Why did the game get shafted by the community?
I played it recently after playing the first game and I got to say that the gameplay in 2 is way better than the first, the story is very compelling, the world is just as diverse in terms of settings.
The only thing I can understand why people will say that the second game does not live up to the first is because of the the concept of individual vs collective philosophy the first game imposed, but also Andrew Ryan being a much better antagonist vs Sofia Lamb.
But even with all the things that the second game doesn't do what the first games does, it's still a fucking fantastic game in it's own right not just in terms of gameplay but story as well, loved the ending to the second game way more than first because of the struggles of Big Daddy.
Bioshock 2
1 was considered some sacred beast to the point that any sequel in the same setting was seen as a bastardization of the first game. Infinite danced around that by completely changing up the setting.
Bioshock was really a game meant to tell a single story and was designed as such even down to the mechanics, and it told it. So 2, no matter how good, was always going to suffer from being kind of superfluous. Infinite suffered from this even more so, having Plasmids and Big Daddy's and so on "Because they just do".
I remember thinking it was just a cashgrab following the hit they had. Something like glorified DLC put onto a disc.
Story not quite as good but combat was improved a lot.
>communism and matriarchy bad
wonder why they don't like it
I admit that I played the first game when it came out and didn't want to play the second because of word of mouth that it's not quite as good, so therefore I strongly believed that there could only be one at the time and dismissed the sequel without even playing it.
Wrong of me I know.
So 2, no matter how good, was always going to suffer from being kind of superfluous.
I guess that can be true for most new IP's, but in this case, I just think 2 got underserve recognition.
>Infinite suffered from this even more so
Infinite got mismanaged by the publisher according to leading devs who worked on the game, and I believe it.
Infinite had so much potential, one of the devs stated they cut enough content for 4-5 Bioshock games because of publisher interference.
Also forgot to mention that I played the second's game DLC, what an experience.
i just have shit taste compared to large sample sizes because i love all the bad sequels
zelda/castlevania 2
bioshock 2
dark souls 2 > sotfs
system shock 2
doom 2
they cut content for 4-5 games because ken levine is a retard
I thought Infinite was fun and the story flowed alot better than 1 and 2. Its hard to beat the atmosphere in the original though...but at least Infinite introduced new concepts and mechanics
For me it's the fact that the PC version fucking crashes every 5 minutes
The original did run like shit for me, I launched the remastered version and it was smooth.
Eleanor is my wife
not memorable in the slightest, I played and beat it and I remember it being decent but I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in it
there's something in the sea
does anyone remember that? ken levine wishes he could hype up a game like that, fuck that pussy
How is SS2 a bad sequel? I loved it. First one was good but I'd never replay it, SS2 I've replayed multiple times. The setting and aesthetic and atmosphere I think are strictly better, though maybe thats just because its more "modern", the story was pretty good too, maybe not as good when you factor in how early it shows the big twist, but I think the real main villain, the many, is really well done.
And desu, Shodan is one of if not the greatest video game villains I think regardless. Just wish the last part of the game didn't feel as rushed and there was more fleshing out for it.
But even outside the story, the combat, mechanics, little story journals etc everything is an upgrade IMO. Besides maybe having to get a few levels in skills like hacking to progress.
>doom 2 is a bad sequel
nice revisionist history
that just means you're a closeted homo
uh oh lol, I honestly remember nothing about it, it's not memorable, I remember being on a submarine? There were different versions of big daddies and that is literally it. Bioshock 1 and Infinite were masterpieces and were extremely memorable. I bet a different team made the second one
> and Infinite were masterpieces
You sound like an NPC.
Infinite was a masterpiece, agreeing with NPCs in certain instances doesn't make you one but agreeing with a person regardless of your own personal opinion does. Tell me why Bioshock Infinite is bad in your opinion?
bioshock 1 had more interesting levels imo.
you learn how rapture operates and runs through the levels, which helps make it feel more alive.
also bioshock 1 atmosphere is creepy/tense compared to 2 where they just dropped that. i still remembered parts of medical pavilion 10 years later compared to 2, where i pretty much forgot everything
but i liked it
>Why did the game get shafted by the community?
low iq retards that thought the plot twist in the first game was the peak of all storytelling
the second game is superior to the first one in every single aspect and the Sinclair "plot twist" was much more interesting
Ironically, 2 has developed as a sort of cult following of being the best game in the series. I definitely think so.
>tfw will never get to play the multiplayer again because the community is full of discord trannies
Is that Kirby?
2 looked prettier and had better gameplay, but the story was was forgettable and the level design was Highly formulaic. It took the annoying escort mission with the little sisters from the end of 1 and repeated it twenty times in 2.
Pitch me what you want out of a potential Bioshock 4.
Why is no one taught reading comprehension?
I love these games. The GAMER MAJORITY does not. Are you esl? Can you pass an american high school literary course before posting from now on please?
The only thing I want is for the games to go back to playing more like System Shock 2 and less like Infinite.
No majority considers Doom 2 a bad sequel
>Infinite suffered from this even more so, having Plasmids and Big Daddy's and so on "Because they just do".
Come on man, have you even played it? One of the key plot elements explains why you find similiar versions of Rapture stuff in Columbia.
i want it to cease production immediately
You spend too much time online
I own Doom 2 on floppy disk, I've never heard anyone call it bad outside of this board
Arx Fatalis but in the 80’s
For the love of god please don't bring back the two weapon limit from Infinite
You're so out of touch the song didn't even start playing in your head.
Gamers dont care about classic doom or modded doom. Its nudoom and nudoom only.
If you think a majority of gamers played vanilla doom II or mod their games you need to wake the fuck up and realize the gamer majority isnt old enough to smoke and thinks the ps3 is ancient history
what the fuck are you talking about?
When Doom 2 was released up until the present day, Doom 2 was not considered a bad sequel
People have made complaints online that the level design is pretty bad, but that didn't affect anyones opinion of it in the past
I need you to realize the gamer majority wouldnt even recognize a floppy disc as a save icon. Wake. Up.
No one but crusty old fucks and the most contrarian of hipsters plays old doom.
I already know that, that has nothing to do what I'm saying, that nobody considered Doom 2 a bad sequel
>gameplay in 2 is way better than the first
There's some really broken builds in this game, but it's fun as fuck nevertheless, storywise I didn't really give much of a shit, but the DLC was good.
Every old game is bad. Thats the majority consensus. Get over it.
Old games came out four years ago.
Move on.
You get a sample size from todays younguns and not a single one will sit still long enough for classic doom.
The majority opinion of your bygone days is that theyre unironically garbage.
Get with the times and stop thinking the general public has any consenus in line with what you see here.
You seem to think the entirety of the gaming sphere is composed of nothing but Twitch streamers now.
Thats where the majority is
Thats where the profitability model will focus
Thats where underage users are who have the most valuable data
You think anyone wants to cater to less than five percent of gamers? The percentage thats been playing freeware from decades past?
No one cares.
In the past, when Doom 2 was not an old game, nobody considered it a bad sequel
Doom 2 has never been considered a bad sequel
You sound legitimately insane
Thanks for admiting you live in the past now come to terms with the fact that gamers aren't going to give a fuck if doom II stopped existing over night
Gamers play fortnite
Autists with no social circle or retired boomers use freeware
Move on
What you're saying has ASBSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I'm saying. Are you insane?
Its not my fault you're stuck in the year 2000
Doom came out in 1993. I'm not stuck in the past, I don't play Doom. I'm saying that when it came out, people didn't consider it a bad sequel. You said it was a "bad sequel"
Stop thinking any opinio from 28 years ago matters in the realm of video games.
Not even the smallest marketable gamer demographic is that old.
>surely my game from almost thirty years ago will be enjoyed today!
You might as well bust out a train set and some tin soldiers.
>The GAMER MAJORITY does not.
no it doesn't, Doom 2 is beloved as well as Dark Souls 2, only Yea Forums hates them and they are correct in the case of Dark Souls 2 but incorrect about Doom 2 (literally better in every way than Doom 1 beside the length)
I'm not disputing any of that, I'm saying it wasn't a bad sequel
It didn't dissapoint fans of the original game on release
Touch grass. The gamer majority doesn't even like dark souls.
Okay i have heard industry people call it garbage user with undesirable workflow and unfufilled expectations which also
Doesnt fucking
Understand I dont think theyre bad. I accept the majority does. I accept that the people who made it think its bad. Unrelated but if you have the chance go listen to ken levine talk about SS2. He hates it. He loves infinite. Why?
you can say that about any beloved franchise kek, it's understood that whether or not a series is beloved is decided by the fans of that series and most Dark Souls fans love Dark Souls 2, only Yea Forums is the minority of hating it
Doom 2 is literally on the wiki page for greatest games of all time kek
>i have heard industry people call it garbage user with undesirable workflow and unfufilled expectations
no you haven't, the people who made it do not think it is bad, please take your medication
Fans are the death of every IP user when you grow up youll see
Shit clearly youre too slow and dont understand the concept
>no u
Ok retard
Ok, now that's a new type of schizo. Never seen those before.
Nobody who made Doom 2 thinks it is bad. I've heard indepth opinions of several of the Doom 2 developers who made the game. NONE of them think it's bad. This is something you just made up, and instead of admitting your mistake you've gone on a giant bizzare schizophrenic tangent
Lurk moar
Capitalism and profitability models will destroy all you hold dear
fuckng this
it was one of the best FPS multi ever
No one who is being marketed to knows doom II exists
No one cares about doom II just like no one actually plays OOT or MM retards on v or vr are so social outcasts and a vocal minority they do not represent anything relevant
that has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about
>i moved the goalposts
Ok retard
Keep living the past its almost halfway to 2023
2 is indeed a fantastic game, but it often looked and felt like more of the same, but with some defensive segments and weapons. I don't mind, but you know how ADHD normalfags are.
Like you said, the gameplay is miles ahead. Bioshock 1 was already barely an immersive sim with how consolized and combat heavy it is, so 2 doubling down and making the combat the best in the series while streamlining the character progression stuff was the right choice. Keeping the player in the action with the hacking minigame being real time and the enemy camera being based on doing as many unique hits as possible were genius compared to the show-stopping hacking minigame and the "keep taking pictures over and over" in 1.
2's story and themes is better understood not in terms of 1's focus on politics and society, but more as a Freudian sort of thing. The real focus is on Eleanor and how Lamb thinks she can sculpt her into a being of pure superego, but Lamb fails to realize that moral development is something children have to work through themselves, and your role as Eleanor's "father" is to help her negotiate her Oedpial complex: she yearns to be with you, watches your moral choices closely to shape her own morality and become like you, develops her own identity through bodily autonomy (getting the big sister suit and fighting alongside you), and in the end overthrows her mother and either has you penetrate her to take your essence fully into her, or you reject the penetration and she learns to be truly independent while mourning your loss and her fantasy of being totally immersed in you. It's much weirder and more nuanced than 1, but the fact that it still had the trappings of political stuff made it hard for players to see 2 as just rehashing 1.
Infinite's writing is fucking terrible and all of that shit was obviously shoe-horned in far after the fact
Yes i have bitch i dropped out of vasser
Ive wasted time in places you cant afford to visit on vacation
Stay fucking mad
Two ideas :
>A demented all-male subterran incel hell, which turn out to be the colony of workers who built Rapture
>A highly German Expressionism city on the Moon
No I didn't move the goalposts. That has nothing to do with Doom 2 being considered a bad sequel. Nobody who has an opinion on Doom considers it to be a bad sequel. You are struggling to logically connect thoughts together
bioshock? more like bioschlock amirite?
no user the majority of gamers would start bitching about
>muh grafix
Its nudoom or its trash hell even old asscree isnt palatable today
You're genuinely insane. Seek medication
>no u
Cope retard time to wake up to 2022 where no one remembers winxp or floppy discs or even cds
Doom 2 is a great game, we get it you are nuDoomfag that wants to pretend like you are an OG gamer, you're not you are zoomer with shit opinions. Doom 2 is the best game ever made, quit saying it is bad you cunt
I didn't say that. I said people don't consider it a bad sequel. Please bang your brain cells together and understand the difference