and just have fun shitting on everything the game is trying to do. Otherwise don't bother.
bubblegum ASS
I actually agree. If it's one thing I'll criticize the game for is that it's unfocused.
The game eventually saw a commercial release so no.
the notion that videogames are anything but electronic toys for children intended to provide fun
this videogame cover was my gay sexual awakening
>hidden palace
>Dead Rising early builds will never see the light
oh fu
True. Having said that, Sega got it equally right.
>A kind of mish mash of styles from the previous decade of FPS gamea
Maybe that's why it took so long to come out, a desire to scrap half of what they made and chase trends every time trends changed
There's a lot of reasons that it got stuck for so long in development hell, but that is likely one major factor.